Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 07

Story by Kurapika on SoFurry

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#7 of Raven Wolf - Novel

Raven Wolf - The Wilds - Chapter Seven

Raven Wolf - The Wilds - Chapter Seven

Lumia panics as she quickly dresses herself, covering her features as best as she could, though the sounds from the fighting in the apartment above her had stopped Teddy's situation had not gotten any better.

The computer program who's card was one again in the body of the small robot circles around her as she hurriedly gets dressed. "-What do you think you're doing!? What if you get yourself hurt?-"

Lumia presses a button on the small robot powering it down, she then taking the memory card that held the very talkative program on it and clutching it in her hands as she quickly made her way out of the door of her apartment racing over to the stairs and running down them as fast as she could, reaching the front door and looking out it just in time to see Teddy's vehicle leave. "Oh no, oh no, oh no-"

She watches them leave as she paces on spot half in a panic, Mr. Conner was a nice guy and though he wasn't aware of it he had given her a lot of information on this situation. Now he was in a lot of trouble, there no way that he could possibly get past all the military security without getting hurt.

She beings looking inside the windows of the cars parked on the street outside of her building, an annoyed look filling her face when each one proves useless to her. "No, no, no, no- Come on!! At least one of you has to have a docking station, at least for an mp3 player of all things! Stuff like that should be mandatory!!"

She smiles finally finding a car with the equipment in it that she needed, she glancing around her to make sure no one was watching her before rolling up her sleeve to uncover the computer she had on arm. "Now let's just hope that it has a remote control starter..." After a typing a few thing up the car starts up, the light turning on as the engine hums, and the locks on the door open. "Great!!"

Lumia opens the door getting inside, she then taking a cord and attaching the computer on her arm to the docking station, then taking the memory card she held in her hand and placing it into the computer, the voice of the program beginning to question her. "-Where are we... what did you do...?-"

Lumia frowns now not the time. "This is no time for questions! They're headed to the facility the oracle is in! Get me there as fast as you can!"


Eve lets out a sigh of relief as he leans back in her chair, an accomplished look on her face. "Finally finished!"

The scientist she had been helping gives a sigh of relief. "And here I thought I would never get it figured out in time, thanks Eve, you're a life saver. Let me make it up to you, I'll take you to dinner some time."

Eve seems pleased with the offer. "Oh really? If food is involved then helping you out was defiantly worth it!" She looks over to the clock on the wall, it close to midnight now. "I didn't think that it would take this long, looks like I'm going to have to make Fitz fill in for me with that grade three class that's supposed to come tomorrow morning, or else I'm not going to get enough sleep. I'm sure he'll be thrilled."

Her co-worker waves to her before she leaves. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Eve nods her head waving back to him. "Of course." She starts heading towards her office as to gather her keys and then start heading home, she more than ready to call it a day and go to bed. "I can't wait to fall down on my nice fluffy bed and just pass out."

She comes to a stop when she sees a familiar figure walking into the hall she was right now in, a frown filling her face as she angrily calls out to him to get his attention. "Mr. Conner! What are you doing here!? And in the middle of the night of all times!"

Teddy quickly turns towards Eve, a horrified look filling his face as he begins waving his hands trying to ward her back. "Stay right there Professor Cadrey! I beg of you don't come any closer than you already have!"

Eve frowns at the comment. "And what exactly is that supposed to mean? Is that some kind of weird passive threat from you?"

Teddy continues to try and get her to stay in her place. "Trust me on this one, it's in your best interest not to be concerned with me, just pretend you didn't see me! Or... something..."

Eve places her hands on her hips as she continues to approach him. "I don't think so! You're here to influence my subject again aren't you! I knew that dream wasn't conjured on his own! You did the exact same thing before didn't you? You snuck in during someone else's shift and started telling my subject what he should be telling us!"

Teddy shakes his head. "No! It wasn't like that, I-"

Eve comes to a stop in front of him lifting her hand and holding a finger to him threateningly. "Don't think that I'm going to keep quiet about this! I'm going to have you fired so fast you'll-" She stops talking when she sees another figure standing in the hall, a white female wolf that was right now holding a gun towards Teddy, Eve taking several quick steps back. "What's going on?"

Iuana points the weapon towards Eve, Eve quickly raising her hands into the air, Teddy looking back to Iuana to try and reason with her. "There's no reason to bring her into this!"

Iuana grabs onto Eve pulling her towards her and holding her arm around her neck while still pointing the gun at her. "Just keep moving and she'll be just fine."

Teddy stares at her for a moment before continuing forward, leading Iuana to where Yula was being kept. "You do know that Yula has a guard right? He's not going to react positively to seeing something like this."

Iuana narrows her eyes. "You'll take him down before he can do anything about it. Unless you want me to do it, though I can't say that I'll be as merciful as you might be when dealing with him."

Teddy frowns at her words. "Right..."

The three arrive at the room that Yula is being kept in, both Eve and Teddy surprised to find that there is no guard there. "Where's the guard? There's supposed to be one here, he has the key card to the room, we won't be able to get Yula out without it."

Yula's voice answers Teddy's question from inside of his room. "He went to regroup with the other security guards." The three all turn towards Yula's room, able to see Yula's face through the window on the door, Yula continuing to explain. "They saw you enter the building on the monitors and called him and the other security guards to regroup so that they could deal with you. I guess they're afraid of dealing with the white wolf all on their own."

Teddy looks back to Iuana, this obviously not going to turn out well. "Looks like things are really bad for you right now, Yula's guard will arrive with back up at any moment and when they get here and see the situation they will kill you, do you understand?"

Iuana keeps her ground. "Find a way to get him out! There has to be another key!"

Eve quickly speaks up, she not wanting to end up as a casualty in this mess. "You can take mine!" She reaches into her pocket pulling a card forward. "I'm one of the scientists in charge of the subject, mine will open the door."

Teddy quickly takes the key card from her, running over to the door to open it, though he initially didn't want to cooperate with Iuana, things would be bad for all of them once the military got here, depending on how high of a priority it was to get Iuana and Yula back both he and Eve could be seen as expendable.

Teddy uses the card on the door to Yula's room confines, several electronic beeps sounding as the card opens the lock on the room, Yula walking through the now open door and grabbing onto Teddy's arm, his former the security guard the one her knew the best and felt the most comfortable with of the group.

Iuana motions for them to begin moving. "We're leaving this place. Hurry up."

Voices raise as the hall leading to the room begins to fill with security guards and military soldiers, one of the soldiers firing at Iuana despite the hostage she right now held, Eve screaming at the top of her lungs as Iuana changes her hold on her, taking her arm from around her neck and grabbing onto Eve's wrist, pulling her along with her as she leaps forward, rushing into a group that filled the hall to their left, attacking them and bringing them to the ground, creating a temporary clearing for the group to go through, she looking back to Teddy and Yula, raising her weapon to Eve once again to remind them that she was still on top of the situation. Though Eve's life was minuscule to the new threat that had shown up Teddy still thought her important enough to keep alive. "Let's go!"

Yula quickly runs after her, Teddy doing the same and chasing after the group.


Lumia is outside of the building, watching as the group tries to make their way through the halls, her computer now hooked up to the cameras around the facility. She sighs to herself, security waiting for them in practically every direction. "What is that woman thinking!? They're never going to get out of there!"

"-They're going to need help no doubt about that, what do you intend to do?-"

Lumia begins typing away on her computer. "First I'm taking out the cameras, that way the military will only be able to locate them if they actually see them, then while they're forced to rely on word of mouth on the intruders location I'm going to try and move security away from their position with some false information, while I'm doing that I want you to get rid of the power for the city. They'll have a hard time following them in the dark, and it will give them a much better chance of escaping."

"-The entire city? Do you know how much work that will take? And besides this building is bound to have a backup generator of its own-"

Lumia nods her head. "Yeah, I know that, that's why I said the city. Not every building is going to have a backup generator! It'll give them plenty of places to hide!" She smiles to herself, this ordeal although very dangerous for her was also exciting, something was finally happening! No longer was she sitting at home contemplating on how she could possibly effect the situation, she was actually out in the thick of things doing things that really mattered and was changing the situation from the danger it had once been.


Teddy looks around him, the last few minutes having gotten pretty quiet for them, the guards that had been so diligently trying to stop them all nowhere to be found. "This isn't right..."

He looks up to a camera on the wall, with that security should know exactly where they were, and should be right on them at all times, but that wasn't the case.

Yula seems pretty nervous with the whole situation. "I'm not allowed to be in this part of the building you know... I'm only aloud in several very specific places that-"

Teddy looks back to Yula. "Don't worry about it right now! Things are obviously happening outside of the normal schedule, so just try not to think about little details like that."

The lights suddenly go out, surrounding the group is darkness, Yula's voice becoming slightly more panicked than before. "Teddy... what's going on now...?"

There is a flicker as the emergency lights come on, the halls now lit just enough to guide people through them, Iuana quickly beginning to move forward, sure to keep Eve with her. "Come on, this is our chance!"


The four have made it outside of the facility, Yula and Eve both heavily panting for breath from the run they had been through to make it here, Teddy looking through a window of the building Iuana had chosen for the group to take shelter in, keeping an eye out for any trouble that may come their way, while Iuana stares out a window on the other side of the building doing the same thing. Everywhere she looked it was all the same, city buildings as far as the eye could see, it was like there was no end to them.

Teddy also seems concerned with what he saw outside, though he was use to seeing the never-ending line of buildings he was not used to them all being dark and without power. Something was defiantly not right, though a power outage was indeed to Iuana's advantage is was just too convenient for it to be happening exactly at this time.

An uncertain look now fills Iuana's face, she not sure of what she was supposed to do now, getting out of the building she was being kept in was difficult enough, getting Yula out of the facility he had been in had been even harder, and now she found herself needing to get out of the city and she didn't even know where to start.

She glances from Teddy and then to Eve, the two of them both lived in the city so one of them had to know a way out of it. She looks over to Teddy beginning to question him, she more comfortable with asking him than the professor. "I need to get out of this city."

Teddy frowns as he glares over at her, he thinking that he had gone through enough trouble for her at this point. "What you think you can get me to help you out with that too!? Look you've got me in big enough trouble as it is! Helping an escape, kidnapping Yula and Professor Cadrey, and attacking follow security officers to escape, do you have any idea of what kind of punishment that entails?"

Iuana glares back at him. "I did not kidnap Yula! I'm taking him back! Yula is member of my tribe, one that was taken from us a very long time ago."

Teddy seems surprised to hear this information, he having never expected. "Yula... is from Raven Wolf? Are you sure? Maybe you're mistaken?"

Iuana frowns she having made no mistake. "He's my brother I'll have you know! I am not mistaken!"

Yula and Eve's ears both perk as they look over to Iuana and Teddy, they interested in hearing about this development.

Teddy seems surprised to hear this. "What...? Really...? I mean... the two of you don't look alike at all, and from what I understand Yula has been under military care since he was a child, how could you possibly recognize him if you haven't seen one another since you were children."

Iuana bares her teeth. "I know it's him! His name is the same isn't it? And he has the white eyes of an oracle just the same as my brother! He carries the mark of the raven with the head of a wolf on his chest just as I do, maybe you can't see it as clearly as you can mine because his fur is as black as the mark, but above all..." She looks back to Yula. "He looks just like mom... and I remember what she looked like without question."

Yula holds his ears against his head as he lowers his head, though Iuana seemed to know exactly who he was he had no idea of who she was, just that he had seen her in one of his so called visions.

Iuana looks back to Teddy. "You have a sister don't you? What would you have done if someone had kidnapped her and taken her from you?"

Teddy turns away from her, there no question as to what he would do if that were to happen to his sister. Iuana continues to speak. "All I want to do is return home, to my father and the rest of my pack. That's it."

Eve quickly gets to her feet as she yells over at Teddy to get his attention. "Don't you dare let her talk you into doing something like that! Doing something as stupid as going against the military is just going to get you killed! Ignore her little sob story and let her figure out what to do next on her own. You're in enough trouble as it is!"

Iuana glares over at Eve as the fox continues, she now speaking to Iuana. "Look you've got what you wanted out of us! Me and Teddy got Yula and helped the two of you escape the facility, you're done with us! So let us go!"

Iuana growls back at her. "I'll be done with you as soon as I'm out of this city!"

Teddy sighs as he looks back to Iuana. "If you want to have any chance of leaving the city you have to do it tonight. The power outage the city is going through right now is a god send. Without it there's no way you would possibly have any chance of escaping. Still, that doesn't mean that it's going to be easy, no doubt word has already gotten out about you and Yula escaping, the military will be after you in full force and if you happen to be found by them then your lucky streak is over! You're going to be caught and imprisoned all over again."

Eve looks over to Teddy annoyed. "You're not honestly going to help her are you!? I can't believe you! All you men are the same, listening to anything a pretty little lady with white fur asks you no matter how stupid an idea it is."

Teddy argues back with Eve. "How she looks had nothing to do with this!" He motions back to Yula. "Think about it? Do you think being locked away in a room your whole life is a way for anyone to live? Would you like it?"

Eve frowns as she glances over to Yula, it was true that she thought that keeping him locked up like that was foolish, even if he could somehow see the future like the higher ups thought that he could. "Well I..." She clenches her hands into fists, there was no way she could justify something like that, she looking back to Teddy. "Ok fine, you're right. I don't think that it's right to keep him locked away like that..."

Eve sighs to herself, she couldn't believe that she was doing this. "Alright... I'll help Teddy help you two out of the city, but I swear if I get caught and lose my job because of you-"

Teddy speaks up before Eve could throw her threat at Iuana and make the situation difficult by getting into a fight with the one currently in position of the only weapon among the group. "Just tell them you were held hostage and forced to act against your will, it's a little less believable for someone like me with extensive military training but anyone would believe you if you were to say it."

Eve frowns as she turns back to Teddy with her arms crossed. "But that actually happened to you!"

Teddy sighs at the reminder. "Yeah... but no one is going to believe me if I say that you know..."

Yula gets to his feet walking over to Iuana and Teddy. "If we're really leaving the city then we're going to need to think of a plan fast."

Eve looks back to Yula a little surprised to see him so easy agree to the idea, she having thought he would have remained quiet through the whole thing while just going along for the ride. She begins speaking to him. "That's what we're trying to do right now Yula, but Mr. Conner is right, we have to be careful, the military is probably swarming the streets looking for you. I mean they managed to keep you for three hundred years, so they're not so easily going to let you go."

Teddy quickly looks back to Iuana. "Wait... so if you recognize him as your brother... how old does that make you?"

Iuana glares over at Teddy. "What kind of question is that!? Don't you think we have a little more important things to worry about right now?"

Eve thinks their situation over. "I don't know how we can do it... the military is sure to have the exits to the city closed tight by now. There's no way for us to leave without being spotted."

Iuana raises her voice. "Then pick the closest one to us and we'll break through it by force!"

Eve stares at her shaking her head in disbelief. "How the heck have you managed to live for three hundred years with a reckless mentality like that?"

Iuana growls angrily as she looks back to Eve. "Hey I never said I was three hundred years old!"

Teddy lets out a sigh there no way they would be able to break through a city entrance, especially if there was a military blockade there. "Yeah right, that's not going to happen with just the four of us, especially if we only have one weapon between us."

Iuana looks over to Yula. "You're an oracle Yula, maybe you can do something... call forth a vision that can guide us."

Yula lets out a small embarrassed laugh. "Probably not... I don't even know how to have a vision to begin with... for all I know they only come to me when I'm asleep."

Iuana sighs that no help to them then. "That's fine, we'll figure out what to do regardless so don't worry about it."

Both Eve and Teddy seem perplexed with which direction they should now take, leaving the city not going to be an easy task at all. Iuana frowning as she speaks up deciding for them. "We're running out of time! We're going with the first plan, pick the closest exit and get through it by force." Teddy is about to speak up, Iuana looking over to him. "If its weapons you're worried about we can take them from the guards as they're beaten."

Teddy shakes his head. "It's... more the fact that there's only four of us that concerns me, and not all of us can fight."

Iuana argues back with him. "Well our chances of escape are getting smaller the longer we stand around here doing nothing!"

"Yeah... you are right about that."


The group of four are near the exit to the city, Iuana and Teddy slightly glancing around the wall they hid behind as they took into account what was there, the military personnel present just as Teddy had feared, dozens of lights set up around them all powered off of several small generators so that they could see what was happening around them despite the power to the city being gone.

Teddy frowns, everything for the most part seemed to be falling under protocol with them except for one thing, their numbers though a lot smaller than he had thought them to be. "That's strange, there's a lot less personal here then I would have thought. We might just be able to do this."

Eve speaks up. "Well they are searching the whole city for us. The military is probably pretty stretched out."

Yula pokes his head around the corner to see, Teddy quickly pushing him back before he's seen. "Yula try not to give our position away."

Something catches Teddy's attention, he moving to a different part of the wall and carefully past it back, he barely able to make out General Mort and Zack Magellan's figures among the military soldiers there. This was not good, there was no way someone of such high ranking would be hanging out in a place like this if it was just a simple look out, if General Mort was here he was expecting to find something.

Iuana turns away from the guards looking back to Teddy and Eve. "I can do the rest on my own from here, you two can go now."

Eve lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness."

Teddy though does not look as enthusiastic as Eve does about this idea, he having not discussed with them the problem he had just spotted. "When I said that we just might be able to do this, I meant we, as in we as a group. There's no way are you going to be able to do this on your own."

Eve frowns there nothing more that she could really do. "And what do you expect someone like me to do? I'm no more helpful than Yula!"

Yula frowns as he looks over to her. "Gee... thanks..."

Iuana ignores Teddy as she grabs onto Yula's hand dragging him with her, Teddy calling after her while still trying to keep his voice below a whisper. "Iuana wait!"

Eve spots one of the military soldier's beginning to head their way, she grabbing onto Teddy's arm stopping him from chasing after the two wilds and pulling him back out of sight. "Come on let's just go back and explain what happened, she took us captive and then left us behind when she felt she didn't need us anymore!"

Teddy watches the guard pass by them, he quickly getting to his feet hitting the guard on the back of the head and catching him as he falls down unconscious, Teddy dragging him back to where Eve was hiding as he begins to takes the weapons from the guard and arm himself with them.

Eve begins to panic as she watches him do this. "What are you doing!? Are you crazy!?"

Teddy makes a note of the ammo supply he had to work with. "There's no way that the military left this place without protection. It only looks low in security so it's inviting to someone that might be thinking of escaping. General Mort's presence explains that clearly!"

Eve looks a little surprised with this information. "General Mort is here...?" If Teddy did indeed see General Mort than he was right about this situation being bad, General Mort would only go out onto the field if he knew something important was going to happen, he not the type to waste his time with little assignments. "Why didn't you say something to her?!"

"I was planning to! But she took off too quickly!"

The sound of gunfire coming from the direction that Iuana and Yula has run in startles Eve and alerts Teddy, Teddy acting quickly and running in the direction the firing was coming from, Eve panicking as she followed after him not wanting to be left alone.

Teddy brings himself to a stop holding his body against the wall as bullets rain through the street next to the building, Teddy calling out to the figure that was right now huddle on the ground in fear. "Yula! Are you okay?"

Yula looks over to Teddy when he hears him call his name, the black wolf slowly shaking his head yes to let Teddy know that he was fine.

Teddy pushes his body off of the wall, stepping out into the street that divided them when there is a break in the gunfire, lifting his weapon and firing at the soldiers that right now targeted them, managing to take out two before being forced to take cover again when the military's gunfire starts up one more.

Eve panics at his actions. "You're attacking the military! How the heck are you supposed to explain that action!?"

Teddy takes the second gun he had taken from the guard from his side, handing it to Eve. "Help me out here! You want to get out of this alive don't you!?"

Eve looks toward the weapon she was been handed. "I don't know how to use a gun!"

Teddy glances over the broken wall they were hiding behind. "How could you not know how to use a gun!? You're a member of the government military aren't you?"

Eve holds her hand to herself explaining. "I'm a scientist that works for the military! I'm not a soldier like you!" She screams as shots are fired and bullets begin to chip away at the wall the two of them hid behind. "This is crazy! What am I doing here anyway!?"

Teddy looks back to her after firing several shots at the people that attacked them, ducking back down behind the wall. "We're attempting to outrun the military and get out of the city, you know... just thought I would bring it up again since you've forgotten, now are you going to give me a hand or not?"

Eve reluctantly picks up the gun, as horrified as she was with the situation she wasn't about to let herself get killed. "I don't even know how to begin using this thing! How did things end up this way anyway!?"

Teddy places his arm upon her shoulder, quickly pushing her along with him when there is a break in the gunfire, they two of them quickly running to the other side of the broken wall where Yula sat crouched on the ground, his whole body shaking in fear, Teddy getting his attention by patting him on the back, making the terrified wolf open his eyes and jump back startled. "Time to start moving Yula."

Yula nods his head as he gets to his feet the two of them beginning to run as fast as they could between the dark buildings of the city they were in, trying to find a way to escape both it and their pursuers.

Teddy begins to question Yula as the three of them move. "What happened to Iuana?"

Yula begins to explain to Teddy what he knew. "She went up ahead, when I looked to see where she had gone I was spotted and that's when they started shooting at me."

There is a horrified cry as a soldier falls to the ground from the roof of a building near them, Teddy quickly looking up to see Iuana looking over the side at them, she pointing ahead of them as she spoke. "There's a clear path through them straight ahead. We need to take it before it's lost."

Teddy yells back at her. "Don't take it! It's a trap, they're trying to tempt you with an opening so that they can surround and capture you."

Iuana glares down at him. "Then what exactly do you expect me to do!" Iuana shields her face as a light is shone upon her from one of the groups of soldiers below the building she was on, the lighting pointing her out to all the other soldiers in the area. Iuana quickly running away from the light, climbing down the side of the building and running ahead of Yula and the rest of the group.