The Lost Riolu Part 2
#2 of The Lost Riolu
Wow, not even 12 hours later and part 2 is already up. This just kind of proves that I really don't have anything at all to do over my weekends. That just means that I will be able to keep posting this story. If there are any problems with the story then just let me know and I'll get it fixed as soon as possible.
It was about 5:45. I had picked up a map of the city, which I learned is called Crescent City. I looked at the watch that the shopkeeper gave me. I never really took a good look at it because I was still pretty surprised by his kindness. It was a silver watch, with an all-black face. Each of the numbers was clearly presented in silver to be easily visible. That was when I remembered that he wanted be back at the hat shop at 6:00. I looked at the town map and saw that I had luckily gone not too far from where the hat shop was, so there was no need to rush. So I just calmly strolled back to the hat shop.
The hat shop looked really cool at night. The sign clearly mounted to the front wall was beautifully lit in a bright blue with white lettering, and the display windows had 4 spotlights lighting all of the display merchandise. I looked down at the watch again and saw that it was 6:05. Just then, all of the lights in the hat shop started to go dark sequentially. I looked over at the door and saw the shopkeeper walking out of the door. He turned to the door and stuck the key into the key slot and locked up his hat shop. As he was turning around he looked down and noticed me he said "oh there you are, you ready to go?" I nodded and we headed off.
We reached his house and he said "well, here we are." I looked up at the house in amazement. It was a beautiful tan color with a maroon colored roof. Half of the roof was flat yet the other curved. We walked up the lit grey steps up to the large wooden and glass door. He unlocked the door and we both walked in. He switched on the lights to show a fire place with a very large television mounted on the wall directly above it. There was a 3 bladed wooden fan hung 6 feet below the 2nd story ceiling. The room was 2 stories tall because the 2nd floor was not extended above the living room. He motioned for me to follow him and we went over to the 1st floor bedroom. He opened the door to show a room with a bed in the far corner of the room, with a television sitting atop a table directly across from the bed. In front of the television was a dark brown laptop. The table had a large black chair in front of the computer as well. Next to the bed was a wooden bedside table with 2 drawers and a glass top. The bedside table had an alarm clock sitting on top of it facing the bed. "This will be your room. My son used to live here but he moved out a while ago, so this room is always empty. He left behind his old computer on the table. You can use it, I mean, if you know how. Oh! I almost forgot." He rushed out of the room. I went over and sat on the black chair and waited for him to come back. He came back into the room and set down a large notepad and a pen on the table in front of me. "Here" he said, "you can use this to write down anything you want to tell me." I took the pen and wrote on the first piece of paper I still haven't gotten your name yet. "Oh right, I forgot you asked me that before. My name is Jim. You said your name was Sean correct." Yes, that is all I know right now. "Alright, well you can stay here whenever you like. Here, take this key and attach it to the watch. This is a key to this house. Just make sure to lock the door if you leave. I'll be upstairs watching television in my room, just come up if you need anything." I nodded and with that he left the room, closing the tan door behind him. I stood up and walked around the room for a bit, looking at everything in the room. There was a closet on the wall of the room that was filled with lots of stuff. I saw a lot of wires and a bunch of random objects. I also saw some cars that were much smaller than full size cars. I couldn't tell what they were but I felt like I have seen some like them before. I turned back and went to sit on the bed. I laid down on the bed and found a TV remove on the bedside table next to the bed. I turned on the TV and just started flipping through channels, not really paying attention to what was on. I was too busy thinking. "Well, here I am in this man's home. I still don't know what I'm going to do in this life but I figured that I would just enjoy myself for now and explore the city." I ended up just leaving the TV on a local news channel. I was about to fall asleep when I remembered something, the TV was still on. So I reached for the remote and set the sleep function to 30 minutes so it would automatically turn off. I put my head back down and fell asleep not 5 minutes later.
I woke up and sat up in the bed. I looked over to the bedside table at the alarm clock and saw that it was 8:00 am. I looked down at my hands and remembered that I was a Riolu now. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, felling very well rested. I went over to the table where the notepad was sitting and saw that Jim had left me a note.
Left to work at 7:00. I forgot to tell you that 7:00 is when I usually leave. I came in and saw you asleep and didn't want to bother you so I left alone. I left you breakfast sitting on the bar in the kitchen. I hope it hasn't gotten too cold but you can heat it up in the microwave if it is. You have fun today and stop by the hat shop if you need me for anything.
Have fun,
_ _
I walked out of my room and went over to the bar and sure enough, there was a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast sitting on the bar. It was a little cold so I put it in the microwave for 20 seconds before taking it back out. I sat alone at the bar eating my food wondering what I should do today. I was back to the same problem I had before; I didn't know what to do. "I could go help Jim at his hat shop, or I could go explore the city some more." I finished my food and went back to my room. I sat down in the black desk chair and looked at the table. I saw the map that I had gotten yesterday and decided to look on the map to see if there was anything special that I could go see. I did see the park that I stayed at when I first arrived in the city. I noticed a large building on the map close by the hat shop. It turns out that it wall a huge mall. "That would be a fun place to hang out for the day" I thought. So I decided I would head out then I remembered, "My hat!" I ran back to my room and picked up my hat off of the bedside table and put it on. I decided to wear the hat every day because of two reasons; one, I really liked the hat; and two, it makes me look like I belong to someone, even though I pretty much did, just not officially. So I walked over to the front door and opened it up and stepped outside. I closed the door and locked it, just like Jim had told me to the night before. I then slowly walked down the grey steps and started to follow the route that I had planned out using my map and made my way towards the mall.