Chapter 15: Revelations
#15 of The Spyro Chronicles SE
Chapter 15
Chapter 15: Revelations
Dragon Realms, Uncharted System
March 7, 2204
0824 Hours
[System Error- //GPSdisabled//233415CordinatesUnknown//ContactTechnician]
Spyro nudged himself, his limbs feeling weak. He slowly looked up and saw a figure nearby. The figure didn't notice him and walked off, into another room. He was in a house like structure. Wooden walls shielded the area and a small fire was nearby. There was a blanket on top of him and there were small puddles of blood on the floor. It was his blood.
Spyro looked over and saw the same Lion from before, asleep nearby. There was a sword and a bow nearby. Next to the bow was a quiver filled with dozens of arrows.
"Ah, I see someone's awake." Spyro cocked his head to see a girl walk into the room. She was shorter then Allison, younger looking as well. She walked over and set a hot hug of water next to the Lion on a table.
The girl wore a dress like uniform that had a knee guard and a few other things as well. A necklace was around her neck which glistened as the light from the fire danced across it. The feature that had gotten the most attention from Spyro was the symbols underneath her eyes. He hadn't seen any other humans with those. She must be special or something.
"What, you're not going to say anything?" She asked as she knelt in front of Spyro. Spyro snapped out of his daze and looked her over again.
"I uh...who are you?"
"Names Roxy." She said with a smile.
"Mine's Spyro." He said, returning the smile. Roxy stood up and walked over to the table next to the Lion, taking the cup and taking in a sip of her hot water. Spyro could hear winds outside, suggesting the storm was still brewing.
"You were pretty beat up back there." She said as she walked back to Spyro. Spyro felt his chest and it was a bit wet. He retrieved his claw and a few splotches of blood were on his claws. The spear tip had been removed, a strange foam filling his wound where it was.
"I was trying to find someone..." Spyro said as he groaned, trying to find out what he foam was.
"Would they happen to be human, like me?" She asked. Spyro looked at her for a second before nodding. She smiled and walked to the door, motioning for him to follow. He stood up and took the blanket off, seeing the puddle of blood that had formed under him.
They both walked out of the door and into another room. Spyro saw a handful of Marines sitting about, some wounded some not. A few of them had red crosses on their helmets, distinguishing them from the other Marines. Wagner had once referred to them as Corpsmen... or Medics...
One of the Marines had a silver bar on his helmet, a Lieutenant. The soldier saw Spyro, hopped off of the bed he was sitting on, and walked over.
"Spyro I take it?" He asked. Spyro nodded.
"Why were you out in the snow?"
"Looking for you guys."
"Well you found us."
"One of you men said you found something here. Did you?"
"Sure as hell did. A metallic structure that the Apes and other forces of the Dark Master were hovering around and entering. We didn't get a good look at it, we had to fall back when we fell under attack and then the blizzard hit. This girl helped us to shelter." Roxy smiled as she walked over to a wounded Marine and handed him a cup of hot chocolate.
"Where is the structure?" Spyro asked. The Marine walked to a bed, pulled out a paper from a pocket on his uniform and placed it on the bed. He pulled out a stick with a black tip and pink opposing tip. As he touched the paper, it left marks. The Marine drew a crude map of the area, marking their area.
"This is us." He pointed to a square illustration on the paper. He then moved to the opposite area and drew a few more items and finally drew a circle.
"This is the temple. It is about a mile from here, separated from us by a few high bluffs and structures. The temple seems to be buried into one of the glaciers so its entrance is hidden. Though the Apes prance around it so much that it's easy to find." Spyro nodded and walked off to the door.
"Don't tell me you're thinking of going over there..." The Marine said as he pocketed the paper.
"I am. I need to find out what they're up to... with or without your help." The Marine looked at Spyro. The dragon seemed dead set on what he was going to do. The soldier sighed.
"Fine, we're coming with to." The Marines all gathered around, even the wounded as they grabbed weapons.
"The wounded will stay here, Faison,Darwin, keep them safe. We're moving out to the temple." The Marine Lieutenant instructed.
"Not without me your not!" Roxy said as she pulled a coat on and the lion came out of the other room, close behind.
They walked to the door of the cabin and opened it up, snow flowing in. Blood dripped from Spyro's wounds. The medic walked alongside Spyro.
"You sure you're going out there? That medical foam will only hold for a bit. You could bleed out without any major medical attention soon."
"I'm fine." Spyro simply said as he cringed as the cold hit his wounds.
"At least take this." The Medic took a small tube with a needle tip and inserted it into a crack between his scales that revealed his bare flesh. Spyro felt a small prick of pain but then felt the pain wash away, his wounds also feeling non-existent.
"It's morphine, a pain killer." The Medic said as he put the item away.
Spyro felt a bit of renewed energy now that the pain was fogging his mind. He walked out into the bright air, small flakes of snow left over from the blizzard floating in the sky. Instead of the angry black clouds, light grey ones took their place. However, more black clouds were on the horizon which meant they were still in danger and were on borrowed time.
"I've sent out a beacon and dropped it at the location of the cabin, so hopefully the Typhus can pick it up and evac them." The Lieutenant said as he walked over in the snow. There wasn't much snow fall, just the thick layer sitting on the ground. They trotted through the white stuff, moving to the nearest structure- a fort.
As they approached, Spyro saw a few of the local soldiers sitting guard. They spotted the Marines and groaned out a challenge. They dashed at them, their swords gleaming in the sun.
The Marines immediately lit up the seeming calm of the snowy landscape with the CRACKS of their automatic weapons. A few fired in single shots or small triple bursts, but nonetheless, bullets flew from their weapons and collided into the oncoming wave. The snow around them was picked up and the skeleton soldiers were snapped in half as bullets sliced through their armor like paper and cut their bones into pieces.
The area the Marines were on gave them an advantage. As they sat on the higher ground, the soldiers had to climb a slope to get to them. Along their right side their was a few trees which Spyro used to his advantage. He walked along those trees, just behind them to conceal himself. There was a small trench which dipped between the trees and ran parallel to each other. He used that to move along to their flank and waited until the next group came to reinforce the soldiers from the fort. The Marines already had that initial ground under control.
Just like Spyro thought, another group of soldiers left the fort and dashed to the Marines atop the bluff. Spyro dashed out in front of them and blew a fireball at the first three that emerged, getting their attention. They roared out and a few threw spears at him. Spyro remembered the last time that happened and rolled into the snow, letting it soften the impacts.
He shook the frost off and fired off his Earth blast. The shotgun like blast of energy blew the ones nearing him into the snow, shattering their armor and bones underneath. More came, swords at the ready.
Spyro groaned before whipping his tail, flinging snow into their vision to temporarily blind them. They tried to wipe it away but Spyro grabbed the first one, bit the arm holding the sword and threw the soldier into the others. Spyro used his muzzle to grab the sword's handle as it lay in the snow and brought it up. He ran at the ones nearing and used it to deflect their sword blows. He then whipped his tail around once more, using them as a target instead of the snow. His tail knocked them down and Spyro discarded the sword before unleashing a white hot jet of fire which consumed the soldiers.
The soldiers ran around, trying to extinguish the fire, but it burned them until their charred bones tumbled into the snow and Spyro blew out a small cloud of smoke from his nostrils. He was done playing games. It was time to get down to business. The Marines had dispatched the other group by now and ran alongside Spyro.
They turned to the fort, which was erupting in chaos. The doors flew open and a blast sent the soldiers in a heap of charred bones. Out of the smoke emerged Roxy and her Lion companion who walked in a triumphant manner.
"What took you guys so long to get here?" She asked. The lion huffed.
"That was too easy." It said.
"Holy crap it talks..." One of the Marines said.
"Everything here already does, why not?" Another chipped in.
The Lieutenant walked to the front of the group.
"C'mon, it's this way!" He said and they ran in unison after him.
The grey clouds drew nearer and Spyro knew they didn't have much time left to spare. They entered the fortress and entered a network of tunnels underneath the fortress and passed underneath a glacier throughout its ice filled caverns. Spyro hoped they could get to the bottom of this in time...
0924 Hours
[GPS Offline- interference from area detected. Error- 22543//a3 Marine Recon Team En Route]
"How's he holding up?" The Medic asked, walking to Aaron. Zephyr felt his scales.
"He's cold; we need to get him out of here." Zephyr responded.
"We need to radio back to the Typhus..." A Marine said.
"We can't. Something's interfering our radio signals. We're limited to short wave radio and even then it's choppy at best." The Sergeant said with a sigh.
They sat in their shelter as some walked outside and set up guard posts. Krypto walked in with a bit more wood and food which they burned and prepared over the fire in the middle of the room they were in.
The snow flurries picked up a bit, not enough to cause alarm amongst the men sitting in the room. They heard some gunfire though and that alerted them. They all sat up and scanned the area.
"Anyone know where that came from?"
"Not that I know of..."
"Well let's go check it out..." With that the Marines gathered their gear and walked over to the source. They went to the caverns they had used to enter this building. As they were about to enter the cavern, several grublins leapt out of it and attached themselves onto a Marine and onto Zephyr as he neared. Zephyr placed his paw on the attacker and forced down, even as it sank its teeth into his skin.
The Marine did the same except four more leapt onto him and his body went limp as they began to tear him apart. They left the dead Marine and leapt at the others, only to get retaliatory fire from the Marines' weapons as well as Krypto's incinerating fire breath.
The Marines retreated to the back of the room as Grublins swarmed out of the hole. Krypto stood his ground, even as they crawled all over him. Zephyr tossed the Grublin that had attacked him away, kicking it with his legs.
Suddenly a grenade explosion rocked the room and a jet of fire came from the cave. The remaining Grublins sucumed to the fire and as the smoke settled, they saw a dragon sitting just beyond. A few Marines emerged from the clouds and Spyro came right after them, Roxy and her lion close behind.
"Spyro!" Zephyr yelled as he saw the purple dragon. Spyro smiled and walked over to them.
"Didn't expect you guys to follow." He said as he stood next to Krypto who whipped the blood from his side.
"Well you weren't exactly in fighting condition..." Zephyr said.
"Where's Aaron?" Spyro asked.
"He's not well..." Krypto said while walking away from the group. More then anything, Krypto just hated being surrounded by others.
"Wait, you said Aaron right?" Roxy said as she walked over.
"Yeah. Why?" Zephyr cocked an eyebrow at the question
"Oh my gosh, where is he?"
"You know him?"
"We're good friends."
"He's in the other room, but he's sick." Zephyr said while pointing to one of the adjacent rooms. She walked off towards it and Spyro followed. The rest of the Marines followed as well.
Aaron was cooped up next to the fire in the middle of the room, a Medic nearby monitoring his condition. Roxy walked over but the Medic raised his hand, issuing her to keep her distance.
"He needs rest. His condition will get worse unless he sleeps." The Medic explained. Roxy sighed and the lion walked over next to Aaron, lying down and nuzzling his fur against Aaron. The sleeping dragon smiled and muttered something: "Tom..." the Lion- Tom- smiled and kept him warm.
"Damn it... radios still won't work." The Marine Lieutenant said as he tapped at his earpiece.
"There's something about this world... some areas that our radio signals go out completely and others where it's just fine..." The Sergeant said.
"Magical field?" Zephyr suggested. He knew nothing of mechanics, or even what a radio was. Though he just wanted to throw something out there. The Marines both looked at him.
"Normally I'd refer you to a doctor but you don't know how possible that sounds right now..." The Lieutenant said while drooping his head low.
Spyro walked into the room with Roxy and Zephyr.
"Well we need to find this temple... and find out what they're up to..." Spyro said and the Marines nodded.
"Temple?" The Sergeant asked.
"Looks like we have some explaining to do." The Lieutenant said with a chuckle.
1014 Hours
[GPS Offline- Source of Interference Unknown. Local Radiation spike detected// 33266d3f22]
"There it is..." The Lt. whispered as he lay in the snow with a pair of binoculars honed in on a large open silver doorway leading into a glacier. In between them and the open doorway, there was a large field with several Apes inside of it.
Spyro nuzzled in the snow, watching. The Marines beside him got into position as well, getting ready for the eventual assault. Zephyr, Krypto, Roxy and Tom sat in the snow as well, waiting for Spyro to move. The super chilled air splashed against his scales, making his mind react even faster as it kept him focused. The lack of pain also helped him think, but his thoughts were interrupted by the thought of Cynder... sitting in the MedicalBayof the Typhus... he wanted to see her badly... now more then ever...
He tried not to think of it and instead nodded to one of the Marines who threw a grenade out into the mass of Apes moving about. The grenade detonated and five were enshrouded in the black and orange cloud. Snow plumed up from the explosion, sending it everywhere and coating nearby Apes in frost.
The Apes soon spotted the attackers and the Marines opened up. Spyro, Roxy, Tom, Zephyr and Krypto ran out of their positions and charged the Apes, the Marines now shifting their fire to allow this.
Zephyr kicked an Ape while Roxy used her bow and arrow to nail two. Krypto slashed his claws and batted one away while Tom pounced on a group, tearing them apart. Spyro used his horns to smack one away while charging. He didn't have time for these guys. He had to get inside.
Ignoring the battle, he did just that.
While the others remained outside, Spyro dashed into the silver hallways of the temple. After the entrance, it headed down deeper with an inclined ramp. A long hallway then ensued, revealing that the structure went deep into the glacier it was imbedded into.
As Spyro went he noted the lack of Apes inside and finally came to a large room with a structure in the center. The structure housed a black crystal that spat a beam of darkness to a receptor on the ceiling. As Spyro neared the crystal, he felt cold. He back off as the crystal gave off large amounts of dark energy.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Spyro heard a nearby voice and looked off. It was Fang's. Spyro bore his teeth and saw the black dragon emerge from behind the black crystal. Fang smiled at him.
"So sorry my Master couldn't show. He is attending to business somewhere else. Is nice to see you nice and rested Spyro. I thought it was time we had a chat."
"There's nothing to talk about." Spyro said simply.
"Well then I'll do the talking... or rather asking..." Fang said while smashing Spyro against the wall with his tail. Spyro cringed with the impact and the air flushed out of his lungs, causing him to rasp as he tried to regain his breath.
"Why is it... that every purple dragon has come to terms with their destiny... and yet you continue to refuse it?" Fang inquired as he brought his eyes to meet Spyro's.
"Because... it is... wrong... The Great Cleansing... cannot happen... or this..." Spyro said in reply.
"Because it is wrong." Fang smiled at the statement.
"What is more wrong, allowing species to kill each other off or ending it nicely, paving the way for a new plain of existence? What is more wrong, seeing others suffer or trying to find a solution to it? What is more wrong, being assigned a duty by your ancestors or denying it, endangering everyone?!"
"What are you..."
"The Purple Dragon is more then just a... 'Beacon of Hope.' The purple dragon is the guardian and protector of the Final Weapon of Darkness. The Final Solution. He is the sole protector and is entrusted with its power. Malefor is fulfilling his duty by raising it from its depths... and using its power to its fullest... Malefor may not trust the forces at work... but he knows that this weapon can change everything..." Fang tossed Spyro aside and he skidded across the metal floor, splotches of blood coming from his opened wounds.
"We can end this all right now... all these wars... all these fights... all this conflict... by ending it now, and starting anew. It is the duty of the purple dragon to fulfill. Malefor is ready to do it... and yet you are hesitant."
"You're killing innocent lives! You're going to wipe them all out!" Spyro pleaded, trying to get through to Fang.
"There is no such thing as innocence... Humans live to destroy... Lakadors live to rule... and dragons are the middle ground... we are the ones to stop this wave of destruction before their war wipes everyone out... it is... the only way..."
"No!" Spyro fired a beam of energy at Fang but he flapped his wings and canceled it out. Fang smashed his claws into the ground, sending a shockwave to Spyro which sent him flying into a wall. Spyro coughed as blood oozed from his wounds, the foam in his arm now coming loose and pain rocking his body. He could hardly stand up now.
Spyro tried anyway. He urged with every muscle in his body to keep upright. He felt the cold feeling of blood running down his scales and he heard the drip sounds that came from it hitting the ground. Fang let out a loud laugh.
"Thanks to the Apes, we were able to make these crystals... and they are going to help us a great deal... even without your help, we can end this once and for all. You have no choice but to submit..."
"" Spyro said, a small stream of blood coming from his mouth. Fang kicked him and Spyro went limp from the kick and fell to the floor. Fang grabbed him, shot a hole in the roof and flew out into the bright sky.
Fang tossed Spyro into the now forming snow storm that was whipping the area. Blood stained the snow and Fang laughed as the Marines in the area fired their rifles at him, not even noticing Spyro. Fang was about to retaliate against the humans when a beam of black nailed his chest. He snarled and did a back flip. Once he recovered, he saw who had hit him.
Spyro, his neck numb, couldn't turn his head to see who fired that. Fang did, and roared out before more beams flew at him. He flew off into the sky and disappeared amongst the blowing snow that was now obscuring his vision.
Spyro tried to move his head but he felt nothing. Suddenly he saw something in the snow flurries in front of him. They were Nighthawks, landing in the snow and he saw figures walk out of them.
He saw a figure land in the snow nearby and walk towards him. He squinted his eyes and saw a black dragoness standing before him. It was Cynder.
A Marine ran up beside her, his face a bit concealed by a cloth. The Marine pulled it down to reveal himself as Wagner. He looked at Spyro with a look of astonishment.
"MEDIC!" Wagner called out right before Spyro lost consciousness.
End of Chapter 15
Krypto belongs to Kryptangel92
Aaron belongs to Dragonfreak1112
Zephyr belongs to Dragonheart666666
Roxy and Tom belong to Roxydragoness
Spyro belongs to Sierra Entertainment
Fang and the Marines belong to me