The Lost Riolu Part 1

Story by hondasarecool on SoFurry

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#1 of The Lost Riolu

So, this is the first story I have ever written ever. I don't expect it to be good but so far my friends haven't said it was bad.

I awoke on this special morning. It was special because I could not remember at all what I have done over the past few years of my life. All I could remember was who I was and that I was a person. I opened my eyes to see a sky half blocked by trees instead of my usual white room ceiling. I tilted my head left and right to see that I was in the middle of a forest. All I saw were trees in every direction. I stood up and looked up at one of the trees. I have seen trees like this before but these seemed to be much taller than I remember. After I was pondering my thoughts I realized that I felt much different than I used to. I looked down at my feet only to notice that they were not the same. My legs were all black and covered in fur. I looked at my arms and they were covered in blue fur. My hands were now small paws and I only had 3 digits on each paw. I felt my head only to notice 2 pointy ears on the top of my head and two black appendages on the sides of my head. I no longer had any doubts; I had somehow turned into a Riolu and was transported into a forest. Whether the forest was in the Pokémon world or the real world I did not know, but I figured that I would find out soon enough.

I wandered around the forest for a while before finding a small open clearing. I sat down and leant up against a tree and just started to think. "What did I do last night that could have put me in this position? I don't remember anything about my life, except for that my name is Sean, and that I was a human. What happened last week, or last night for a start?" No matter how hard I tried, I could not remember what happened. So I got up and figured I would have some fun with my new form. Luckily I still retained my memory of Riolu and I knew quite a lot about them. The first thing I wanted to see was how fast I could run. So I looked around and just started running as fast as I could in a random direction. I was fast. Surprisingly fast. I kept running for a while then stopped after I had satisfied myself and sat down next to another tree. "Wow, that's really something" I thought. I was thoroughly impressed. I also remember reading that Riolu were very strong. I tested that my hitting the tree with all of my strength. All I did was hurt my paws. I then realized that I hadn't really thought that through so well. I laughed at my stupidity then I realized something. "Is there a reason I was turned into a Riolu and sent to the forest, I mean, what am I to do here? And where am I. I still don't know where I am or what I'm doing here. Wait, if I only run in one direction, I'm bound to run into something. What it will be, I'm not sure, but I'm willing to give it a try."

I stood there for a second and remembered that Riolu are sensitive to aura, not as sensitive as a Lucario, but still. So I stood there and concentrated. I was able to know that I was doing something but I could not tell if there was anybody, or anything, around. So I started to run, I planned on running until I found something or someone and ask them where in the world I was.

I had reached the outskirts of a city. Which city, I don't know, but a city nonetheless. I walked into the city and began to look around. I seemed to be in a housing area, although I could make out some taller buildings in the distance. So I started to head towards them. I as I was walking around I didn't see many people around, I assumed it was because it seemed to be pretty early in the morning. As I got closer to the tall buildings, there seemed to be more people appearing. Most of them were in suits and appeared to be heading to work, so they didn't pay much attention to me. It seemed like New York, everyone rushing to get somewhere. Because I was mostly being ignored, except for the occasional glance or sorry from someone rushing past and not noticing me, I concluded that I was no longer in the real world, but the Pokémon world instead. I eventually made my way through the downtown looking area and found a park. I entered the park and sat down on one of the benches and just sat there and waited.

After a few hours more people and Pokémon showed up. I just sat on the bench and watched them have fun. Then I started to wonder again "what am I going to do now? I'm a Riolu now and I don't know anyone, nor does anyone know me. I have nothing to do now. But I need to find a place to stay." So I left the park to see if I could find some place to stay, because I was pretty sure that I had no home. After I left the park I saw a few stores around, so I just wandered into one. It happened to be a hat store, so I looked around and saw the coolest hat ever. So I put it on just to see what it would be like. It fit perfectly and actually looked pretty cool. So I just stared at myself in the mirror, this was the first time that I saw my entire body. Sure enough I was a normal Riolu, aside from the hat. I stared at myself for so long that the hat shop owner noticed me standing there and came over. "You really like that hat." He told me. I tried to respond but all that game out was a happy whine. I had forgotten that Pokémon could not talk. He seemed to get what I was trying to say and said "you should go get your trainer and have him buy it for you." I looked up at him when I noticed a notepad with a pen sitting on his desk. I walked over to it and wrote down a note for him, I was glad to know that I could still write. It was a bit challenging due to the paws but I got it. I handed him the note and he read it. The note said I would but there is a problem. You see, I don't even know where I came from. I just woke up one morning in the middle of a forest as a Riolu. I don't know where I came from or why I am here, all I know is my name. He read the note then looked over and me and said "so you don't even have a place to live?" I responded by shaking my head no. He looked at me and said "well, it might be a little odd, but I have a spare room at home you can stay in if you like." I couldn't turn him down. I shook my head yes and walked over to the paper again and wrote thank you sir, if it's no trouble, may I ask your name. My name is Sean. Also, I could help you by keeping your hat shop organized or working. "Oh no" he said, "if you really want to you are welcome to work but whenever you feel like it you can go enjoy the city, go out and have fun with yourself you know. Tell you what, I will give you that hat, and leave that extra room open for you. You may live here as long as you like, sound like a deal?" All I could do is nod in agreement and give him a hug for being so nice. "I'll take that as a yes then" he laughed. I laughed as well as I could and we shook hands. "Alright, you go enjoy yourself, just be back at 6:00. Here, take this watch so you know the time. At 6:00 come back here and we can head over to my house so I can show you where I live, will that work for you?" I shook my head to tell him I understood. "Alright, see you at 6:00 then, bye!" he said with a wave. I waved back and walked out the door with the biggest smile I've ever had.