A Trio

Story by Lavik on SoFurry

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"Well, well," said the doberman girl "What do we have here? Looks like a little squirrel lady's gotten lost!" The squirrel just stood there, too nervous to say anything. The girl in front of her looked tough. She was well muscled, with very thick skin. She wore a white tube top shirt which only covered her chest, and a purple jacket which ended just below the shirt and had no chance of wrapping all the way around her. She also sported a pair of purple shorts which didn't even bother trying to cover up any of her thick thighs. Her poofy hair was dyed purple, and reached down to the base of her tail. Despite it's long length, her hair appeared to be well taken care of. All this, when taken in together, provided a very striking look.

She now stood right in front of Lia. "So, What's a beautiful squirreless like you doing out here?" Poor Lia opened her mouth to talk, but she couldn't even force anything out. "Oh, excuse me. My name's Belladonna. Most people call me Bella. What's yours?" Lia still couldn't say anything. She stood, fingering her tattered shirt, pulling it this way and that. By now, she had almost pulled it off of her left breast. Belladonna grabbed Lia's necklace and, for a moment, it seemed that she stared beyond it at where Lia had unwittingly exposed her own chest, though it was a fleeting moment. "That's a beautiful medallion." This gave Lia enough courage to speak.

"I-i'm Lia."

"Really? I had a sister named Lia."


"Don't want to get into that."

"Oh, sorry." Lia was getting a little less uncomfortable now, even though the sun's light was fading fast.

"Do you have any family?"

"I have three sisters; and the only thing we have in common, besides our parents, is the fact that we're all bisexual."

"Really!?" It sounded like Bella got a little excited about this. "You're the first one that I've met. Truth be told, I think I'm a bi, too. So.. Where are you from?"

"The city of Irel, down in the country of Yazua."

"Between your clothes and accent, I figured you weren't from around here. So, what brings you here?"

"I came here looking for a friend of mine."

"Oh? What's her name?"


Bella looked around at the dwindeling light. "It's getting dark; we should get off of the streets. They can be very dangerous at night."

"Then, is it alright if I stay at your place, tonight? I don't have anywhere to go."

"Sure. And, actually, I think I'd like to introduce you to my room mate. Her name's Missy Rabbit. And, I should probably warn you, she is very tall and likes to stay in the nude as much as she can. And, she will try to snuggle you."

"Really? I like snuggles." Lia smiled at the thought of being snuggled by a giant rabbit.

"Heh; you can have them... Ah, here we are." Bella put a key into the door knob and pushed the door open. The sound of Star Trek: The Next Generation spilled out into the alley way. They both entered the house. The door was closed behind them. Bella shouted. "I'm home, Missy, and I've got someone I'd like for you to meet!"

Not even a minute had passed before Lia found herself plastered against the wall, being smothered by soft, warm, white rabbit fur. Bella had to pull Missy off of the grey squirrel. Lia stumbled a bit as she tried to regain her composure. All throughout this entire time, Missy was exclaiming just how cute Lia was, stating her wishes to snuggle her and even slightly hinting at something more. In regards to her personality, the rabbit was like the stereotypical school girl.

Bella managed to quiet Missy down some. Lia finally managed to get a good look at Missy. Once again, she couldn't speak. But this time it was due to the overwhelming personality of Missy, instead of strict fear. She was very bubbly and joyful. It was overwhemling. Soon, Lia was giggling, and then Bella joined in, too.

Missy grabbed Lia's shirt. "Ooh, this is so pretty. Do you mind if I feel it?" the squirrel nodded. She immediately grabbed the neck of her shirt and pulled it out.

"Uhh... I wasn't thinking of anything like this."

"What?" She looked at just what she had done. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I just wanted to get a better look at your shirt. I guess I kind of got over excited. That's very easy for me to do."

"I can tell."

Missy was about to say something else, but Bella stopped her, asking "Missy, did I get that call, yet?"

"Call?" the tall rabbit thought for a while before answering. "Oh, um, um, um, uh... yes, you did! It's on the machine." Bella thanked the giant rabbit and quickly stepped out of sight. "Now," Missy continued on. "What was I going to ask you? what was it, what was it... OH! I remember now... Do you like Star Trek?" Lia shrugged her shoulders, saying that she had never heard of it, before. "It's a television show that takes place in the future. They travel from planet to planet exploring space, and helping out where they can."

"Sounds interesting!" And, Lia meant it.

As soon as she said that, she found herself buried in white fur again, with wind brushing across her back. Soon, the rabbit sat down and situated Lia in her lap so that they both could see the tv. Just before hitting the play button, Missy asked. "Do you mind if I snuggle you? I ask because it makes some people uncomfortable, and I don't like making people uncomfortable." Lia nodded. Soon, she was pressed into white and tan fur. It was now that she realised just how tall Missy was. Even if Lia were to stand on Missy's leg, the rabbit would still have to look down to see her. The squirrel would only come up just above the rabbits chest. And, speaking of her chest. Lia soon found herself being distracted by it. Just before hitting play, Missy caught her staring. She said nothing, only grinned and winked at her. The button was pressed and the show resumed playing.

Even when calmed down, Missy was still energetic. She kept bouncing up and down on the couch. But, not enough to keep Lia from dozing off. Missy had a soft purr; like a cat, but not nearly as pronounced. But still, together with the soft fur and the warmth, sleep was easily invited.

Lia's sleep was interrupted by the angry sound of Belladonna's voice. She looked over at the doberman. She had taken her jacket off and was just then flopping down into the chair. She took a big sigh and glanced at Lia. "Sorry," she stated. "Did I wake you up?"


"... I don't want to talk about it."

Lia considered pressing the issue but decided against it. Missy looked at Lia and whispered "watch this..." She set Lia aside, went around behind Bella, and got on her knees. Slowly, she snuck her head up beside Bella's and, in a Dori imitation voice, she said "Hey mrs. grumpy gils. You know that you gotta do when life gets you down? Just keep tickling, just kep tickling, just keep tickling, tickling, tickling!" Suddenly, she tickled Bella's ribs! The doberman screached in laughter as she tried to push the rabbit away. Lia couldn't help but giggle as she watched. She could tell Bella needed this. By the time they ended, the chair had slid half way across the room and had toppled over, throwing both of them to the ground.

"It's no wonder that I can never stay mad with you around..." Bella wheezed. "Thank you. But, I owe you one, now..."

"I'm counting on it." The big rabbit rolled over on top of Bella and they began making out, forgetting that Lia (who was taking special interest in this) was even there. The sight of the rabbit's buck tooth pressing against Bella's lips turned her on.

Bella broke the contact, saying "I believe we have an admirer." and pointing at Lia. They both got up and moved the chair back to it's position.

"You know;" said Lia "I've always wanted to do that; uh, kiss a girl, that is."

Bella leaned over her, saying "Are you implying something?" in a slighly sultry tone.

"... suppose I am."

"Well, I'd certainly be willing to do it with you, but only if we get to know each other better, first. 'kay?" Lia nodded in reply. Missy stepped up and they sat on either side of the diminutive squirrel. "Tomorrow, we're planning on going down to the beach. Maybe find a couple of guys to tease. Would you like to come, Lia?"

"Oh, definately. I used to go to the beach a lot, before I started trying to find Amanda. Actually, I almost lost my virginity there."


"Yeah; I would have let her do me, but we weren't the legal age, yet."

"Who, Amanda?"

Lia nodded. "Unfortunately, some problems arose, and she left because of them. I've been trying to find her so I can apologize, but she has this uncanny ability to leave without a trace."

Bella yawned. "Well, why don't we all get some sleep. Big day, tomorrow." everyone agreed. Missy grabbed a fan from someone out of sight and positioned it to blow on where she was going to sleep on the couch. She turned it on high, grabbed Lia, and laid down on the couch. As Missie got comfortable, Lia plucked up her courage and buried her head between Missy's ample breasts. The rabbit giggled, but left the squirrel there. Between those big, soft orbs, the warmth and Missy's unusual ability to purr, they were both soon asleep.

A Rabbit, a Hamster, and a Monk wip 2

They were both, in the words of a certain telivision character, 'Built like a brick warehouse'. One was an anthropomorphic rabbit by the name of Sarah. She wore a hip-hugging dress which was about three sizes too tight. Her bountiful breasts spilled...

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A rabbit, a hamster, and a monk.txt

This story is a WIP. If you have any critiques, please share them. I could use all that I can get. Also, a bit of a warning, I do share some of my religious views. Nothing too bad, though. Anyways, on with the story! They were both, in the words of...

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