A Dream Realized 6

Story by lionprince42 on SoFurry

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#6 of A Dream Realized

Trying a different way of writing. Still working on improving.

Caught by surprise at the question Rose had asked, John layed back onto the grass and was silent for a while. Rose began to think he was going to ignore the question before he suddenly spoke. "I don't have a goal. I just want to travel the region, maybe even travel the world. What about you?"

Rose thought for a second and watched John pull the pot from the fire as it started to boil and poured a bowl of soup. "I just want to stay away from home for a while. It will be nice to get away from all the rules they have." John laughed and held out the bowl of soup to her. "They will always try to look out for you. It's a pain but that's what parents are like." Rose took the bowl and fork from John, eating quickly. After a couple of minutes John stands up and half turns to his tent. "I'm going to lay down."

Rose looked up from the bowl. "Aren't you going to eat?" John shook his head. "I'll eat tomorrow while we walk.. I'm not really that hungry right now."

As John reached the opening of the tent, Mist appeared at his side and followed him in, sitting near the top of his sleeping bag. Taking off his boots and laying them outside, John layed back on his sleeping bag and sighed, closing his eyes. As he lay there he listened to Rose finish her food and set everything beside the fire. When he heard her near the tent he rolled to the side to stay clear of the opening, giving Mist the chance to jump onto the sleeping bag and take the place John had just moved from.

When Rose stepped into the tent, she noticed the look of slight annoyance he threw at Mist. "What did she do?" John looked up at her, slightly surprised at the question. "She didn't do anything, why?" Rose shrugged and sat down on her sleeping bag, Orin leaping through the tent's opening a second later and into her lap. "You just looked annoyed for a second." John laughed and gestured to Mist. "She just leapt into my spot when I moved to get out of your way. Not that big a deal really."

Laying on his side so he would still fit on the sleeping bag, John looked over at Rose. "And in the morning we should probably get an early start. If we can't make it to the city by tomorrow night we can at least make it early the next day." Rose turned her head to stare out of the tent. "You've never left Sandgem, so how do you know how far it is to Jubilife?" John shrugged in response. "My dad made a couple of trips to the pokemon center there. It only took him a week to get there and back so i'm guessing it's about 2-3 days to get there since my dad also had to check and see if anyone wanted a pokemon egg."

After that they sat in silence for a while before Rose layed down, falling asleep withing seconds. Getting comfortable on his side with Mist infront of him, John slowly fell asleep himself.

The next thing he knew he was being roughly shaken awake and sat up quickly, looking through the tent until he relaxed enough to realize it had been Rose. "What is it? Why did you wake me up?" Rose gestured out the tent, making John stop and listen for a second. He was about to lay back down, thinking that Rose was just getting worried about nothing when a branch broke nearby.

Moving to the tent's opening, he turned and found Mist awake and standing by his side. After a second he stepped out of the tent and stood, scanning the area around the tent to find who had come into it. After a couple of seconds John shook his head and kneeled to look into the tent again. "I heard something but i'm not seeing anyone or any pokemon around. Must have just been passing through." He then started to go back into the tent when a voice came into his head. "Wait. There is still something out there, it just isn't moving." John jumped and spun around, scanning the clearing but only seeing Mist. "Who said that."

Mist stepped in front of him. "Aura Speech, all Riolu and Lucario have this ability." John stared at Mist for a second before shaking his head. "If you have that ability, why didn't you use it before? Mist shrugged. "There was no need before." John sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Well we can talk about this later. Can you tell what is out there?"

Mist shook her head, staring out into the darkness. "I can't tell. For right now it's only interested in watching us though. I think it will be safe to go back to sleep." John shook his head. "You can but I would rather not risk anything. You go in and get some rest, if it comes to a fight you will need it."