The Warriors Dove Ch: 8

Story by Hato San on SoFurry

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#8 of The Warrior's Dove.



Well, whether you like it or not, I'm...

Well, whether you like it or not, I'm finding these enjoyable to write and post.


Chapter Eight: Within Valour And Hate.

Hearing their voices, driving into my head like a blade through my skull, I was forced to hear them, forced to see them. The darkened cloaks around them, and their blades held to me, all I had was the fear in my eyes and the shell of myself. My mind jumped, and I was staring at what I believed as my own self; the black and brown fur upon my face; and the odd shape of white fur upon my eyes and muzzle. Looking into the marking, I stared at the rest of my body, and noticed other patches of white upon me, all holding some form of symbol. 'What the hell?' The markings dug into my head, and triggered images, yet they only gave more of a gap. Looking into the shadows, a small chant was heard, I then was within a broken city. The dirt roads told me a lot, worn down and covered with tracks, yet looking into the huge place, and into a large tower of stone, it gave me a name. 'London, bloody London, and that's the clock tower.' Looking further-more into this place of shadow, I watched the roads. Staring into how everything became shattered; drenched within blood. I heard a sound in the wind, looking towards a set of tattered pages and a cloak. The creature moved closer to me, it's shadowing flame around it covered with the darkened red life of another. Stumbling back, it held it's hollowed arm outwards, and handed me the journal. Disappearing like it came, I opened the book. The first page was torn out, and the next page was the second entry, and it alone.

Day Two: "My lord Shakshira disappeared within the night, and I Karisif have been told to bring the book to London. I don't know what is so important about the damned thing, but I decided to take the journey. It'll be better than being ripped open by these demon fangs and claws. They told me not to open the book, yet I didn't care. There was nothing even in the damned thing, but I decided not to say anything and get the hell out as soon as I could. Make it to London and come back, their bloody well insane. I will make it to London, then, I'm leaving and I'm never coming back. Damn you Senshi No Hato, why did you have to give the book to Shakshira? We need you here, and we need you now."

'Senshi No Hato?' The name felt gravely familier, along with Karisif, and Shakshira. I attempted to read the next page, but a shadow cut me off by drawing its blade. "What do you want!?" My voice strong, he waved his blade to the journal. I being unarmed and seeing what they can do, threw the book to the ground in front of it. It immediately picked it up, and then it was gone, along with my ability to see. Awakening within a cold room, the sounds of hushed whispers poured through the open door. Being as quiet as I could, I made sure I was dressed, putting on a white muscle shirt, and a pair of jeans, and made my way through the darkness. Passing as a silent shadow, I walked towards the voices until I found the two standing by a light from a monitor. "What happened yesterday? Do you have any idea to where his mind went?" Kiyoko's voice came. I was surprised by her strong concern for me. "I don't, but I do know we have the right person." Looking away from the darkness, Kiyoko looked towards a small sleeping figure. Seeing the blaze of orange and white, I was looking at Caesar. "Who is he? I've never ran into someone like him." "I only know about his life here, the one before, I have nothing." "Nothing?" "Not even his name." Getting in closer, I could hear how she held her tone, and her eyes. "The visions he's seeing I haven't given him. The Fylakas's are behind this, keep a look out for any Strazhi tonight." She looked back to him. "I will." "Now, let's wake Blake up, we're going to need him." Disappearing to his words, I made my way back to the door of the room I came from, opened it, and closed it. Walking back down the hall, I ran into Kiyoko. "Your awake, good come with me." Following her back into a darkened room, I felt a light turn on. Looking at the weaponry laid on the table, I stared at her in a baffled confusion. "Don't worry, it's the first time I'm going to have to do something like this." Inspecting the pistols, she picked one up. "You've used something like this haven't you?" She tossed over a firearm, holding it to my eyes, I saw new flashes, and everything I learned pelted my mind. All the training, all the experience, and all the... killing. "Hellooo." Waving her hand in my face, I shook myself awake. "Have you used one?" "Yes." Showing her everything about it with no falter, she gave a surprised smile. "I guess you're smarter then you look. Now, we got to go." Grabbing a couple utility bags she told me to get, we went to the black truck I came here in. "You do have a nice truck." "This is mine?" "Yeah, we found your keys in the house you were in." Putting the bags in the back, she started the truck up. The engine was louder from the outside, and the initial sound was enough to make me jump. Stepping inside the vehicle, we both drove off into the night. "Yeah, so we're going to kill someone tonight. My mind blank, and my thoughts off, I asked who and why. "Some gangbanger by the name of Jason, I get to try the new rifle today, but I need you to draw him out." "Rifle?" "Check the bag." Opening the black utility bag, I found a hardened case, inside it; metal parts were taken apart, and looked as if they could be reconstructed. The stock, barrel, scope, everything was there for the rifle. "Whoa." "I know, a custom made fifty caliber rifle; Fylakas himself made it." Looking up to a sudden darkness, I watched as a shape came closer. Driving past a sign, I read what it said. *Welcome to the city of Shadeshall, a city of chances, a city of life.* Looking into the old broken sign, it gave me the feeling that this place has seen a lot, and that this city at one point was a great place live. "I always hated that sign. but it's still standing there, and will be for a while." Driving for a while, we stopped at the shadows of buildings, and a fire in the dark. Stepping out of the truck, I noticed that same sword inside it, and a heavy leather jacket. Being urged to take them both, I put on the jacket, and hid the blade within it. "Right now we are on the outskirts of the city. Now I am going to go onto that building, and set this up, you are going to pose as someone, and drag Jason out." "Take these, I'll fill you in more." Handing over a small device, similar to the one in her ear, I put it in my ear. She also handed over a pistol, which I hid in my jacket. Without able to say any objection, she was already moving onto the top of the broken roof, and urging me to move. 'This is great, I'm going to kill myself doing this.' Walking into the light, I was given some dirty, and violent looks. I hated the appearance of this crowd, the symbols on their clothes, to the look of their faces. Within these symbols, I saw the words The Calla's, and then I saw a shadow cut me off. "What do you think your doin here holme's" Listening to how he held his words, like he was playing on them. "Lookin for a friend." "And what is some poser doin hangin with a Calla." My mind went to the jacket. I then tried working with his words. "Just tell him you know about some dimes, and a lot of it." Kiyoko's voice came to my ear. I didn't say anything to her, even though it did startle me. "I need to talk to Jason." Four of them pulled guns out to me, being surrounded by a group of armed people, I put my hands up sluggishly. "And what does some mutha fucka like you want with our homie, you a blue or what?" "I got word about some dimes, and a lot of them." He shot a smirk, and brought his hand out. Meeting my hand with his, he brought my ear to his mouth. "I'm Jason, now, if you do got word about that stuff, we should speak in private. You got balls kid, coming out here sayin shit like that. Made you sound like a cop." Walking into the darkness, I knew he was into the open alone, I knew that Kiyoko had her sights on him, and that she was about to take him. Having a quick look around, I could easily plot out an escape route. "Blake, what the hell are you doing here?" "What?" "You almost blew my cover you idiot, what's next? Did you bring the SHPD here too." Waiting for the shot, nothing came. In confusion, the sounds of footstep arrived in the darkness. "Hey Jason, we've got a little girl here." Watching him walk away, I kept to the shadows. Looking into the group of males, I saw Kiyoko in the middle. "I found this little bitch hiding up on that roof there. Look at this piece of hers." Watching a tiger hand over the rifle, Jason's eyes widened. "Holy, this is a fifty cal." Looking at Kiyoko then trying to find me in the darkness, he gave the rifle back. "Do what you want to her, it's not like we need her." His words drove into my mind, and I watched as the group got closer to her, one tried to grab her. Her actions swift, she struck the face, chest, and swept the legs of one of the members. Believing she would need help, I rose the pistol up, and walked silently up to the crowd. Hearing some laughter, I watched as Kiyoko knocked another to the ground. "Christ, she's a big girl." A dog said holding his nose, and trying to stop it from bleeding. "You all seem to enjoy having me take you out." Kiyoko called out, looking at me. "It's all games at first girl!" Another laughed out, stepping into the ring. Throwing a punch forward, she parried it, and drove her elbow to the side of his jugular. Falling to the ground, he let out a laugh. "She beat me. Damn, he's right about her." "Like I said, it's all games at first, Lithray, get in there." Watching the large tiger step into the fight, I watched as her eyes sank a bit. He didn't throw a punch, but only waited for her strike. "Come on, I don't hurt, much." I would have backed down from this fight, he was huge, and frankly, I thought she was going to. "What? You think you can't beat me." She stayed quiet, and only held her position. "Well, what if I mentioned the victor gets first taste." The sound of cheers rang out, mixed with laughter. "I see, she doesn't want to get hurt." More laughter, I was surprised no one had seen me behind the crowd, but I when she walked up to him, everything changed. "I like that idea." She whispered softly, and everyone went into confusion. A haunting memory came, as I saw a flash of silver in her hand. 'This is gonna turn into a real bloodbath if I don't do something.' Wielding the pistol up, I pulled the trigger. The crack was louder than I thought, and the vibration from the pistol rang within my arm. Having everyone look to me, I noticed I had a huge advantage here. None of them had weapons on them, and I only saw Kiyoko walk up towards me. "I was waiting for that." "Of course you were." Having her walk away, I held the gun up to them, and started stepping backwards. Another splinter of silver came from the corner of my eye, and I looked back to her holding a small object. "Time for the fun part." Pushing down on it, I saw a flash of red, and heard a explosion that shackled through my body. Within the smoke, I looked around for her. "Kiyoko!" "I'm fine, over here." Looking to her already back at the truck, I looked into the collapsing building, and wondered if Jason was within it. "Well, let's move, we're done here." Stepping into the truck, she started it up once more, and drove off into the night. "Why did you kill everyone?" "Because if I told you that's what we were doing, you would've complained." "So you blew them up?" "Set the explosive while you were talking to Jason, but that damned cat found me." It was a quiet drive from then, and we stepped in nearing the mornings light. "Everything went smoothly then?" Fylakas teased, looking at how my face twitched when he did. "It had its bumps." I said, walking to my room. "What?" "I'll tell you." Kiyoko perked up. Moving into the frigid room, I lied down onto the bed, and went into my mind. 'What the hell is wrong with that girl, it's like she enjoys this, than changes to someone else back at the den. Something's going on, and I just hope I can discover what.' Trying to sleep with any thought to explain this, I finally fell, submitting to my nightmares, and the shadows that drove into my mind.