Olevion Chpt 2 - Zachariah and Rimefrost

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Chapter 2 of Olevion featuring Zachariah the Wolf Ranger. All characters copyright their respective owners.

Zachariah and Rimefrost

Covered by deadfall and snow, Zachariah sat outside of a small cave with his cloak pulled tight about him, ears swiveling listening for any trace of sound. The wolf had been sitting there for hours, watching the cave. He'd set up the blind after a routine patrol for the area he decided to call his home. Finding bits of frozen animal in the unseasonably cold mountains; large trees pushed aside, and massive gouges in the earth had led him here. He thought that it was just a fluke. That is until he came upon a grizzly bear, frozen solid standing straight up outside of the cave, icicles protruding from it as if an icy wind had blasted back its fur.

The area was unnervingly quiet, not even the whispering of wind through the sleeping oaks, elms, or various evergreen trees. Something was wrong, though he couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. He'd scoured the area for any trace of animals, all he'd found were various smaller game. It was as if the entire population of larger creatures had just disappeared.

The air was bitterly cold, even for this region of mountains. Shaking his head he gave a quick look around before slowly pulling himself out of the blind. He cautiously approached the mouth of the cave, keeping his bow at the ready. The giant icicles hanging down from the entrance gave it the appearance of a gaping maw.

Cold air blew back his hair and fur, chilling him through his thick leathers.

He shook the chill from his muzzle and stalked into the cave, keeping to the shadows and wrapping a fur around his snout to stifle the steam of his breath. He moved as softly as he could, avoiding the bones and ice scattered about.

Moving deeper into the cave the ice started to creep from the floor to the walls, and eventually covered the ceiling almost a foot thick in areas. The light from the entrance refracted through and off the ice, giving the cave a muted, dim light. As his eyes adjusted Zachariah caught the glint of silver, gold, copper, and various small gems embedded in the ice along the walls and ceiling. To his disgust, there were also various extremities and corpses frozen in the ice, some missing limbs, others completely preserved.

"A dragon, it has to be. I might have to go get help to clear this out. I'll take a look just to make sure," thought Zachariah.

He stalked deeper into the cave system, more passages opening around him. Small, flitting, shadows flickered in the dim reflective light. At every passage Zachariah stopped, his ears swiveling as they strained to pick up any sound. Barely catching the faint scraping of clawed feet moving quietly on ice.

He froze at the entrance of one passage, peering around the corner into the tunnel. There he spotted the source of the skittering, a small, white-scaled lizard about half his own height. Kobolds.

"Of course, there'd be kobolds if there's a dragon. Seems these have adapted to their master," he thought.

He drew his bow back, slowly letting his breath out, and rounded the corner before letting loose. The small reptile collapsed with a faint gurgle, the arrow piercing through its neck. Zach crept forward, examining the arrow as it protruded from the kobold's throat.

"Arrow caught its spine on the way through. The shaft is cracked, the arrow's useless now," he thought as he shook his head.

He rolled the reptilian off its side onto its back and looked it over. "Crude, patch-work leather jerkin. The wooden shield that's seen some action. Flint tipped spear. Looks like the shaft broke and lost the original head. Scavenged gear."

He spun around as he heard a sharp hiss to his left. He spun and quickly let fly. He took out one of the three kobolds that had wandered in from a passage. The others quickly retreated down the passage.

"Dammit! Pay attention to your environment. Careless idiot. Well, looks like I've got some vermin to clean out." He growled in frustration and ran after the kobolds as silently as he could. Keeping low and hugging the wall he rounded a corner and immediately let loose an arrow. He didn't have time to count the kobolds as he backpedaled, nearly slipping on the icy floor.

"Hells, Hells, Hells! Think before you run blindly."

He scrambled back to a narrow in the passage, his breath coming in cold clouds of mist. He nocked another arrow and waited for this first kobold to round the corner. He didn't have to wait long, the arrow hit the kobold right in the chest. It staggered mid-stride then fell back into its companion, giving the gray wolf time to toss his bow behind him and draw his broadsword and sword-breaker.

The two kobolds charged, taking the wolf by surprise at their boldness. He snapped his sword-breaker across the two spears, knocking them out of the way and trying to catch his footing. He was pushed back into the chamber, nearly tripping over the previously felled kobold. His attackers seized the opportunity and charged. He parried one blow but another went through his defenses, leaving a nasty gash on his thigh, blood spattering on the ice. He fell to one knee and caught the spear in his sword breaker, slamming it to the ground, pulling the kobold into his waiting sword. The last kobold charged as its companion thrashed on the end of Zach's blade, its lifeblood flowing onto the floor. The wolf heaved the dying draconid into its companion before plowing his weapon through them both.

Zach leaned on his sword for a moment, panting before finally pulling the blade free and leaning back against the wall for support. The adrenaline faded and his leg burned like fire, the wound on his thigh a sickly red and black.

"Great, poisoned spear..." Zach slurred out as collapsed to the floor.

* * * * *

Zachariah rolled over and groaned. His thigh burned with fire yet he curled up and shivered with a horrible chill. He squinted in the dim light trying to focus.

As he focused he tried to collect his swimming thoughts, "You're alive, you're wounded, you have no weapons, your pack is still in the blind, and you have no idea where you're at. What have you gotten yourself into now."

"Ssst. The gray-furred one finally s-stirs."

The wolf scurried back against the wall, wincing at the pain in his leg.

"Who are you? You're not a kobold, so what are you doing here?" he asked

"You may call us Thizk. The wolf is wounded, perhaps this one can as-sist," the large lizardfolk said as it moved toward Zach. Before he could say anything in protest there was a faint green glow and soothing cool coursing through his leg. The pain was still there but the burning and nausea were lessened. He could move again, albeit stiffly.

"The pois-son has been slowed, not negated. The wolf's body may reject the taint in time, or maybe s-succumb without further aid. This one has done all they can. Thizk did what they could for the wound. But cold makes us scaled ones sluggish. Hex-scales don't slow from the chill." Thizk hissed. "This one has been sent by the ancients to gather s-scales of the great white ancient one that lives in this mountains-s. Does the furred one know of this?"

"I've only just found out it was a white dragon after tracking the wyrm to this cave. That's all I know. It has entered my domain and run off most of the game, causing predators to starve and disrupting the balance in the area," said Zach. "Now I just need to find out how to kill it. Or to get it to run away."

"Thizk might have a way to do this, the furred one just needs to survive long enough to allow this one to work with the spirits."

"I will not say no to assistance on something this powerful. I know when I am outmatched."

* * * * *

Rimefrost stretched languidly atop her frozen hoard, admiring her white scales as they sparkled in the sunlight filtering in through the frozen entrance above. Two kobolds scurried into her lair, bowing profusely as they approached. She yawned, freezing one of the poor creatures mid-bow.

"Why do you disturb my rest dragonlings?" she drawled, glaring icicles.

The unfrozen kobold glanced at his compatriot and squeaked, "We is sorry to disturb your great icy-ness. Y-you remembers lizfolk who intrude upon the caves? Well hims and new wolfkins are now frees and causing all kinds of troubles your Greatness."

She huffed, "Looks like I'll have to have dinner early. How many dragonlings have they killed?"

"A-abouts 10s of us. What do you wants us to do?"

"Heard them into this chamber. Let's see what entertainment these troublesome guests can provide. Do try to keep your losses to a minimum. It is bothersome to force your creation," she said, stretching languidly and unfurling her wings.

* * * * *

Zach leaned around the corner and let loose another crude arrow from his scavenged bow. The kobold on the receiving end let out a yelp as the arrow pierced its shield. The area in front of it suddenly burst forth in jagged icicles, blocking off that passage.

"I'm guessing that wasn't you. I doubt you'd miss with a spell-like that." Zach said, eying the reptilian behind him.

"The furred one is correct. It was-s not this one's spell," Thizk replied.

"Nothing for it but to turn around and try another way then. Every passage with a breeze keeps getting blocked. The dragon doesn't want us to leave it seems."

Zach turned and led the way deeper into the tunnels, every turn blocked off by thick walls of ice. They were being herded deeper into the caverns. The air grew colder and soon they were in a large tunnel. Zach was freezing and the lizardfolk grew sluggish as his cold blood slowed.

Zach rounded the corner and froze. There in front of him stood countless frozen animals, just like the bear on the surface. An icy fog radiating off the frozen creatures made the cold unbearable. The wolf shivered as he backed up, bumping into Thizk and slipping on the ice. Thizk grabbed him feebly, barely able to keep him from tumbling headfirst in the fog.

"This-s one needs warmth. The path ahead is too cold. Perhaps there is-s another passage around the frozen fog? Spells can only do so much against this-s cold." Thizk said halting, leaning heavily on his staff.

The wolf leaned on his bow eying the lizardfolk, "Not too experienced traveling, are you? Just shape-change into a warm-blooded animal. You are a shaman right?"

"This one is just an acolyte. The ancient ones grant us-s our powers. Perhaps they see me favorably..." the lizardling said as he knelt and closed his eyes. His muzzle shrank and morphed. Gray and brown feathers burst from his crown and down his back. After a few seconds there was no longer a lizardling, but a tawny marsh owl.

"Well, it seems the ancients favor you. Let's go."

* * * * *

Rimefrost stared into the scrying mirror, watching the wolfkin and lizardfolk cross the barrier. Only a short time now until the interlopers found the lair, at which point she'd deal with them. She looked up at the ice covering her exit to the lair, a large hole in the cavern roof amidst the stalactites. She rarely needed it now that she had a small brood of kobolds. But, just to be safe she blasted a few more layers of ice on it so the intruders couldn't try any trickery. Now that her ceiling was more secure, it was time to prepare for some uninvited guests.

* * * * *

Zachariah and Thizk had worked their way through a few more obstacles. A few pitfalls into icicles, more freezing fog, and a few scattered kobolds. Nothing too troublesome but enough to drain their energy a bit more. They crept into a large chamber, the sunlight filtering through a frozen rooftop of ice and snow. Around the edges of the room were piles of gold, silver, copper, weapons, a few pieces of armor, and bones. They scanned the room but other than treasure and bones, there was nothing there.

"Well, this can't be good. A dead end with no dragon in sight," Zach said as he kicked at some of the treasure with his good leg.

"Indeed, there is-s nowhere for an ancient one to hide in here," Thizk replied.

"Well now that is a conundrum," a voice like cracking ice rumbled through the room. The wolf backed away from the treasure pile as the wall nearby shimmered, a large white-scaled head with eyes full of frozen malice appeared. Soon to be followed by the wings and tail of the white dragon.

"How does one hide such a large, powerful being? Why in plain sight of course," She snorted. "Now, why have you come to my lair, killed my minions, and disturbed my slumber? Perhaps to plunder my hoard? Some sense of nobility to protect the townspeople down the mountain? No matter, you will soon be added to my collection, forgotten by all except the mighty Halrossazien. Though your kind has troubles with our elegant names, you may call me Rimefrost. Perhaps I will be merciful and let you die quickly. Have you anything to say before you are frozen?" the wyrm spouted, filling the cavern and spreading her wings.

Zach swallowed hard as his tail tucked between his legs, yet he still drew the bowstring taught with an arrow. Maybe if he could hit her eye it would give them a fighting chance.

Zach tried to keep the quiver from his voice, "This area is under my protection Rimefrost. You've killed all the game in the area and animals are freezing to death. Leave now."

"Leave? Your domain?" You are quite amusing for a beastkin. I think you shall go in my foremost collection. The memory of your 'bravery,'" Rimefrost chuckled.

Scanning the room quickly he saw only a few weapons poking out of the treasure piles, he'd never be quick enough to get them with his wounded leg. Thizk was nowhere in sight, he'd probably had the sense to run instead of poking around the area.

He exhaled slowly, aiming at the icy orb that held his death, closed his eyes, and let loose. As the arrow left the bow he sprinted as well as he could to the nearest treasure pile. He dove headfirst over the pile as the dragon let out a roar. The scavenged bow snapped during the landing and he cursed, throwing it to the side. He chanced a look at the beast as it roared and flailed its head back and forth. Perhaps the gods were on his side today.

Zach started rummaging through the treasure pile, there had to be something in this hoard that would help. As he dug the dragon thrashed. it's tail scattering the pile. Zach caught the tail full in the chest as it threw the ranger across back against the wall.

He landed hard with the air knocked out of him, "Pretty sure those are some broken ribs. Now get up and move." He glanced up and saw different colored feathered shafts in an elaborate quiver. He would laugh if it didn't hurt so much. He crawled up and grabbed the quiver. If he was going to die he'd do it on his terms.

The adrenaline was finally helping. He stood up straighter, pulled two arrows, one in each hand and charged the thrashing dragon. The wolf dodged under her left side, driving the shafts up the arrows upward, only for them to splinter in his hand. He let out a growl and tried again, catching her in the breast bone. He continued, doing nothing but wearing himself out as the dragon started to chuckle in amusement.

"Enough of this, I've had my fun. It's time to join the collection little beastkin," Rimefrost snarled as she inhaled deeply. The temperature in the room started to drop quickly. Zach had one arrow left, desperate he let out a prayer to whatever gods might be watching and jammed it into the dragon's chest. It sank through the scales like a hot knife through the snow.

Halrossazien let out a pained roar, blowing her freezing breath around the cavern. Flapping her wings instinctually to get away from the searing pain she crashed into the clear icy ceiling. The cavern rumbled as the roof gave way burying the wolf, dragon, and shapeshifted lizardfolk in ice and snow.

* * * * *

Zachariah felt cold, and pain. Everything was dark, movement was like plowing through a snowdrift. His breath burned cold in his lungs, the pain in his ribs was like fire. He slowly dug his way out. Emerging on top of a pile of ice, trasure, snow, and dirt. Then he saw scales. The dragon was alive but seemingly knocked out by either the arrow or the roof collapsing. He slowly moved off the pile and heard a hoot up above.

Thizk, still in his owl shape circled overhead with a talon full of glittering white scales. He landed on the edge of the pit and shifted back into his normal form.

"It seems the furred one survives. This one's quest is done, yours is not finished. The hex-scale lives and this one shall not stay here for it to awaken. Farewell, grey wolf." With that the lizardling turned and stalked off, slinging a bag over his shoulder.

"Of course, he'd leave me here. Cold-blooded bastard," Zach mumbled and slowly hobbled his way to the exit. Hopefully, the kobolds would be scared off by the cave-in and with the dragon knocked out the ice blockade would be gone.

* * * * *

He encountered no resistance. He did find a discarded spear and was using that to lean on. He had just reached the relative cover of the forest when a roar shook the mountains.

"You dare take my egg beastkin!" Rimefrost shouted as she clawed her way out of her lair, one of her wings broken. "Heed my words ranger, once I am recovered. I will hunt you until the ends of Olevion!"

With that, he felt a strange, foreboding tugging in his soul. He knew this was not the last he'd see of this white wyrm. The only reason she wasn't charging him now was her wounds. He winced at the thought and painfully made his way to the nearby town of Marren's Eve.