He awoke...

Story by Seventh Architect on SoFurry

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"So?", Roudeh asked.

"My real name is Jork. Got plenty of weapons underground here, I had ventured down further into the depths of this facility to explore. I suppose I had done it for supplies. By the way. Weaponry. Not very hard for me to get."

"But you don't have the good weaponry like the higher ranking camps."

"It's good enough."

Jork unclipped a pistol from his belt and handed it to Alei, flipping the safety on before turning it too her.

"Use that to protect yourself."

Roudeh swiped the rifle from Jork and he didn't react at all, but did turn his head towards Roudeh.

"Better watch who you're dealing with. I did not just remember who I was to this camp, but all my skills as a hand to hand fighter. Fire off a shot and miss, you will die."

"Relax. Don't get all hot over something so small. These usually are very hard to get because their shots are fifty times stronger than any weapon that we humans have that shoots bullets."

"Well then. One for me, one for my mate."

"Mate? You mean to tell me you forgot your own lover?"

"I didn't just forget that, I forgot who I was, who I even know, who I am completely. I don't even know if I have a child."

"Touche. But I'll see what I can do to help you. She's gotta be a dragon like you right?"


"Good. Let's go, the team has called an all clear."

The doors opened and a team of elite soldiers came into view, recognizable as those who had dealt with massive amounts of enemy attacks and won. They had emotionless looks on their faces, most pissed off looks were at Jork, but he didn't mind them as he didn't give a care what they thought, nor if they attacked him. One brought his gun up to Jork as he passed by and through reaction, Jork swatted away his hand, slammed him down by his neck, and put his gun against his cheek. Immediately, fifty seven guns were loaded and aimed at him, except for the pistol that Alei had. He brought the gun away, quickly clipping it to his side, then held his hands up as he continued on with Roudeh.

"Don't do it again."

"Don't mess with me and you'll be fine, that is all I will say."

"Stand down troops."

All the guns lowered away from Jork and they continued walking on.

"I remember that I am a double agent for both the humans and the Tharrock. A while back, I took to the human side after being demoted from second-hand general to a warden in this low camp. They are loyal, but you and Seilla could take them down."

"Demoted for what?"

"Friendly fire."

"Damn. Strict community your kind has."

"I know. Now, my mate apparently left soon after I did. Couldn't have gotten far within a month could she?"

"A month. Wow. You've spent a month down there. Heh. Don't see how you got past the security at all."

"Me either."

Roudeh stopped at the edge of a large canyon which had been carved by multiple massive explosions and turned towards Jork.

"See that fallen skyscraper at the other side?"

Jork took a look at the direction which he pointed and saw the large skyscraper. It was one of three buildings still left standing in the small island void of damage or rubble. But it was clear-cut of the upper half.


"Yeap. In this nation, that IS next door."

Jork stared at the building, then saw a flash of something. Like a small blast. With reaction, he pushed down Alei, then moved out of the way before the bullet passed by them.

"Sniper. Someone over there must hate us."

"That would be the other half of my team."

"Call the off before I decide to fire back."

"Watch yourself."

Roudeh took out a small decive similar to a pager, and typed in a message then sent it, replacing it at his side.

"Now. There is someone they have captive over there. It is One of your kind, Tharrock, you said?"

"Yeah. Who?"

"It's not a dragon like you, but it is a female. A lamia."

"I don't know her. Just go ahead and kill her for all I care."

Roudeh waved his arm in the air and another flash came from the same spot. But no bullet passed them.

"She's officially dead. Couldn't get anything out of her and didn't care. We really could use other Tharrock as allies, so we sometimes capture a few, kill em off as we check to see if it is the mate of those who may have mates. We go through a long process like that."

"Must be boring. Now we find my mate."

"You could start over there."

Roudeh pointed to a flat plain past the city and held binoculars to Jork. He took tghem, then looked at the spot, sighting a few thousand people in warfare, medieval style. They used swords, but every now and then there was gunfire. But even that was rare.

"Any way to quickly travel?"

"Halo jump."

"Sounds fun...to...do."


"I'm one of the fleet's best halo jumpers. Except we call it a rocket jump. We use jet packs and shock absorbing boots."

"Hmm. Legitimately high-tech. No parachute?"

"Nope. If I have to use one, I'll learn."

"We have the equipment you people use for those already, we just thought it was for the heavier weaponists."

"Well then, lets go."

Roudeh nodded and then took the same device off his hip, but this time, he used it like a radio.

"Halo extraction on the battlefield three kilometers from your position, send a War-Hawk."

He let go of the button and seconds letter he was replied with a firm, yes sir.

"Get ready to go. Cause it will be here in less than a minute."

Jork strapped his guns to his body, ready to leave, then snatched his rifle back from Roudeh, who just laughed at him. The vehicle which was dropping them arrived within seconds of that action and landed in front of them. The correct term would actually be, hovered, because there was no ground in front of them. The engines positioned themselves downwards and it steadily approached the edge of the cliff. The vehicle was like a large hawk, the front being curved just like that of a hawk's, and the wings jutted out like the wings as well. The back end resembled even the tail feathers of one. The only thing missing was the legs and feet. All climbed on board and it immediately took off. One of the seven pilots closed the side door and handed them each the jet pack and shock boots.

"Get ready to drop in five."

Roudeh nodded to him and then he went back to the front end of the ship, assuming his piloting seat once more. The five minutes did not pass by slow or fast. Instead he thought of what will happen, what he remembers, and what is happening. He was on the side of the humans, but a double agent both for the Tharrock and humans. He has a lover, a mate, that he doesn't even know that he can love without his memory.

"Lets go!"

The bay doors opened and everyone put on the equipment. Alei had a little trouble but got it on after Seilla showed her how, then she jumped herself. The last to jump was Jork, and he stood, staring down at the sight below. A full two minutes passed before he stepped off, going into a dive. A few more memories flashed by in his mind and he took his rifle off it's clip, aiming down at a few enemies. The scope was powerful, holding the sight through as if he was right there. He let off a shot, then pulled the reload bar back, shot once more, then reloaded again. Every shot slowed him momentarily, making his decent even longer. Each enemy dropped dead, one by one, clearing the drop zone for the others. He continued on from there, sniping, picking off each, one by one, till there were barely enough left.

Once he neared the ground he clipped the rifle to his back, flipped to put his feet under him, and activated his jetpack at a hundred feet from the ground. Once he hit the ground, the shock boots let out a pulse which left a large crater where he stood and a shockwave threw up water from the muddy ground. Jork drew his pistol, then proceded to gun down the rest of the attackers. It didn't matter, the humans and Tharrock attacked him. No one knew he was an ally to both sides nor even on their side because he shot both.

Out upon the battlefield as he fought he backed into another tharrock. Now his immediate reaction was to whip around and shoot whoever it was, but the person did not turn from his back, fighting with him. Anyone that neared him was shot dead if he didn't shoot that person, Tharrock or not.

"Good to see you again!"

Whoever it was had a feminine voice. But it sounded familiar to Jork. He'd heard it before. Not recently, but it stood at the back of his mind, nagging at him to see who it was. But it was a war zone, and above that, there was enough people fighting that if he took his eyes away from the battle, he'd die. Once his rifle ran out, he dropped it and drew his other pistol. Soon, it began to die down. The enemy forces retreated, and both he and whoever it was with her back to his, were the only two standing. Seilla and Roudeh had left and the team which had been with them had died by both Jork, the female, and other soldiers.

"Before I turn around, why did help me, and why are you currently against my back?"

"Forgot your own lover, huh?"


He clipped his pistols to his waist once more and turned around to the female dragon who had, before, helped him down everyone around them. Her features were somewhat dull, worn down from many fights and war time. But she was it, she was the person he was looking for. She was his mate. Memories replaced empty sections in his mind and he was speechless.

"So you forgot me? How the hell did you do that?"

"Don't know, I woke up several hundred stories below the surface of the planet in a locked down section of the human society. Didn't even remember who I was, social-wise, till I looked at the symbol of my current camp post."

"Well, you did get to keep me after that demotion."

"Yes, yes I did."

"Not only that, but your soldiers are more loyal to you than the Tharrockian laws laid down by the ruler of Asverick."

"Good to know. I take it you know everything about me."

"Double agent for both sides, allied with only the humans. Giving false info to the leaders got me in trouble and they threw me out of my position."

"Doesn't matter. When this is over, they will beg for mercy."

"That's the draco I fell in love with.", Aur smiled.

"Have we, you know, yet?"

"Of course you would ask that. No, atleast not yet! But for sure we haven't."

"So there is no chance that you are currently pregnant?"

"Nope. Nothing at all."

"Good. Means I can worry a little less. I'm currently helping a few humans at the moment, finalizing my beliefs against the Leaders. After this, strict code of helping the humans."

"Then you'd better tell me who, because right now, I'm wanted by both sides for assassinating atleast two or three of their greatest generals."

Jork slowly closed his eyes and mouthed a swear then opened them again.

"Ok then! My current captain, leader, or whatever he is to me, is a human named Roudeh. He has a female companion as well, Seilla. I met a female-"

"You lying cheater!!!", Aur interrupted.

"Bitch I swear, if you do not calm down I will definitely leave you and hook up with this girl. I shit you not."

Whatever she was about to say was silenced and she just held her breath, then closed her mouth and looked away.

"Now. I met this female, exotically colored mouse. I'm not kidding, she is neon blue. But she is also the AI of a major operation the humans may have, be, or will be running. As long as we have her, we may have a chance of making the leaders even beg us to kill them."

"Turn the bastards in to Hadoras. They can all rot in his bowels."

"Nough said."

"So where are these two you told me of? Three."

"Lets see...Oh shit...Where is Alei?"

"You lots a neon blue colored female, Tharrockian mouse?"

"How do you know she is Tharrockian?!"

"Because she is currently dead, dying, or I missed her in combat and she fainted."

"Or she is just in pain, probably suffering from plasma burns."

"Makes me laugh. She's right over there.", Aur pointed.

Jork hustled over to the spot she pointed, and sure enough, Alei lay there, unconscious. Her shoulder had nearly been severed by a single shot, singed to keep it from bleeding. She'd be fine, but a few robotics would do good enough to make her arm usable again.

"This is Alei. A synthetic body. Few mechanics could fix her up."

"No, wait. This isn't a synthetic body. This a real Tharrockian body."


Aur bent down and picked Alei up, shoving her into Jork's arms.

"What do you want me to do with her?"

"You're going to bring her back to the nearest camp, and get her fixed up at one of the medical tents. Fly there as fast as you can."

"Fly? I can fly?"

"And I was told I was an idiot when I found that out, but this is just ironic."

Aur went behind Jork and took the knife from his side, cutting through the fabric covering his back. She dug the tip under a small skin flap and peeled it off completely, exposing the folded in wings.

"There. You told me you never wanted to use them for fear that the leaders would have them clipped if you screwed up enough. Got nothing to fear now. Stretch em out!"

"I don't know how."

"Think of it as flapping a second set of arms."

"Uh, That helps none."

"Good luck saving her life then on foot."

"Why can't you just fly her back?"

"Mine were clipped. Plus I'm wanted in all camps."

"Go figure."

Jork thought for a few seconds, tried a few times, then moved his shoulder blades. He felt his wings, which was more than enough. He went on from there, peeling them off andFanning them out, listening to each joint as they popped. A few tests of everything and he was ready within minutes.

"I'm ready. Can't waste any more time."

"Then go."

Jork flapped his large wings once, launching him into the sky high enough above the ground to see everything which happened there. A few dead bodies of high ranked soldiers, some very low ranked, the rest middle ranked. Thoughts passed his mind multiple times. What would he do now? What should he do and what shouldn't he do. But he set his mind upon only two things, getting Alei to the camp, and saving her limb. Maybe even her life.

He awoke...

Besides a throbbing head ache, and her numb arm, Alei felt nothing. Nothing other than the bedding she had been lain on. She opened her eyes, looking around in the dazed state she was in, seeing only blurs of everything. She sat up and discovered that...

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demigods and mortals of Asfeiren: Chapter 1

I want this to kick ff. Goign as slow as I can. Man, without my laptop, it gets to where I have to use my desktop. Well, I have the entire week to myself. So I'm planning on dishing out a chapter a...

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Brothers and sisters...

I'm going to try a hard maneuver. Double sex scene! BTW, why is there none of this?! I mean, there is twincest,a nd m/m/f/f stuff, but nothing on twin males fucking twin females! What gives people?! ...

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