Life From a New Perspective - Chapter 7 - Those Worth Fighting For

Story by ZyferWulf on SoFurry

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#8 of Life From A New Perspective

Life From a New Perspective - Chapter 7 - Those Worth Fighting For


You know, I'm really happy with the way this one turned out. I'm also glad that I'm nearing the end of this series. Perhaps I'll write an epilogue, that is, if you all want me to ^_^



"Leandra, how long till it happens do you think?"

"What?" I asked, looking at the mother, Jesiki, who had given birth around seven weeks ago. I had lost focus about what we were eight about because Reenin had just walked over and started licking my neck lovingly. She looked quickly at my bulging stomach before looking back at me inquisitively. "Ohh, you mean that. I guess within a couple more days, right babe?" I said, lightly nipping Reenin's ear. He nodded and chuckled, his face in a smile that warms my heart every time I see it. One of Jesiki's pups ran up behind her and pounced over her back and on her stomach.


"Mommy, when will we be able to play with leandra and Reenin's pups?" He asked cutely. Both Jesiki and I giggled at the question.

"Soon enough my kit, soon enough." She said as he slid off of her chest. I smiled with a slight bit of jealousy, and Reenin seemed to notice.

"Soon enough, my dear. Be patient." He whispered to me, making me chuckle.


There was a commotion as one of our scout wolves came back bloodied and screaming for Reenin. He jumped up and ran to meet him.

"Reenin, your brother... He's coming to kill you and take the alpha position of the pack." The wolf said, legs shaking. Reenin's expression turned dead serious as he nodded and told the scout to go find someone to help clean his wounds. I slowly stood up and walked to Reenin's side as we waiting for whatever was coming. Reenin took a step forward and positioned himself in front of me protectively as howls and yips came crudely from the trees. Reenin began to snarl as his Reaver and two others came forward and stopped thirty feet away.


"What are you doing here Reaver, you know you are not welcome."

"You know damn well why I'm here Reenin so stop acting all valiant and brave, you'll just make a fool of yourself. This pack rightfully belongs to me, so I am going to first kill you, take alpha, and then take your bitch." He said, looking at me, then my large stomach.

"Ohh, such a shame. I'll have to kill the pups then fuck you hard, because there will be nothing left of Reenin when I'm done here."

I growled viciously, my eyes clouded red with rage, as he threatened my mate and my unborn pups. I stepped forward only to be stopped by Reenin.

"Look at that, it looks like your bitch is a better fighter than you. I'll kill either of you, there's plenty of bitches to fuck around here." He said with a chuckle and a sinister smile.

"Leandra," He whispered to me. "Go back to the den, just do it."

"No, I'm staying here with you."

"Damn it do it for me, for our pack, for our pups."

Reluctantly I stepped back and turned to the den, accompanied by Jesiki.


In the den the only thing I could think about was Reenin. Soon after I had entered the den I heard fighting break out. There were snarls and whimpers, yips and the sound of tearing flesh, each time making me wince slightly. Jesiki and I stayed silent, neither of us knowing what to really say here. As my adrenaline and bravery dwindled I began shaking in fright of what could become of my mate. If they killed Reenin, there would be no fucking way in hell that I'd let him near me without shredding him limb from limb.


The fighting continued for a long time with only brief pauses before the next roar of bloodshed, each one bringing another tear to my clouded vision. I lost count of how many pauses there were and gave up on counting how long the fight had lasted. I finally decided to clench my eyes shut and try to keep out the horrors that were happening, hoping to the gods that I would wake up with Reenin alive. Somehow my mind found itself too strained and slowly my vision blackened until I faded into a form of sleep mixed with unconsciousness.


I felt a nudge and jolted awake to see Jesiki looking a me nervously.

"It sounds like the fighting stopped." She said in a quiet, nervous voice. Both of our ears perked up when there was a shuffling noise that emanated from outside the den, but continued to draw closer and closer. I stood and took a defensive stance, preparing for Reaver to come around the entrance. The setting sun caused a massive glare as the figure appeared. All I could see was the shadowed outline of him before he stumbled forward and fell to the ground. He looked up before laying his head down once more. Even through the blood and slashes of raw flesh, I immediately knew it was Reenin, and he was badly hurt.

"Reenin!" I shouted, dashing to his side and dropped down next to him. He looked back at me and smirked lightly.

"I did it, he's" He started coughing and sputtered a small pool of blood, more running down his chin. "He's dead, and our pupa are safe." His eyes fluttered lightly before closing.

"Reenin, I won't let you die! Don't die please don't die!" I shouted as I began cleaning his wounds and doing anything I could to make him live.

"If, if I don't make it, be sure to let our pups know that I loved them, and that it was because of you that I won, and if I had to die a thousand deaths of the greatest pain, I would do it twice over just to make sure that you and our pups would live." He breathed in deeply before spitting more blood from his mouth, some landing on my chest, which only added to the spots of his blood already on my fur.

"Reenin please you can't die you just can't, you mean everything to me and I won't let you die so please Reenin please I love you don't die, don't die..."

His breath slowed down to a very shallow pace, his blood began to stop gushing from his open wounds, and I wouldn't leave his side until I knew he was alive and going to stay alive. As the sun set more of the pack left for their dens, and even Jesiki stood and returned to her own as well, leaving me and my mate, my Reenin, barley hanging on to the line of life or death, fighting to stay in this existence for each minute, and I'd be damned if the next would be his last.