Life From A New Perspective - Chapter 1 - On the Hunt

Story by ZyferWulf on SoFurry

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#1 of Life From A New Perspective

Life From A New Perspective - Chapter 1 - On the Hunt

This is a new story series I've thought up, and would like to know if I should continue or not. So if you've already put forth the effort to read this, please at least give me 5 seconds of your life to say yay or nay.

As always, enjoy!

The scent was stronger then before, so I was getting closer. Silently stalking my soon to be prey, my heart started racing. My stomach was cringing in anticipation, but I had to suppress my eagerness, for I would rather have a meal than go hungry for another few days. I heard the faint trickling of the stream. I knew this will make it much easier to sneak up as close as I could before striking. The scent was very strong now, unmistakably a young, ignorant buck. I approached the tree line and relaxed my muscles, my eyes sizing up my prey. Without having anyone to help me in the hunt I had to be sure to not mess up. I never had a pack to watch my back. Never did, probably never would. I was alone. From my experience I could tell I was only five or six strides away.

"Godspeed." I whispered quietly to myself before leaping from my cover of the trees. The buck's head snapped up and back, seeing me less than four strides away. He bounded to the right in a futile attempt of escape, but he clumsily tripped and rolled on the ground. It looked like luck was on my side today. I took a final bound towards him, sinking my claws into his shoulder flesh, lashing out with my teeth. Bucking and kicking, the young deer had no chance by now. I dug my claws in a final time and sunk my teeth into his throat, thrashing back and forth to snap his neck. The buck's muscles tensed, twitched, then relaxed. I removed my claws and opened my muzzle, stepping back to look at my kill.

"I thank the gods for providing me with this meal, and I thank the sacrifice of the buck for giving me the means to carry on." With that, I moved forward again and began eating. It was times like these that I realized that I had to provide for only myself, my survival depended only on how well I did. I had no one to rely on and no one to help. Sometimes it got quite depressing, but I was still alive and that's what mattered, I guess.

After eating what I felt I could, I took a few licks of water and dipped in to clean the blood from my fur. I looked up and saw dark clouds in the afternoon sky begin to take the sun. Walking back into the forest, I left the carcass for scavengers and went to find shelter before it started raining. In the distance I saw a rocky outcrop just as the first crack of lightning signaled what was on the way. I picked up the pace up to the outcrop, hoping that it could provide some shelter.

Rain droplets started pricking my back as I arrived at the outcrop, finding a cave to provide shelter. I made my way in, shaking out my fur and bounding to my way to one of the sides of the cave, lying down. Without anyone to warm up next to, I had to settle with the cold dampness of the stone ground. Sometimes I really wished I wasn't abandoned. I've had to survive on my own ever since I was a pup, and somehow I was still alive, but I was starting to think that wasn't as much of a blessing as it sounded like. Life, what's the point anyways. Even as uncomfortable as I was, night eventually took me as its prey.