Cat house chapter one
(( I was scaning through my papers on my desk when I noticed this story I wrote and thought maybe I can put this up on yiffstar soo I started writeing up the following))
Eriko stood before the door, a bit of anger and nervousness hitting every nerve in her body. She quickly glanced at the male and let out a shallow breath as she turned the knob to the door. She wasn't to surprised to find it unlocked, and felt her resolve drop. Sloan was so irresponsible. The place sounded quiet, but she wasted no time as she suddenly grabbed the male's arm and pulled him inside. She kicked the door shut behind her and thought about pushing him down for a seat, but reckoned it would be too rude.
"Um..if you'll please just wait for a moment, I'm sure she'll be here very soon." She tried to put on one of her best smiles, but found that she wasn't havin any success. Already she could invision the large brawl her and Sloan were going to have. "I don't want anything while we wait?" She asked him, almost too quietly.
Saitou stopped as the woman spproached the door. He watched carefully but merely grunted as he was pulled inside the house but didnt react, afterall he could tell if he was being attacked anyways. He sighed lightly as he stood in the middle of the room and looked around carefully before reaching into his pocket and produceing a book of matches and a cigaratte "No I am fine.i will stand and wait for the time being..."
Eriko narrowed her eyes on the two items that he prduced from his pockets and had the slightest urge to snatch it from his hands, but they were his and she didn't want to be controlling. All in all, she just wanted Sloan to come home so all of this would be over. Her eyes swept to the clock and then back to the guy, before she quietly made her way more into the house. It didn't bother her as much to leave him alone, besides she needed time to think. "That girl has a lot of nerve. We just barely got here and already she's starting a ruckus." She mumbled to herself as she slipped inside her room and glanced around.
Saitou sighed lightly as he struck the match and slowly lit the cigarette. Carefully he put the small book of mathees away and walked further into the main room and looked over the place carefully, his mind in tthought as he waited patiently. Takeing a long drag off the cigarette he sighed and watched as the thin white smoke danced towards the ceiling before looking down and slowly removing his gloves and placeing them into his pockets and raiseing a free and to his face in full view. He looked over the roughness of his palms and fingers, years of useing the sword to its full potential.His eyes wandered over towards the clock then back to his hand as he looked it over in thought.
A thought came to mind and before she knew it, all the closet doors were being thrown open. When nothing was there but a bunch of clothing, she next moved to the windows and noisly pulled them up to take a peek outside. Everything seemed like it was when she left earlier. So it was safe to say that her sister didn't sneak into the house, but if she had..then her target would be to start a fight with the male. Sighing in defeat, she quietly made her way out into the living room and paused as she caught a glimpse of him looking at his hands. "If you can use this.." She placed an ashtray on the coffee table and parked herself infront of the door. Then her ears perked up when she heard a knocking on the door.
Saitou was merely caught in his own thoughts and memories when he heard the woman speak and blinked himself out of it all. He lowered his hand sloghtly to his side and nodded in thanks as he reached over and ashed his cigarette carefully then sighed as he looked around the room carfully. He heard the knock as well and turned to face the door and took one last drag off of his cigarette then reached back down and snuffed the crumpled white stick out and crossed his arms as he sighed heavily. As soon as this was over the sooner he can finih up his rounds for these streets then go back to a half empty apartment he calls home and possably read. He looked back to his hand once more then shook his head as he glared towards the door, his face compleately expressionless "For a demon she sure takes a long time to get home..."
Eriko's ears lowered when she heard him say that and she backed away from the door, knowing that her sister could smell his scent. She didn't say a word to him as she passed him and left down the hall, where she enclosed herself in a room. The door burst open and Sloan timed her pace as she came into the house, glaring coldly at Saitou. "Don't tell me Ko-Ko brought you here, just what we need..a killer trapping two girls." She mumbled dryly and plunked herself on the chair infront of him. "Well now you know where I live..and you can leave." She stood up and walked past him into the kitchen.
Saitou merely turned as she walked past and reached out and grabbed her shoulder and tossed her back and onto the floor "For one, I am a cop and two I havnt killed armed women in many many take a seat and lets get this over with..." He spoke softly and walked back into the main room and looked down at the woman carefully and crossed hid arms over his chest and waited "I would much like to clear all this mess up so that I may leave, until then I caint and where is your sister, she is to be here as well.." He looked around the room slowly, narrowing his eyes slightly.
"She wants nothing to do with this..either way, she'll end up being unhappy. That's just the way it goes in this house, so don't expect her to show." Sloan told him and looked down the hall as she picked herself up from the floor. She was curious about the tone he spoke in and started to wonder. "..If she really has to come out..then you can go get her." She sat on the couch and looked away, already lost in her thoughts.
Eriko heard them from the door and sighed, she didn't want to go out there, and she wasn't much for fighting either. There wasn't much left for her to do. Sneaking out the window was one, but someone would drag her back home. "I'll wait until someone gets me." She mumbled to herself and sat by the window, ready to use her second plan if needed.
Saitou shook his head and sighed heavily "You kids and your arrgogance..." He walked down the hall slowly, his boots heavy on the floor when he stopped and removed his sword from his belt and tapped at the doorway in wich he had seen the woman enter earlier "You need to present yourself so this can be done and over with, now please get amove on if you will.." He repleaced the katana and walked into the main room once more and looked over to Sloan "No, please explain yourself and do it fully, I will tell if you are lieing to me and if you want to play games I have all night really.."
Eriko jumped and stared at the door, almost tempted to not listen and just leave the house. But as always, she was too easily won over and she quietly came out of the room. She stood close but leaned against a wall, eyeing them both. The other demon only smiled and waved to the quiet girl. "I was out at night, walking, left Ko-Ko's side and decided to pick a fight." She told him in a bored tone, always keeping an eye on her sister but never on him. "Are you happy now?" She asked, adressing them both, but Eriko didn't say anything.
Saitou merely pointed the end of his sheath to the demon "Please watch you manner around us both and know your place in this lousy world, now I am a patient man and will let this slide one and only once. Come to find out a demon is causeing more trouble I will have your head." He sighed slightly as his eyes glanced back to the woman leaning against th wall "And please keep her in line, even if it takes to beating her senseless to make her behave..."
Sloan couldn't help but laugh as she glanced from Saitou to her sister. "Have you two formed an alliance? Even if you instructed her, she won't hit me." She said and now eyed Eriko, who was still quiet, she didn't even look up when she was spoken to. "You're the goody one, aren't you?" She asked her sister, but only rolled her eyes and got up with a stretch before she walked to her room. "Thanks..I'll, watch her from now on." The other girl finally mumbled and went to open the door for him.
Saitou merely shook his head slightly as he walked towards the door then stopped and looked back over his shoulder "She might be right, you wont do anything. Perhaps I should stick around and deciplin her myself." He grinned slightly as he turned back around and reached into his pockets for his gloves and put them on once more "Besides, who knows what she might do to you if she walks all over you like that anyways..."
Eriko looked up at him and blinked once as she stared at him. " If that's what you have to do to.." She looked away and rubbed her tired eyes. She didn't say anything after what he had said, but only nodded and looked back to the hallway. " She's the its her rules." She mumbled and sat on the chair Sloan had been sitting. He was right though, there was no telling what would happen after he left. Maybe that's why she didn't want to come out of her room. " You shouldn't bother yourself with her. Thanks for coming though." She said quietly, not even looking at him as she was lost in thought.
"I will bother whome I please and she is merely no problem or match for me." He looked around the house slightly and walked to the center of the room and removed the glove to his right hand and began to look it over "Just because she is the oldest dosnt mean you can exert controll as well miss.." He lowered his hand and turned to face her once more.
Eriko didn't say anything at first again and slowly stood from the chair, where she failed to put on a smile and moved past him. " I'm sorry..but it's late and I'm kind of tired." She said, completely off guard with how she was taking his words so seriously. " You're welcome to stay if you'd like, since it's a bit late." She looked up at him with a smile and moved into the kitchen. She didn't understand why she had offered to let him stay.
Saitou merely nodded slightly then walked to the chair she was sitting in and sat carefully, remiving his sword and setting it against the wall carefully and removing his gloves as he sat back in the chair carefully and let out a deep sigh "I see......" How long would he have to actually stay. He looked over the main room carefully, his face still showing no emotion.
Once out of sight, she plopped onto the floor and hugged her legs close to her chest. If Sloan was still even in the house, she would probably ask why the man was still here, but she quickly shook her head to make the thought go away. She closed her eyes and quietly hummed to herself as she got up and started to raid the fridge, deciding to test out her nose rather than her sight. " Would you like anything?" She asked out of the blue.
Saitou merely blinked as she spoke from no where then shook his head lightly "No, I can go days without food so I am fine really." He looked back down to the floor in deep thought and closed his eyes once more and set his gloves aside.
"And dont worry, I will be gone tomrrow morning. I dont have to work then so I will leave even earlier to get out of your hair.."
There was a moment of silence before the sound of the fridge door closing came and Eriko popped out into the living room, carefully eyeing the man. " Why would you say that? You're not in my hair, most likely my sister's. But," She paused and sat in the chair infront of him. " Are someone ancient?" She asked him, somewhat curious about the man himsel.
(( note the next chapter is just the rest of the story and so as the next few so please enjoy))