Rolos - Summer Camp (Part One)
Rolos - Summer Camp
Sam jumped from the mini-bus and landed on the soft ground with a muffled thump; eyes closed he breathed in deeply, taking in the scent of nature. The grey wolf sure did love the outdoors, the bright green grass, the sound of the bees and the colours of the flowers swaying to the rhythm of the earth. He loved it even more so when he was out camping with his scout troop, away from his life just out having fun with his friends. "Sam move!" The sudden burst of noise coming from the inside of the minibus caused Sam to snap out of his daydream and realise that he was blocking the exit to the minibus. Feeling the skin under his fur turn red Sam stepped out of the way to allow the loud Squirrel to pass, "S-sorry Olivia, was miles away," She glared at him for a second before strutting past and leaving the rest of the troop to deal with the tents and the kit. Sam never fully understood why Olivia came on camps with them, she hated bugs, dirt, wouldn't participate in most of the activities and usually moaned after an hour about the terrible reception she was getting on her phone. *********************************************************************************************************
After almost 2 hours had passed the sun was still shining, the tents were up and Olivia had only moaned 7 times about her need to tweet to her hundreds of followers, things were looking great. Just as Sam was lazing on the warm grass a small fox ran up to him, "Heya Sam!" Sam opened one eye lazily to look at the small canine,"Oh hey Johnny, what's up?" yawned Sam as he propped himself up on his elbows."Iain's putting up the list of tent buddies!" yipped the excited cub, "I really hope I'm with you again!" As Johnny ran back to the campsite Sam released a slight shudder at the thought of the last camp when he was in a two man tent with the fox.A few minutes later Sam returned to the campsite to see Johnny walking away from a large tree looking upset and close to tears, he took one look at Sam and ran away sniffling. At closer inspection at the paper Sam deduced that the tears were probably because it appeared that Johnny was being paired with Joe a quiet Otter, not a bad guy just not Sam and that probably crushed the poor fox; Sam felt a sudden pang of guilt before once again being reminded of last years fiasco and all feelings of pity were instantly wiped clear. The wolf scanned the paper until he found his name and next to it written 'M. Lewis + W. Lewis'. Sam just stared at the text in disbelief, he was being paired with the Lewis twins. Sam spun around and instantly saw the two Dalmatians at the other end of the campsite having a competition to see who could throw the pinecone the furthest and sighed, Sam had recently been having odd feelings about the Dalmatians that had him questioning himself, and now he had the chance to spend 4 nights alone in a tent with them both. As Sam was having his little daydream William, the older of the two turned around and smiled at Sam and motioned for him to join them; Sam instantly blushed for the second time that day but this was for a whole different reason... The End! (Of Part One anyway) Please let me know what you guys think! Any comments positive or negative will help me learn and hopefully produce better stories that everyone can enjoy!! I plan on getting part two up by Sunday at the latest!! :D Sam Softpaw xx