
Story by Tygepc on SoFurry

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I feel a darkness inside

It wants an internal homicide

Of all the good that can reside

To create a downward slide

It wants an internal war

That has been fought before

All trapped behind a strong door

It is too much to ignore.

I have to fight

I must clear my sight

To make things right

And bring back the light.

What If

What if you could turn back the hands of the clock? What if you could turn back time? Would you correct all your mistakes? Would you change the person you are? Is it possible to make a difference? Is it worth the pain of reliving deep scars? ...

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A moment within a moment I agreed to the terms of my punishment My life was diverted My mind was sealed I unconsciously designed, built, and walked into prison everyday for 5 years I didn't learn my lesson I was sentenced to hard time for 28...

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Time I can feel the eddies swirl around me They caress my being with every step One moment I am old and grey The next I am full colored and spriteful I am barely aware of when I am Stepping from the fugue It pains me to see how all has changed...

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