Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 06
#21 of Raven Wolf - Novel
Raven Wolf - The Oracle - Chapter Six
Raven Wolf - The Oracle - Chapter Six
Zack catches onto Shiya's arm as he lunges at him with his spear, Zack's grip tight as he throws him to the ground, Shiya fighting back as he pushes him off of him, Zack grabbing onto his arm and twisting it behind his back. "You know you're only making things harder on yourself, you could have avoided all the bruising if you just gave up. You said so yourself that you know what I am, so why would you even bother trying to fight me?"
Shiya struggles to get back up, this action becoming much easier when a large hand grabs onto the back of Zack's uniform, lifting him off of Shiya and throwing him to the ground.
Hasson, the large brown coated wild that had been sent to retrieve Shiya, watches his chieftain as he once again gets to his feet. "Are you all right?"
Shiya nods his head as he searches around him, finding and grabbing the spear he had dropped during Zack's last attack on him. "I'm fine."
Zack gets back to his feet, he taking a knife he had strapped to his side. "The leader of Raven Wolf is the only one that I'm ordered to take back alive." He leaps forward to attack the large wild that had interfered, the large wolf taking a step back as the second wild that had had been sent to help Shiya steps in-between the two of them, raising a knife she held in front of her and stopping Zack's attack, the two blades meeting and holding the other at bay.
Zack stares at the face of the wild that had stopped his attack, her face not completely covered by bird skull to hide her features as the other two were because of Dolly breaking it, the features that were visible clearly able to be seen, the snarl leaving Zack's face as he stares at her, she not a wild like the other members of Raven Wolf, she a female skunk that carried the exact same white makings and eye colour as him. "Eleven."
Zack stands in his spot hardly breathing as he stares at her, Eleven motioning for the other two she was right now defending to leave, Shiya and Hasson turning away from her and running.
Eleven stares at Zack, though she too was shocked to see him she still held her ground. "Twenty-Six..." She looks him over taking note of the uniform he right now had on, it clear that he was now an enemy to both her and her tribe.
Zack shakes his head, there no way that this was possible. "What are you doing here?"
Eleven doesn't answer him as she turns away from Zack leaving with the others, Zack quickly chasing after her. The usually focused solider almost in a panic after having recognized her. "Eleven!"
Eleven catches up to Shiya, she looking over to him as she begins speaking to him, her voice calm and clear as if what she had to say was just a 'matter of fact' type of information instead of as important as it actually was. "I can't fight him."
Shiya looks over to her there others that were capable of dealing with Zack. "Then don't, go ahead and make sure Iuana and the others make it to the village safely, someone else will take care of him."
Eleven nods her head picking up the pace and running ahead of them.
Shiya skids to a stop when he sees Dolly throw the wild she had been fighting to the ground, Shiya looking very shocked to see the warrior go down. He staring at his fallen tribe member little surprised. "Are you sick?"
The female wild grabs onto Dolly's leg, letting out a frustrated yell as she forcefully throws Dolly to the ground. "No!! Your demanding little tart of a daughter told me that I couldn't kill her!"
Shiya is thrown to the ground when Zack catches up leaping at his back and taking him down, Shiya yelling out to the wild that right now fought Dolly. "You can deal with this one then!!"
The female wild looks happy to hear this. "Leave him to me!" She lets go of Dolly drawing her blade to Zack and swinging it at him, forcing him to jump off of Shiya's back to avoid being cut into.
Eleven skids to a stop when she hears Shiya say this, she shaking her head and yelling out to the other female in protest to the order. "No! Don't kill him."
The female wild that now targets Zack lets out a snarl as she turns to Eleven, that defiantly making the situation more frustrating. "Will you all make up your minds!?"
Shiya gets to his feet motioning for them all to move forward. "Keep moving, we need to reach the lake!"
All three of the wilds follow the order, running with Shiya in the direction of the lake.
Dolly pushes herself up as she runs up to Zack's figure. "Are you alright?"
Zack quickly gets back to his feet, slipping on a patch of snow and losing his balance, his clumsiness adding to his frustration as he regains he balance and immediately gives chase, Dolly following after him close behind.
Dolly yells over to him, the situation not at all what they had been expecting. "What happened back there? I thought that you had him!"
Zack yells over at her. "I did! Until those other two showed up! What about you? You were supposed to catch the rest of the group and they're right now nowhere in sight."
Dolly explains the situation. "The Raven Wolf tribe attacked me before I could get them under control." She takes a second gun that she had strapped to her, the first one she had been using having been destroyed by the wilds. "It looks like there are four of them, from the markings they carry and the way the group was acting the female with the very short dark brown fur is the one that leads them, the female skunk is her second in command. They're going to be the ones that will be causing us the most trouble."
Zack begins to question her, he remembering there being a very large brown wolf with the group. "What about the big guy?"
Dolly continues to explain. "He's a warrior of course, but not with the rank and skill as the other two, despite his size I recommend you concern yourself with the two women first. As for the kid, don't worry too much about him. He's just a trainee, was probably only brought along to observe because they were unaware that they would actually have to be fighting anyone. He's not going to cause anyone any trouble."
Dolly throws the gun she had been loading to Zack, Zack catching it and readying himself to use it. "Take out the ladies, then the big guy, got you."
Shiya and his warriors soon catch up to the others that are already at the river, Kitchi and the others having already begun crossing it, they running across the frozen solid ice.
The sound of a gun being fired echo through the trees, the female warrior that lead the others moving to the side to avoid being hit by the bullet, she and the others quickly dashing out of the open and taking shelter behind the rocks and trees.
Hasson speaks up, the situation not good. "This is not good, the village is just past these waters, even if we do escape they will no doubt figure out the location of our home."
Shiya frowns that of course a concern that he had, still though she could not bring himself to attack these two, especially if one was the sister of a friend. "I will deal with that problem in due time, right now we need to figure out how to get away from them."
Shiya looks to the three warriors that are currently with him as he motions to the ice that they should be crossing. "We need to destroy the ice so that they will not be able to cross. Hasson take the right, Eleven go to the left. Tahki the center-"
He is cut off when Dolly catches up to him, she grabbing onto Shiya and throwing him to the ground, Shiya lifting his hand to her, the fog rippling and waving as a cold blast of air hits her, the force of the attack sending both Dolly and Shiya back from each other, Dolly landing and tumbling across the snowy forest ground while Shiya skids across the ice, his body sliding across it and hitting Kitchi, the wild letting out a yelp as he falls onto Shiya, the two of them continuing to slide until they reach a large pillar of ice that had been formed from the surface of the lake breaking and then freezing over again, slamming into it and coming to a stop there.
Shiya stumbles back to his feet, that one having not gone unfelt. "Ow..."
Teddy shakes his head. "That's really all you have to say?"
Shiya frowns at the comment. "I said the rest in my head."
Kitchi lets out a groan as he pulls his aching body from the ice, he stumbling about for only a moment before motioning to the group to keep moving forward. "Come on we have to keep moving."
The three warriors that Shiya had left behind scatter when Zack shoots at them again, they all heading in the directions that Shiya had instructed them to move in, Zack ignoring them as he runs across the frozen lake, closing the distance between him and Shiya as fast as he could.
Iuana frowns when she sees Zack approaching her father, she letting out a growl as she runs up to Kitchi, grabbing onto a spear he had on his back and taking it from him, Kitchi calling out to her as she runs back to face Zack. "Iuana wait! You're going to get yourself hurt!"
Kit laughs as he watches Iuana race past him. "That's right Iuana! Kick his butt!"
Teddy looks back to Kit, Yula and Eve, he then turning to Kitchi. "Keep moving!"
"What about Iuana!?"
Teddy tries to calm the concern the wild right now has. "I'll take care of her, you need to take these two to safety understand?"
The younger wild nods his head yes, he turning toward Yula, Eve and Kit and continuing to guide them. "Come on, the boats are not that much further!"
Iuana swings the weapon she had taken from her comrade at Zack, Zack dodging the attack, taking hold of his combat knife and swinging it at her to drive her back. Iuana keeping her balance upon the ice as she points the spear at him. "I won't let you hurt my father!"
Shiya looks over to his daughter, he about to say something to her but stopping, he looking back Zack as he lets out a loud threatening growl.
Dolly pushes herself back to her feet, her whole body aching, she having forgotten that Shiya had that strange ability of his that he would use to get himself out of tight situations. She shakes her head as she begins running toward the frozen over lake, not going to let this stop her.
Hasson comes to a stop when he reaches and area of the lake that Shiya had told him to go to, he looking down to the ice beneath his feet, Hasson crouching down over a large break in the ice, putting a hand on either side and letting out a grunt as he begins trying to pull the ice apart, a loud cracking sound filling the air as the ice starts to break and give way to his strength.
Eleven reaches her position as well, she finding a large berg of ice that had frozen into place, she running behind it and thrusting a spear that she carried under it, pushing against it and slowly pulling it from the ice, the large jagged ball of ice lifting from the ice that covered the lake and then falling back onto it, smashing and breaking through it, the force weakening the structure of the ice upon the lake as large cracks begins to travel through it, Eleven taking her weapon from the ice and moving to the next berg, doing the same to it and weakening the ice even more.
Zack does his best to hold his own against both Iuana and Shiya, he managing to keep the two from harming him even when they were both attacking him now. Zack stopping the spear Iuana used grabbing onto it to pull it from her grasp, Teddy grabbing onto the weapon keeping him from pulling it from her, Zack looking up at him as Teddy makes his hand into a fist and hits him hard in the face.
Zack lets go of the weapon and sliding back upon the ice from the blow, Zack letting out and angered yell as he holds his face in pain, he having not expected Teddy to so suddenly show up in the fight. Zack recovering as he gets back to his feet, he bitterly speaking to Teddy, as he grabs onto the knife pointing it toward him, he tired of trying not to harm the people he was trying to catch. "I don't care whose brother you are! You're expendable now!"
A loud cracking sound fills the air as large cracks within the ice begin to form, Shiya stepping back from the large crack that had appeared by his feet, he looking over to the three warriors that right now did what they could to break and weaken the ice they stood upon. The large cracks becoming larger and more frequent as the warriors continue their assault on the frozen lake's surface.
Shiya motions to Teddy and Iuana, it no longer safe for them to continue fighting upon the ice. "Get behind me!!"
Dolly comes to a stop as she nervously looks down to the ice that she is running across, it starting to creak loudly as it began to move, she calling out to her partner it dangerous for them to be on it. "Zack get back! It's too dangerous to stay on the ice like this!"
Zack continues forward attacking Teddy and ignoring Dolly's warning, Teddy pulling a combat knife from his belt and stopping Zack's attack, the two of them glaring at one another as they pushed against the other, their feet holding firm against the ice knowing that slipping on it would immediately grant them the loss in the battle between them.
Iuana moves forward to attack Zack while Teddy was managing to keep him in place, The last of Shiya's three warrior running up to her, grabbing onto Iuana's arm and pulling her back, she running past Zack and Teddy, letting go of Iuana and throwing her to her father, Iuana sliding across the ice until Shiya catches and stops her.
Tahki, the female warrior that led the others and right now stood between her chieftain and his enemy looks back to him while calling out. "Shiya, the ice!"
Shiya lets go of Iuana as he runs forward, placing his hands upon the ice and catching onto an edge made by one of the large cracks in the ice, a cracking sound louder than any of the others filling the air as a the large chunk of ice lifts from the water, it growing into a large shard of ice that towered above them, Tahki turning around and swinging her blades at the ice, cutting through it and causing it to topple, she then moving behind cutting in front of Shiya and climbing upon it, leaping at and hitting the shard hard, controlling the direction it fell in and causing it to fall toward Zack and Teddy.
Zack looks up from Teddy as he quickly begins backing away to avoid being crushed, Teddy not having time to react as Tahki grabs onto him just as the large tower of ice it about to hit him, pulling him with her as she leapt off of it, landing on the frozen lake surface and skidding across it for a moment before managing to bring herself to a stop.
Zack hits the ice hard, the force from the large block of ice hitting the frozen lake top he was standing upon knocking him over, the force of the blow too much for the lake top to take as it shatters, Zack quickly getting to his feet as he runs across the broken and unstable blocks of ice until he reaches a piece stable enough to support him.
Dolly is too struggling to keep her footing upon the ice as she searches for some place stable to go, there no way she would last if she were to fall into the freezing cold water.
Zack growls to himself as he watches the other two warriors rejoin Shiya and the others, the frozen lake of ice having not crumbled behind him, they perfectly fine. He cries out loudly in his frustration as he begins trying to find a way to make it across, starting to move from one dangerous block of ice to the next, unwilling to give up.
Shiya notices Zack's advance, he running up to the edge of the ice he was upon and kneeling down, swinging his arm in front of him, the ice moving across the water and clearing out of the area he had swung his hand over leaving only a large gaping opening that lead to the freezing cold water, effectively cutting Zack off from them and leaving him with nothing to cross the ice water with.
Teddy stares at Shiya in amazement, his voice barely above a whisper. "That's it." The cold air he had been hit with when first encountering Shiya when the chieftain had confused him for an enemy, the crystal walls that would rise and disappear to keep him from getting hit by bullets, an area of fog, the snow, the ice they had to cross and now the water rising and freezing on command and he moving the ice without touching it. Whatever it was Shiya's special skill was, it had to do with cold and ice.
Zack grinds his teeth as he watches his targets leave, slamming his fist against the ice he was right now perched on, his mood changing when he spots Eve, Yula, Kit and the young wild in the distance, Kit having come to a stop so he could point in awe at what had just happened. "Kit..." He takes the gun that Dolly had given to him to use, there at least one order of his that he could fulfill.
It would be simple, Zack could easily hit him in this distance with his skills even with all this fog, he had taken down men at longer distances, with less powerful weapons and in poorer conditions than this. The boy didn't even realize that he had him in his sights, so there was no worry of him running or hiding, it was practically impossible for him to miss.
Zack pulls the trigger twice, Kit crying out in shock when the bullets hit the ice in front of him, he quickly running back from where he had been standing. Zack grinds his teeth as he fixes his aim and fires again, this time continuing to do so using each bullet in his gun, Kit covering his head and ducking down to the ground as the bullets continually hit the ice surrounding him, a clicking of an empty gun filling the air, Zack continuing to pull the trigger even though it was clear that it was empty. "No..." He bares his teeth still pulling the trigger. "This can't be happening! Not again!"
He drops the gun he is holding furious over the situation, he shouldn't have missed his target there was no reason for it. Zack getting to his feet as he stares over at Shiya, no matter what the obstacle was he wasn't about to let him get away.
Dolly struggles to keep her balance upon the block of ice she is on, the waves cause by the large mass of ice hitting the water not making it an easy task for her. She lets out a sudden scream when the piece of ice she is on is hit by another, causing her to fall off of it and into the freezing cold water.
Dolly's head breaks the surface of the water as she gasps for air, she franticly grabbing onto the ice and struggling to pull herself up, she unable to get a grip on the ice's slippery surface, she beginning to call out for help. "Magellan!!"
Zack doesn't take his eyes off of his prey, his mind racing on how he could possible cross the body of freezing cold water and catch him in this situation, Dolly again screaming out to him, her cold wet hands stinging as she tried to grab onto the ice to pull her from the water. "Magellan I need your help!"
A horrified look fills Teddy's face when he sees the predicament her sister is in, Tahki having to grab onto him and forcefully keep him in place to keep him from trying to foolishly dive into the freezing water to try and rescue her. "Don't be stupid, you'll never make it to her!"
Shiya watches as Zack stares at him, he eventually turning away from Zack and following the others, Eleven and Hasson joining his side as they make their way back to the rest of the group, Tahki still struggling to keep Teddy from trying to go back to his sister.
Zack begins to wildly search around him, he had almost had them and he was just watching them leave, he couldn't just let him escape now.
Dolly grinds her teeth as she continues to try and pull herself from the water, the ice too slippery to climb, her hands too numb to hold onto anything, the water that soaked through her fur as cold as the ice that covered it, stinging her like thousands of needles. "Magellan please!"
Zack looks back to Dolly for a moment, he turning from her and back to the figures that were running from him, in only a moment they would be out of sight. He lets out a frustrated growl as he turns around quickly making his way across the many floating bergs of ice and back to Dolly, grabbing onto her arm and finally pulling her out of the water. Dolly's soaking wet body shaking uncontrollably as she falls onto the ice unable to stand.
Teddy's quick paced breathing start to calm when he sees that Zack had pulled his sister from the water. Shiya's voice raising as he called him and the wild he was with over to him. "Teddy, Tahki! Hurry."
Tahki pulls Teddy along with her as she races across the ice to rejoin Shiya and the others, another large block of ice smashing onto the surface of the water, making the gap between them and their pursuers even larger.
Zack quickly picks up Dolly dragging her with him as he made his way off of the ice, clearing the surface of the lake before the large wave made by the tower of ice hits them, running off of the ice with her, the entire surface of the lake shattering with the force from the blow throwing over the blocks of ice they had been on. Zack staring at the lake, there absolutely no way for them to get across until it froze over once again.
Zack cries out in frustration, there no reason for him to have failed so miserable at this task. "Why is this so difficult!?"
Dolly grabs onto the front of Zack's shirt getting his attention, her breathing heavy and voice shaking as she spoke from her body shivering in cold. "It's ok, they had reinforcements, and extensive knowledge of the area. No doubt about it... this is where their village is. We know where they are, they can't run anymore."
Zack places his hand upon Dolly's freezing cold hand, it so cold it felt no more warmer then the ice he had just pulled the two of them from. Zack lowering his head shamefully as he looks back to her, Dolly's condition having only gotten this bad because he had taken so long to turn back and help her, even though there was clearly no way for him to continue after his targets.
Shiya and the rest of his group come to a stop when the ice ends, a long stretch of freezing cold water ahead of them.
Yula stares ahead of them, there no way they would be able to cross water that cold. "What do we do now...?"
Iuana looks back to his as she explains. "We cross the water."
Yula looks back to her, there no way any of them would last for long in the freezing water. "How?"
Kitchi calls out to the group bringing their attention to him. "Over here!" He and the other three warriors that had come to help Shiya and his companions begin to brush the snow off two small boats that had been hidden from sight.
Iuana motions towards the boats. "Using those."
Yula looks at the boats, he then turning down to Kit and staring at him. "How the heck were you able to boat across the freezing water, cross the ice and navigate through a forest of ice and fog all by yourself!?"
Kit looks up at him. "Well... I did get lost because of the fog..." He jumps up excitedly moving has hand in front of his face like a ninja. "By the way did you see me dodge all those bullets that were being fired at me! I was moving so fast not a single one hit me!"
Eve frowns as she stares at Kit, she having actually caught the incident, Kit having not been skilfully dodging bullets but been cowering in fear. "You didn't get hit because he missed you with every single shot."
Teddy is staring in the direction that they had left Dolly and Zack in, he still uncertain about leaving his sister in Zack's hands. Iuana placing her hand on his shoulder to get his attention. "Come on, they're leaving now."
Teddy reluctantly turns away continuing forward with the rest of the group.