An Umbreon's Quest Chap 10 Camp III
I do not own Pokemon, I own the characters.
The character 'Shadow' belongs to drakenguard42.
Please enjoy
The truck soared off the cliff and plummeted down. Amadea and I flew out of the truck, screaming as we fell at immense speed. I squinted my eyes and there, a large branch. I reached out and my left arm instantly got hooked on the branch. Amadea held on to my right hind leg.
The pain was overwhelming. My arm felt like it was on fire. The truck crashed into the bottom with a massive explosion.
"Nicarun! Let go of the branch!" Amadea yelled, hanging on to me leg.
"WHAT!?" I shouted.
"A ledge is below us! C'mon!"
I looked down and three meters below us, the ledge was big enough for both of us. I released the branch and landed on the ledge with a loud thud. Safe from being smashed into pieces at the bottom of the cliff.
My muscles ached. Amadea was exhausted, breathing in short and shallow gasps. "You ok?" I asked her and she nodded in response.
"That was not fun." Amadea groaned.
"How are gonna out of here?" She asked, looking in every direction.
I turned around and the wall of dirt seemed impossible to climb, I'd fall off if I tried to.
"Hang on what is that?" Amadea said, trying to pull a large rock away from the wall of dirt. I helped her out, we pulled the rock away and it was hiding a small cave.
"Ok, lets go in the creepy cave. Hopefully it'll bring us outta here." Amadea said.
"I should go first." I said to her and was about to enter the cave.
"Oh what a gentle dog." She said sarcastically.
"I can use flash and light up the cave. Can you do the same?"
"Alright then, c'mon lets go."
I crawled in and used flash, the cave was actually a tunnel.
"Who would make a tunnel like this?" I asked Amadea as she crawled into the tunnel.
"Bidoofs, Raticates I don't know. Lets just get out of here." She replied. We ventured into the long tunnel.
"The tunnel is heading upwards Nicarun." Amadea said.
"Its getting really hot in here." I started to sweat.
"And hard to breath."
The tunnel was taking us up steeply, nearly upright.
"Hey that looks like an exit, but its blocked." Amadea looked ahead, the exit was a hole and it was blocked by another large rock.
"I'll try to get that rock out." Amadea said as her eyes and the rock blocking started to glow blue.
Meanwhile, in Garomun's point of view.
Keltorie and I fell out of the truck as it speeded of into the night. I rolled and bounced on the hard and rough road. With a muddy splash, I came to a halt, laying flat on the road.
Bruises on my shoulders and back. I slowly got up. I was drenched.
"Garomun." I heard a whimper. I turned to my left and Keltorie was trying to get up. I rushed in tried to push her up on her feet. There was a small scar on her neck.
"Where's that book?" I asked myself, looking around. At the corner of my eyes, there it was, resting on the right side of the road.
"C'mon we gotta find the rest." I said to her as I picked up the book with my mouth. We followed the tracks on the road made by the tyres of the truck. Keltorie was walking slower than me.
As I trotted on the road, I heard sniffing and whimpering behind me. I turned around and saw Keltorie.
Her head was hanging low, her legs seemed to be trembling. I walked up to her and asked her, "Hey, what's wrong?" She did not respond. I noticed water droplets were falling from her face.
"I can't take this this anymore. Why is this happening?" She said in a shaky voice. She lifted up her head, tears were rolling down her face.
I took a step closer to her. She still sobbing and I had a hard time trying to find the words to say. She moved forward in front of me and placed her head on my right shoulder.
"This is so embarrassing." She suddenly while she sobbed. "We've always bickered when we were eevees. I've belittled you and I'm crying. I don't know if I can do this."
"Hey, c'mon now. You want to see your parents again?" I asked her after I put the book down while she was still leaning on my shoulders.
"Of course I want them back but how? I'm not strong or powerful. What have I got myself into?" She whimpered.
"Hey you are powerful. You just have not seen it yet. You're not doing this alone ok? Nicarun, Amadea, me, even Shadow. We're in this fight alright? We're supporting each other. We'll find them" I said to her with a quiet and gentle voice. I used my tail to wipe her tears off her face.
"Wow, you really know how to light up my heart." She said, her sobbing soon stopped.
Then, the sound of rustling leaves coming to our left alerted us. I stepped in front of Keltorie, ready to attack.
"Relax Garomun, its me. Shadow." A voice came out and Shadow stepped out of a bush. There were small scars on his legs and neck. He made a small leap and stood on a rock.
"You fell out of the truck? Where's Nicarun and Amadea?" Keltorie said, her voice was a little shaky though.
"I don't know." He replied.
"We've gotta find them right now." I said with hasty voice.
Suddenly the rock Shadow was standing glowed blue in color. The rock rolled to the side, causing Shadow to fall down on the ground. Shadow had a surprised expression on his face. There was hole on the ground which the rock was blocking before it was rolled to the side.
And an Espeon and an Umbreon leaped out of the hole. The Espeon's eyes returned to normal.
"That rock was heavier than I thought." Amadea said as her eyes return to normal.
"Amadea? Nicarun?" Keltorie said, confused.
Back to Nicarun
"Why were you guys in that hole?" Garomun asked us. "Truck fell off a cliff, we landed on a ledge, crawled through a tunnel from the ledge and here we are." I said in a tired voice.
"Uh, ok then. Well should take a break. Take a look at this book as well" Garomun said and picked up the book.
"Guys, over here." Shadow said, pointing at a small cave. We trotted into the cave, I used flash again to brighten the cave. Garomun opened the book.
"Hey Shadow, look at this." I called to him. However, he did respond. He was sitting two meters away from us, staring at the wall of the cave.
I walked up to him and swiped his tail to get his attetion. "Huh?! What is it?" Shadow asked, he seemed a little surprised when I swiped his tail.
"I need you to look at this." I said to him. Both of us walked back to the group, all of us were sat in a circle around the book. We browsed through the book.
"Goodness. These people sure know what they're doing." Amadea said.
The first page had pictures of a Flareon, a Leafeon, a Jolteon and a Vaporeon. The second one consisted of a Jolteon, a Glaceon, an Espeon and two Leafeons. The third had an Eevee, an Espeon and a Glaceon. The fourth page's pictures consisted of a Vaporeon and an Umbreon.
Shadow said with a low voice, "The Flareon and Leafeon on the first page are Tomi and Arch. Lencita adn Fallon are the Glaceon and Jolteon and the second page. The Espeon is Grand on the third page. And the Vaporeon on the fourth page is-" Shadow paused for a second "Basila."
"Its my parents, on the first page. The Jolteon and the Vaporeon" Keltorie said, looking at page.
"My parents are the two Leafeons and that Eevee is my brother." Garomun said with worried voice.
"My dad is that Espeon on the second page and my mom is the Leafeon." Amadea said as she laid down on the ground. I saw my mother, the Glaceon on the fourth page but my father wasn't there.
"We better get some rest for tomorrow." I laid down, I was very tired. I closed my eyes and slept.