Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 08

Story by Kurapika on SoFurry

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#8 of Raven Wolf - Novel

Raven Wolf - The Wilds - Chapter Eight

Raven Wolf - The Wilds - Chapter Eight

Teddy worriedly watches as Iuana runs forward, she ignoring the warning that he had given her, Yula calling out to her to get her to try and stop. "Don't ignore Teddy like that! He's only trying to help you know!"

Eve panics as she covers Yula's muzzle to keep him quiet. "Not so loud they'll find us!"

Teddy begins to move the group forward. "Come on, we can't stay in one place for too long."

Yula begins to whine as he follows after Teddy. "We're going to be caught aren't we? I'm going to be in so much trouble when I go back I know it!"

Teddy tries to ease Yula's worry. "Keep your head up we're not caught yet, we've still got a chance to make it through this."

Eve doesn't seem as optimistic as Teddy. "How exactly did you come to that conclusion!? We've been spotted! Sure we're free now but it's not going to be that way much longer! They're surrounding us we speak and you know it!"

Teddy nods his head well aware of the situation they were in, he though not letting it get to him just yet. "We've got a guardian angel on our side."

Eve frowns at his explanation it making no sense at all. "And just what exactly is that supposed to mean!?"

Teddy looks back to Eve. "You can't tell me that you think we got this far without any help! Someone is keeping an eye on us, making sure that we make it out of this alive. The lack of security when we broke Yula out, the power conveniently going out for the entire city! They've worked hard enough to get us this far they're not going to let us fail now!"


Lumia stops mid run as she listens to what Teddy is saying through a headset that was attached to the phone helping her listen to Teddy and the other's situation, the transmission just as clear as the day she had placed on him with the intent to find out information about the new test subject the military had acquired.

She seems slightly flustered and isn't sure how to react to the comment Teddy had made, she had never been referred to as such a thing, sure a hacker, thief or a spy, but never a guardian angel.

The speaker on the computer around her arm begins to question her, the program that acted as her companion not understanding why she had stopped. "-Lumia what's wrong? We have to hurry-"

Lumia smiles as she clenches her hands into fists. "Yeah, of course! We're not done yet, Teddy and the others still need our help!" She begins running forward, a new bounce in her step. Teddy had found out that his situation was somehow being monitored and that someone was manipulating the things around them, but he wasn't angry or offended by it, instead he was trusting that she would help him out again, treating her like a partner even though he had no idea of who she was.

She arrives at the area she had been trying to reach, ducking down out of sight and scanning her surroundings, she spotting several unmanned military vehicles near her, Lumia running over to one of them and quickly looking it over to find a computer on its dashboard, that exactly what she was looking for, she connecting her computer to it as she begins working with some data. "Alright dad I need you to upload file two twenty six onto their computer, as soon as I'm done input the settings that I need."

The voice now comes from the speakers on the car's computer. "-How long is this going to take?-"

Lumia smiles as she begins making alterations to a program that she would be using. "You know me dad, not very long at all." She smiles to herself having input the last of the data. "Alright and I'm done, upload it now will you, and don't change the settings on the file." She looks toward all the other parked vehicles. "We need to upload this a few more times before we're finished."


Iuana comes to a stop when she sees a line of soldiers standing before her, the wild not backing down as she bares her teeth at them in a threatening manner.

Mort watches her from behind the line of men, he looking next to him to Magellan. "Yula's not with her, find him and take him back into custody."

Zack smiles as he looks back to him. "You sure about that? I thought more tests had to be run before you could trust me to take on a task like that on my own."

Mort's mind on the matter has clearly been made. "Conner is with the subject, and his abilities are nothing to sneer at, clearly more than just an average soldier is needed to handle him should he prove to be a problem."

Zack nods his head as he turns to leave, understanding his orders. "Yes sir."

General Mort looks back to the group that right now held Iuana at bay, he speaking to them through a radio that relayed his voice to each of their headsets. "This is the one we want to get away. Let her pass, but remember to make it look real."

Iuana lets out a battle cry as she rushes forward attacking the soldiers in front of her.


Teddy takes the bullet clip from one of the soldiers he had managed to subdue, using it to refill the weapon he was using, the sharp sound of gunfire catching his attention from a bullet hitting the ground near him, forcing him to move back behind cover, Eve and Yula both screaming as they covering their ears and close their eyes, Teddy looking down to them. "You know you're not making this any easier!"

Yula looks the most upset. "I can't help it!! It's all so scary!! Fighting is way more frightening in real life than it is seeing it all happen in a dream!! Much louder too!"

Teddy fires the gun a few more times, he then looking back to Yula and Eve. "Let's move!"

The two quickly get to their feet as they follow after Teddy, Yula stumbling while running, fighting to keep himself balanced while trying to run, Eve grabbing onto his arm and helping him along before he falls to the ground.

Eve looks over to Teddy. "How much longer until something is figured out?"

Teddy's running comes to an abrupt halt when he spots something ahead of them, he quickly backing up and pushing both Eve and Yula back behind him. "This is not good..."

Eve and Yula both duck back down to the ground that comment and reaction obviously a very bad sign, while Teddy starts searching around him for an alternate route.

Zack Magellan's voice raises as he calls out to get Teddy's attention. "Come on out Conner, there's no use in hiding I already saw you and your friends."

Teddy holds his hand out to Eve and Yula, motioning for them to stay down and keep quiet. He pulling away from the wall and out into the open, keeping his gun pointed at Zack while moving away from Yula and Eve cautiously.

Zack is already pointing his gun at Teddy, he also watching him cautiously, even if Teddy was just a security guard he wasn't someone to overlook, he actually pretty good when it came to situations like this. "Well then Conner this is certainly a surprise, why I only saw you no more than a few hours ago! You were a pretty straight arrow guy you know, never would have suspected something like this from you. What the heck happened in those few hours to make you do this?"

Teddy thinks the question over. "I really don't know how this happened... heck I can hardly believe that I'm doing all of this myself!"

Zack nods his head. "Well you don't have to continue. Just put the weapon down and we'll figure this out."

Teddy shakes his head no. "I can't do that."

Zack continues to try and convince him to be reasonable. "Come on Conner don't be stupid."

Curiosity overcomes Yula as he slowly begins to get up, glancing over the wall to the man that Teddy was talking to, he beginning to whisper to Eve under his breath. "I know that guy. He was in the dream that I had."

Eve uncovers her head, this defiantly interesting to her, she slowly makes her way to the side of the wall, carefully looking behind it to see who it was Teddy was talking to. A military officer standing with his gun pointed towards Teddy. "Are you sure he was-" She falls silent when she sees the badge he carried on his uniform, she reading the number out. "91348131-12413... he has the number thirteen in his ID number three times."

"Put down the weapon Conner!"

Teddy shakes his head intent on seeing this thing through no matter how stupid it was for him to do so, there was something, something just telling him that this was the right thing to do. "Get out of my way Magellan!"

Zack frowns at the request, he not hesitating any longer to pull the trigger on his gun, firing at and hitting Teddy in his right shoulder to disarm him, Teddy reacting soon after him and firing back, also aiming at and hitting Zack in the right shoulder with the intent to disarm him, Teddy letting out a cry of pain as he doubles back from being hit in the shoulder, Zack quickly moving to the side to avoid being hit by the bullet, it only cutting through the fabric of his uniform. Zack still managing to keep a firm grip on his weapon, Teddy unfortunately having dropped his.

Zack frowns as he glances at the new hole in the shoulder of his uniform. He then looking back to Teddy and aiming his gun towards him once again, pulling the trigger and firing one round after the other.

Teddy moves quickly to avoid getting hit, he running and diving down behind a cement barrier that had been put up by the military. He holds onto the bullet wound he had just received, he and Zack had fired at nearly the same time, it should have been impossible for Zack to avoid a bullet moving at that speed at such a close distance, so how could he had possibly dodged it like that?

Teddy shakes his head, that not the problem he needed to focus on right now, he looking out to the gun that he had dropped while still holding his bleeding shoulder. He had to get his weapon back, he wouldn't have a chance against Magellan without it.

Zack frowns when his firing comes to a stop, his bullet clip empty. "Of all the-"

He quickly begins to change it, Teddy catching onto his misfortune and taking this opportunity as soon as it was given, running out from behind the barrier he was hiding behind and grabbing onto the gun on the ground, he kneeling down on one knee as he readies his aim, firing at Zack as soon as he finds his mark, the bullet hitting the gun in Zack's hand and forcing it from him just as he finished reloading it, Zack now being forced to quickly take cover to keep from being hit by any more bullets.

Zack bares his teeth as he looks down at his hand, the gun having cut into his hand after being damaged by the bullet and forced from his hand. "That's the first time anyone's managed to hit me... Loui was right, you really aren't one to sneer at." He begins to search the ground for another weapon to use. "You know Teddy, you're skills really are wasted as a guard dog." He finds another hand gun, quickly grabbing onto it and checking its ammo supply before getting up, looking back across the barrier and aiming, only to find Teddy and the two that followed him gone.

Zack frowns to himself rather annoyed that he had lost them. "You're really not going to make this easy for me are you Conner."

Yula and Eve follow close behind Teddy as he leads them through the area, he coming to a stop at the edge of a wall as he tries to scout the situation behind it.

Yula looks up at Teddy's wounded shoulder. "Teddy you're bleeding."

Teddy looks back to Yula well aware of that. "We don't have time to worry about it right now." He gives a threatening snarl as he lifts his weapon pointing in the direction they had come from and firing, causing Zack to duck behind cover to keep from getting hit.

Teddy pushes Eve and Yula forward. "It's clear up ahead, keep going I'll be right behind you!" He fires another round when he see's Magellan about to get up from his hiding place, forcing him to duck back down behind it, Teddy following after Eve and Yula, his attention still on their pursuer.

Eve stops at the edge of a wall, she gasping as she grabs onto Yula stopping him from running past her. "Don't go that way it's dangerous!"

The loud sound of screeching tires sound as panicked screams fill the air, the military members on the other side of the wall beginning to scatter as one of their vehicles races through their formation, breaking it and causing confusion.

Eve looks over at the scene confused, this lasting for only a moment as she pulls Yula along with her this obviously an opening that they should take. "Come on while they're busy!"

Teddy lets out an angered growl as he tries to keep from screaming in pain, another of Magellan's bullets having hit him, this time in the leg. Teddy fires back at Zack again, unable to hit him when Zack moves out of the way of the bullet before it is able to hit him again and ducks behind cover.

This time Teddy ignores Zack's abnormal reflexes as he quickly begins to back up continues to follow Eve and Yula while never turning around and taking his eyes from Zack. Teddy knew that his magazine was almost empty, only a few shots more and he would no longer have a way of holding Zack back.

Yula comes to a stop as he takes a moment to look back to Teddy, a worried look filling his face when he see the situation he was in, Yula then turning to look back to Eve. "Professor, I don't think Teddy's doing well."

Eve frowns as she looks back to Teddy, his situation indeed not looking well. Even she with her lack of experience with firearms knew that Teddy's ammo supply should be running low about now, if he didn't lose the guy chasing them soon it would be over.

Her eyes move from Teddy and to the lights that were right now lighting the area for the soldiers. Eve taking a deep breath as she composes herself, lifting the gun that Teddy had handed to hear when the fighting had started, she still holding tightly in her hands, her unsteady hands pointing it towards the light near Zack.

She pulls the trigger, the weapon firing, the kickback from the gun catching her off guard and causing her to mess up her aim and miss her target. Eve grinding her teeth as she again points towards the light, this time bracing herself, she not about to let herself get killed here.

She fires the gun again, once again missing, Eve though not letting this get to her as she prepares the weapon again and fires a third time, this time hitting her target, breaking the light near Zack with the bullet, sparks raining down on him before shrouding him in darkness.

Eve points the weapon towards the next light, firing and hitting this one as well. She continuing this action with each lamp she saw.

Zack holds his hands over his head, shielding himself from the sparks and falling pieces of glass from the light above him having been shot, he shakes the glass off of his head, quickly getting back to his feet and turning back towards Teddy, weapon aimed and ready to fire.

A horrified look fills his face when he finds that he is facing darkness, he unable to see a thing. Zack watching as another light is taken out, making the area around him even darker. "What in the!? Conner never took his weapon off of me! How could he have taken the lights out when his weapon was pointed to me!" He frowns, there only being one explanation for this. "I didn't expect any of the others to be armed..."


Teddy, Eve and Yula continue to run, the three coming to a stop when they reach the tall cement wall surrounding the city, they no longer able to move forward.

Yula is the most worried of the group. "What do we do now...?"

"Hey! Mr. Oracle!"

All three turn in the direction the voice had come from, spotting the young girl that would keep her features hidden from the world under many layers of clothing.

Teddy is the only one to recognize the young girl. "Lumia? What are you doing here?"

Lumia turns away from them, motioning for them to follow her as she begins running off. "Follow me!"

Yula doesn't hesitate for a moment as he runs after her, Eve trying to stop him but unable to grab onto him in time, she following after him, Teddy glancing back to make sure that no one had caught sight of them before following as well.

Eve and Teddy soon catch up to Yula, the black wolf having come to a stop, he turning back to his companions with an upset look on his face. "I lost her..."

Teddy moves forward when he spots something ahead of them. "She must have disappeared through here." He motions towards a break in the thick wall surrounding the city.

Yula runs over to it excitedly. "This is it! Once we go through here we'll be out of the city and safe!"

Teddy shakes his head no. "Not quiet... we won't be safe until we lose them, but this is certainly a step in the right direction."

Yula is about to go through it but stops, he looking back to Teddy worried. "What about Iuana? How is she going to make it out on her own?"

Teddy begins to explain. "I'll come back to try and help her as soon as I know you two are going to be safe."

Yula seems uncertain. "But-"

Eve speaks up as she quickly begins pushing Yula forward, she not wanting to be spotting by the people chasing them while standing around like this. "Don't worry about it! Teddy will do much better without the two of us to look after! Now hurry or we'll never be safe and never give Mr. Conner the chance to go back and help Iuana."

Yula reluctantly moves away from the wall as he begins moving forward.


General Mort moves out of the way as one of the military vehicles races past him, he having to avoid getting hit by them several times tonight. "What is going on!?"

There is a gunshot followed by a loud burst as one of the tires are hit, the car spinning out of control crashing into another and bringing them both to a stop, several soldiers swarming to the vehicles with weapons drawn as they begin searching it, one of the men calling back to General Mort. "Sir! This one is empty as well."

Mort narrows his eyes in annoyance, this ordeal frustrating to say the least. "How exactly did this happen?"

"We're not going to be able to determine that until we get a full diagnostic check on them done Sir."

Another round of shots are fired as another vehicle belonging to the military gets its tires shot out, Mort quickly running out of the way when it slides in his direction. "This is ridicules! What else could go wrong tonight?"

A voice on his radio speaks up. "Sir this is Magellan, I've lost Conner and the subject."

Mort lets out an angered growl, that not something he wanted to hear. "How could you have lost them!?"

Zack continues to speak. "It looks like they found a break in the wall, and have used it to leave the city. I'll continue forward to see if I can find them."

"Don't bother. This plan is ruined, dragging it through the dirt further is not going to yield any wanted results." He pauses for a moment to regain his composure. "Despite subject 1502's unwanted involvement we still accomplished what we wanted. The wild is free of the city and is heading home."

"Her signal is coming in clearly, so as long as we know where she is we'll know where all of them are. Start following them now and you're going to alert her to the idea that they are being tailed and she may not return home. We need her to think that she has lost us."


Teddy sighs to himself after counting the little that was left in his clip, the idea of him being able to do anything that could help Iuana escape out of the question with a supply this low. "Why didn't she listen to me and stick with us?"

Eve looks over to Teddy. "She probably didn't want me and subject #1502 to slow her down like we did you. I mean look what happened to you because you had to look out for us?"

Yula looks back to Eve. "But you helped Teddy out too!"

Eve frowns as she looks back down to Yula. "If you could call that helping! Shooting at inanimate objects is hardly a way to help someone that's being shot at!"

Teddy holds his hand in front of them, forcing the group to come to a stop. "Hold up, there's someone up ahead."

Yula nervously slinks closer to the ground. "Do you think it's the military...?"

Teddy readies his weapon, pointing it to the area that he had seen the figure, Iuana's voice raising to get his attention. "Put that down! It's me!"

Teddy lowers the gun he is holding. "Iuana?"

Iuana approaches them, she looking to the wounds that Teddy had, he having been shot twice during the ordeal, once in the shoulder and once again in the leg. "You've been wounded."

Eve frowns as she raises her voice to Iuana. "No thanks to you! What were you thinking leaving Yula behind like that and going ahead like that!"

Teddy looks back to Iuana, he not understanding the situation, it impossible for her to have made past the military blockade. "How did you make it out on your own?"

Iuana frowns thinking that it should be obvious. "I fought my way through!"

Teddy seems unsure about this, if that was indeed the truth then she would be suffering from far more bullet wounds than he was right now.

Iuana begins forcing the group to begin moving once again. "Come, we must distance ourselves from the city until we lose them."