You Are The Light

Story by Desolation35 on SoFurry

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Something I wrote along time ago. Still very meaningful.

Every day, is like a dream

But in that dream, you dwell in it

You belong there

You are the one that keeps everything from going wrong

And from that dream, I never want to be woken up

You are like the warmth from the bright light of the sun

You makes me feel safe

I always want to feel that way

I want every second of it to be as sweet as you are

You keep me confident

You are the light that guides my path

That path leads me to better things

I follow that path

I take every footstep in your light

You separate the trees in my path from being in my way

Your light still shine through that path

Keeping me aware of where to go

I never want to reach the darkness from that light

If I ever do meet the darkness

All sanity that you keep balanced in my world

Will cease to exist.