Project Radikal Chp. 3 - An Eventful Day

Story by Blazey Wavey on SoFurry

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#3 of Project Radikal

Here's chapter three, hope you all enjoy. :3

It was Monday morning and I was laying in bed, glancing at my clock to see it was 5:00am, waiting until it hit 5:05am, hearing my alarm ring once before shutting it off, thinking to myself 'Another sleepless night.'. Getting out of bed and throwing on a new pair of clothes. Walking up the staircase and walking into the kitchen, pouring a bowl of cereal, looking into the fridge to see there was little milk, just enough. Opening it to have a foul smell enter my nose. It was going to be one of those kinds of days. Shaking my head and walking into the living room, sitting down at the couch. Eating dry cereal, watching the morning news with my dad. He smiled and looked over at me, "your mom sent in your graduation present... Wanna go see it?". Nodding and feeling all giddy, when he suddenly tossed a pair of keys at me, catching them with my reflexes and looking back up at my dad with big eyes. Rushing outside to see a 2001 Nissan Skyline GT-R. Almost drooling at the sight of it. Running towards it to give it a big hug. With a black gloss finish and the perfect body kit to go with it. Looking through the window to see bucket seats in the front, and a big bow on top of the steering wheel. Quickly pulling out my phone and dialling my mothers number.


"Haha, well. I did, since it's sitting in your driveway right now."

"Your too amazing, how did you know to get this exact body kit with the bucket seats I wanted as well?"

"I found one of your car books and it had those circled around them, so I thought I'd surprise you."

"How did you even afford this?"

"Let's just say my boss gave me a raise."

"Mom that's fantastic! Thank you so much. I love it, but I have to go, school."

"Alrighty son, have a fantastic day, I'll talk to you later." *click*

Waving off to my dad as I pull out of the driveway, grinning and wiggling into the seat, feeling the power of this car, the engine revving and roaring to go. Driving down the streets towards my school, pressing down on the gas petal, speeding up. "This car sure has power. I'm going to name you Outblast." Arriving at school, pulling up in front of my friends where they usually hung out before morning classes. The parking lot sitting on there cars, talking about random things, pulling up beside them, rolling down the window and giving them a wink before parking and turning the ignition off and stepping out of the car. Leaning against the side, trying to pull of a cool pose before laughing out loud.

"So, guys like my ride?"

"Are you sure you didn't steal this beauty?"

"I'm sure. It was my graduation gift from my mom."

"So lucky..."

"I have everything packed, are you ready? This one shouldn't take that long, we could be back before 3:00pm"

"Yeah, I'm ready. "

Agents 354 and 257 sped out of their home and down streets. 354 grinning evilly, as he takes turns at speeds that could easily get them into crashing into the nearby wall, or another car passing by.

"We're almost arriving to destination" 257 starting to grab a few things from a nearby bag that she could reach.

"Okay, pull behind that dumpster than we can continue on, the target usually goes for a morning coffee at 11:00am, and sits by a visible window in his home. We can make our move then. Do you confirm?"

"Confirmed. Let's set up on the roof across from the window." Walking towards the side of the home, climbing random things and pulling herself up onto the roof.

"You could have just taken the ladder like I did, and like normal people", climbing up the last few steps and getting onto the roof.

"Shut up..." Smiling slightly, as she opens up a metallic briefcase to reveal; heavy weaponry needing to be put together.

"Okay, equipment is now set up, and we are awaiting on target." laying down on his stomach, supporting himself with his arms, while looking through the scope of the gun.

"Target is in sights. I can take him when ready."

"Take him down." looking through the binoculars, waiting.

"Affirmative." Pressing down on the trigger to a sudden loud bang, smoke leaving out of the barrel of the gun.

"Target is down. Repeat, target is down." Patting 354 on the back. "Let's pack up and leave."

As 354 and 257 toss the briefcase onto the ground before jumping down. Walking towards there car, 354 humming a tune with a slight wag in his tail. Clicking a button on the car keychain, unlocking the doors. Popping the trunk open, throwing the briefcase into the back. Walking back to the front of the car, turning around to look at the other canine.

"Well... Are you--" Being cut off from 257

"Shhh.... The target is no longer down. He moved... The body is no longer in sight. This is bad. I'll go check it out." Walking towards the house, with a hand gun. Slowly making her way towards it, getting to a side window and climbing through it.

354 got a little nervous and didn't know why he didn't go with her. He just sat in the vehicle, waiting to hear for any signs of struggle or anything that signalled she needed help.

257 walked to the window where the target was eliminated. There wasn't any blood, glancing around for any evidence of someone crawling, or escaping. None, starting to be extra cautious while walking around. Before having a gun being pulled against her head. Closing her eyes and raising her hands in the air. Hearing a voice tell her to drop the gun and give the position away of the other agent. She swallowed, feeling a lump in her throat, biting her lip and saying he was out by the car waiting. He started lowering the gun and stepping back a little, that's when she decided to sweep her foot out, causing him to trip onto the ground, she dives forward, grabbing her gun and evading a few shots he tried to take on her. Diving behind the couch and blind firing towards where he would be. Having a few shots being shot back at her. Hearing him shoot the last bullet in his magazine and rolling out, and quickly kicking a chair into his direction. Aiming her hand gun at him and pulls the trigger, to find her magazine was out also. Quickly throwing the gun at his head and running into the kitchen, grabbing a knife. Taking slow deep breathes while peeking her head around the corner to see he was gone again. Turning around another corner to be knocked down. The knife sliding across the floor away from her. Struggling with him on top of her, trying her best not to be totally pinned against the ground. When she heard someone diving through the window, firing a few shots over at them. While he was distracted, she took the chance to roll over on top of him, throwing in a few punches before being pushed off, onto the floor. Suddenly being picked up and being held, with a knife to her throat. Looking over at her husband with big eyes.

"Now, you drop the gun, or I cut her throat." The target says with a fast paced tone and almost out of breath.

"Alright, don't do anything. I'm dropping it now."

As the gun drops to the ground, she head butts him and pushes him off, quickly diving for the gun, sliding across the floor, shooting a couple rounds into him. Standing up and looking over at his corpse, takes one last shot at him, shooting him in the head this time. Growling a bit before kicking him and exiting the house. Getting back into the car and slowly driving away.

"Ugh, thought it was interns work..." 354 says while concentrating on the road.

"I didn't know he was expecting us. Stupid kevlar body armour."

"It doesn't matter, he's been eliminated and we get paid good money this time. Let's go home now."

"Wait... Do you hear a ticking sound? Sounds like... QUICK GET OUT OF THE CAR." Quickly opening her door and diving out.

"Crap." Quickly un buckling and diving out his door, diving into some bushes.

Hearing an audible explosion, car pieces flying in all directions, with the base of the car in flames. As 257 walks over to 354 to help him out of the bushes, pulling him up. Looking at him with a surprised look on her face.

"How did that guy have enough time to even place a bomb on our car before we noticed he wasn't dead? He was way better than I suspected. We need to go report this." Reaching her paw into her pocket to find that he phone was gone. "Shit, must have been in the car."

"Well... I think I still have my phone, let's just phone headquarters and get a ride back home and from there we can explain everything to them."


"Hey Neon! Wanna go for lunch?" Brittany says, while walking over to give me a hug.

"Sure." Walking towards my car before three male furs approach us.

"Hey, I wouldn't go anywhere with this fag if I were you beautiful." Random guy in front.

"Excuse me?" Crossing her arms

"He's gay. Aren't you at all bothered by that?"

"As a matter of fact. No I'm not. It's 2010 asshole, most people treat everyone the same now a days. He's my little brother. So back off."

"Brittany, let's just ignore them and let's go..."

"Ignore us? Nobody ignores us, punk." Shoving me a little.

"I wouldn't do that... Just go back to your little group of tough guys and leave us be."

"What're you gonna do about it fag?"

"Oh nice one... Whatever. Let's go Brittany."

"Nobody walks away from me when I'm not finished with them." Pushing me to the ground.

Laying on the ground, glaring up at him. Getting back up, brushing off any dirt that got onto my fur. Sighing and shaking my head. About to walk away again when he shoves me again. Looking back at him and realizing the people walking up behind him.

"I wouldn't do this... Just go back before anything happens."

"Yeah? Why don't you leave this school, your contaminating it."

"You disgust me." Standing there with a disgusted look on my face

Suddenly feeling pain in my stomach, looking down to see he had thrown a punch into my stomach. Looking back up to be hit in the face next, falling onto the ground. Hitting my head on the pavement, scratching my face along it. Looking back up to see the other furs had gotten to him, throwing punches at him and throwing him to the ground. Looking over to see Blaze helping me up. Smiling and getting back up. Brushing off my fur once again, looking back over to the group of furs running off while the big tough fur got beat up.

"Learn some respect before you go around shooting your mouth a people. Dumbass." Blaze goes over and kicks him in the gut.

"Well, thank you Blaze and friends... Now, me and Brittany are going to go have lunch. Have a wonderful day you guys."

"Your okay Neon?"

"Yeah, just a couple scrapes and bruises. Nothing major. Let's go Brittany."

Getting in my brand new car, taking a smell of that new car scent before starting the car. Hearing the engine rev and purr. Pulling out of the student parking lot, driving towards a fast food restaurant. Pulling into their parking lot, putting it in park and turning off the engine. Getting out of the car and walking inside, talking with Brittany about random things and 'the good old times'. Smiling and giggling throughout the conversation.

"Finally home at last." Agent 354 collapsing onto the couch.

"What an eventful day." Sitting down beside him.

"Yeah... At least pay day was good." Throwing the envelope onto the coffee table.

"I still can't believe how skillfully he planned that out. I mean, a bomb and everything!" Throwing her paws in the air, acting all flustered .

As she walks into the kitchen, opening cupboards and and grabbing things. Starting to make a few sandwiches for herself and her husband. Stacking things in-between two pieces of bread. Walking back into the living room, holding a plate in her hand. Doing a twirl as if she was wearing a dress when she was actually wearing a full black outfit. Placing the plate down on the table, smiling and sitting down beside him again.

"Snacks anyone?" smiling and hugging her mate.

"Sure!" Smiling back, nuzzling into her soft fur

"I love you mister."

"I love you too, miss."

Walking over to Luc's locker after school, to see him putting stuff in his bag for homework and such. Jumping behind him and placing my paws over his eyes. Smiling and giggling loudly. Wagging my tail.

"Guess who?"

"I'm guessing, a little cute foxy I know." Turning around, his smile quickly disappearing. "Babe, what happened?"

"What? Oh... The bruises and cuts... It's nothing really. Just fell on the ground..." Looking off to the side a bit.

"You don't get cuts and bruises that badly just from falling. Did someone do this to you? Was it--"

"No it wasn't him... It was a random fur at school today. Just your ordinary case of homophobia. But it was taken care of." Smiling and hugging him.

"Alrighty, well. What're you doing tonight? Maybe you could come stay the night at my house."

"Sounds wonderful, mister. I'll come over later tonight. I have homework to do and I probably have to make dinner again tonight... Wanna see something cool though?" Grinning widely.

"Something cool...? Sure. What is it?"

"I got a new graduation present. I think you'll like it."

"Oh nice. Let's go check it out."

"Follow me then! It's waiting in the parking lot."

"Oh, no way... Is it?"

"Shhh, and just follow."

Skipping down hallways, getting outside. Telling him to close his eyes and take my paw. Leading him up beside my car. Grinning and giggling. Moving his paws away from his eyes and doing a little showcase like they do on television of my car.

"Is this... Yours?" His maw open wide.

"Sure is, don't you love it?"

"Uhm, YES. It looks beautiful. What kind of car?"

"Nissan Skyline GT-R."

"Woowwwwww. You've been wanting this car for ages..."

"Yup. Wanna go for a quick drive?"

"What about my car...?"

"It's okay, I'll just tell Brittany to watch it. I have to drive her home anyway too."

"Uhmm. Okay. Let's go."

Hopping inside the car, pulling out of the parking lot, stopping at the stop sign. Pulling out my phone quickly, texting Brittany to watch Luc's car while I take him on a quick spin in mine. Not waiting for a reply before stepping on the gas. Cruising down streets, rolling down the windows and turning on music. Driving by suburb homes and trees lined along the street. It was a bright and beautiful day. The beginning of Fall season. The leaves on trees were just changing colours. Smiling and looking over at Luc.

"The car is so quiet! And it runs so smoothly."

"I love it."

"Me too. It's wonderful"

Turning back around, heading towards the school again. Pressing a little more on the gas, before getting near the school. Stopping at the turn, waiting for the traffic to pass by before turning in and stopping near Luc's car where Brittany was sitting on the hood of it.

"Okay well. Thanks for showing me your new car. I'll talk to you later tonight." Smiling and hugging me.

"Yup. Any time. I love you." Pulling him in for a kiss, kissing him deeply as our maws touch. Hearing him murr slightly and easing down, getting a little more comfy, starting to kiss back, pushing his tongue into my maw. Running my paws down his shoulder, playing with his tongue before pulling away. Panting slightly and smiling up at him.

"I love you too handsome." Opening the door to his side and getting out, walking past Brittany, giving her a small hug before getting in his vehicle.

Brittany gets in. Smirking at what she just saw. Buckling up her seatbelt and giving me the ready sign for us to go. Driving down the small streets, heading towards the main street. Pulling up to a red light, turning on the radio and dancing around while waiting for the light to change. Laughing along with Brittany. Finally after ten minutes of driving, arriving at her place. Giving her a big hug and waving her off as she walks inside her home. Pulling back out of her driveway, heading back to my own home.

Getting back home, sighing and pulling my car to a stop. Revving the engine once before turning it off. Grabbing my bag from the back seat and getting out of the car. Walking towards my home, pressing the button to lock the car doors, walking up to the door to see it was still locked. Thinking to myself that my dad must've not gotten home yet. Using my key to open the door, walking inside the dark, seemingly empty home. Calling out to my dad once, hearing no answer. Turning back around to close the door behind, walking into the living room, turning on the TV and walking into the kitchen, opening the fridge, grabbing a can of juice and heading back into the living room. Flopping down onto the couch, grabbing the remote, flipping through channels before stopping on channel 4. Remembering my favourite television show was on. "House M.D" It was Monday night, so there was a new episode playing in an hour. Wagging my tail happily and taking a few sips from my drink.

After watching my favourite television show I decided to do my homework, opening my text books and writing down a bunch of things on a piece of paper. Concentrating so much that I loose track of time. Looking back up at the clock to see it was already 11:54pm. Tilting my head to the side, wondering where my dad had been, he still hasn't come home, or give me a call or anything. Picking up my phone, dialling a bunch of numbers and pressing call. Hearing it ring 5 or 6 times before hearing the familiar enthusiastic electronic sounding voice for a voicemail. Sighing and talking into the phone. "Hey dad, it's me. Your son. Call me whenever you get this. It's almost Midnight and your still not home. Getting a little worried." *click* Going into the kitchen, making mac & cheese since there was no one else to cook for. Turning on the radio and wagging my tail to the beat, swaying side to side.

After eating my dinner, I look at my phone for any missed calls, none. Sighing, going back to watching TV. Waiting for my dad to get back home. Remembering that I was suppose to go to Luc's that evening. Quickly dialling his number and phoning it.


"Hey, sorry I didn't come over tonight, my dad--"

"Your dad did what?"

"Nothing... He just never came home tonight yet... So I got worried and waited, he still isn't back yet."

"Oh well. Do you want me to come over there and wait with you?"


"Okay. I'll be right over." *click*