Chapter 1: Truth

Story by Vivi on SoFurry

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#1 of In the Dark Heart and into the Light Soul

Kitsune: Japanese word: fox

Chapter 1: Truth

10 years ago......

I walked into the woods to the lake that I take my baths with my brother but on the way I saw this cave it had a strange aura at the entrance of the cave brother always told me to stay away because it might be a western secret base. The war between the western power and the Tribal clans of the planes of Spirit Wing's, my name is Vivi-Sol-Dawning (Vivi the name I was given, Sol my clan name, and Dawning is my home village, I have white fur well all of the villagers have white fur but i had purple tip ears and tail witch makes me cute ) I was eight year old Kitsune back then. My brother was the best Kitsune Magi ever he was even taught the secret art of Oni magic and angel magic I was still learning how to make a single spark of fire but I love the ice and water, full of clam and peace. One day I decide to enter this cave I was told to stay away from I peaked inside to see nothing it was dark as a new moon night so I venture into the cave. I was a scared because of the dark and I saw a door that looks like the doors told in the legends then I heard a voice "Little one your soul is bright that will light the way of others but you will feel a tragedy before you help those who loves you."Said the voice. Silence filled my mind but I listen more "You will be the defender of light but you must deal with yourself in the future to come now go home trouble is soon to come" I ran to lake and took my bath, then went to bed thinking about what I heard.

I heard the sound of Screams, gunfire, and blade meeting at each other I woke up. I peaked outside of my hut and I saw a shadow being that seems human but couldn't make of it. A Friend of my dad came to my aid Orenchen "I'm getting you out of here Vivi!" Said Orenchen "Why? Where are my mommy and daddy?" I said, he didn't answer but picked me up and took me to the outskirts of the village and a group of knights were there like they knew are arrival. One of the knights spoke "Is this him I can sense the light in this one but I fear he doesn't know what cause this." Orenchen nodded and put me down "who are you? What are those? Why are they here?" I asked. "Little kitsune I don't want to make you feel anger but this isn't the time know those yet we will take you to safety your family will defend their lives to keep you safe" The knight said as he offered his hand to let me hold. I wanted to know but I was scared and said to my mind that I will come back home to see them again "I know it" So I hold the knight hand and he picked me up and carry me away to somewhere safe but before we left Orenchen gave me a sword and the note said "don't open me until 10 years have passed and you know the truth Love Father" I stayed strong but I cried a little.


10 years later.....

I awoke from my room I was given when I came here to Boys only school and it was my 18thbirthday. I got dress for class and walked the hallway and of course the bully Chris Tonkin has to stop me

"Where do you think you're going?" "I was going to class so please move" He slam me to the wall "I think the pound is where you belong" Chris laugh and so did his friends. Then the teacher came "what's going on here?!" everyone stay still of fear but not me "unless you want to take the punishment with me or with the principle leave!" They left, "thank you" I said, he cleaned his glasses and put them back on "name's Sid Omi or Mr. Omi so you must be the student I heard about" I was shocked "You know who I am?" "Of course I was told about you and two other warriors will be coming here to meet you." I walked to my class witch Mr.Omi fallowed because I'm in his English class. Then I felt an aura the same aura on that night. I saw the smaller version of those things but look like children Sid took out a pair of cards with strange writing on them and throw them at the shadows and they disappear "They know where you are now I think it's time for you to know." "Kno-" He took my hand and took me to his office and sealed the door with magicka. I sat down on his bean bag chair, because he was a free loose guy, he sat across in front of me and spoke" Those things are shadows and there are more of them they don't appear all at once but little at a time but it's years since they appeared and I know about your village you're the only one who lived because you were taken to safety and this sword should explain everything" Sid said as he walked to his chest and pulled out the same sword I was given as a cub and he handed it to me "Happy birthday Vivi" I opened the sword wrapping and I found a note " My dear son if your reading this then you're safe and I'm not this sword was made for you in secret from your brother because your brother was the one will bring the darkness and destroy the world and he was the reason I'm dead take this blade unlock your powers of light and save not only the world but yourself as well Love Father" I sit there all shocked and tears fell on my face.


Well thats chapter one of my story more to come soon. =3