The Vixen that changed my life: 3
The Vixen that changed my life: 3
"Uhhhhh" My mind was a blurr.
"What happened?" I asked no one in particular.
I heard a mumbled: "Fuckin' freak."
Suddenly remembering what had happened; my, no our capture, the grunts, RUBY!
I bolted upright, taking in my surroundings.
"Hmmmmm" I mumbled, I was in a Spartan cell, with white, cracked walls. A hard springy bed and some cold metal orb that, somehow, reminded me of a toilet. No, wait, it was, sorta. A single light bulb that looked like it was worth twenty pence dimmed subconsciously. My door however, looked like it could withstand a tank shell directly. It looked like it was ripped off of a Nuke bunker was some thickness. However, it had a window with bars on the top. I was instantly reminded of an mental institute.
Rubbing my head, I got up and looked out of the bared window.
I reeled back, clutching my mussel.
"Good one Valio." Said a suddenly appearing guard.
"Thanks, I've been waiting to do that since he punched me." Said another.
"Did it hurt?" Asked the other guard.
"Yeah, whatever is in there; it could punch a hole through a tank." He replied.
"Must have needed intense care and reconstruction."
"What?" "My mask?"
"No, your mask is fine." "I'm talking about that mug of yours."
"OUCH!" "Ok im sorry, im sorry!"
"Yeah you better be."
I listened in on this, my mussel pain subsiding greatly.
I asked though gritted teeth.
"What am I doing here?"
The guard that hit me came to the window and grunted: "Look in a mirror and guess."
"Yeah and?" "Your point is?"
"You're a freak." "Simple as that." He grunted.
"So?" "I was living in the countryside where no one knew where I was."
"We knew, so any other government could have known as well." "Now shut up, exercise period is in ten minutes."
After what seemed like twenty minutes, my cell door opened.
"Stay still and turn around." Some guard said.
I did as I was told. I was handcuffed and led through the corridors. I saw many rooms like mine, mostly empty, but a few had some occupants, clearly depressed. All, were not human. Guards were at a few doors, supposedly to keep its occupants in line.
I got a sharp push in the pack.
"Come on hurry up!" Said the guard so dubbed Valio.
Fuck off I thought to myself.
After a few minutes of endless corridors, I came to a room filled with Fur-covered people exercising. "Do what you like, but as long as its not against rules."
"And where can I find some off these rules?"
Valio pointed to a wall with a piece of paper on it.
"Its just basically be nice." Said what the friendlier of the two guards. It was the guy who had made fun of Valio.
I grunted in response and saw some reptile female beckoning me.
Cautiously, I walked over to her.
"You new here?" She asked.
"Yeah." I replied.
"Ok, here is some tips." "Don't ask for anything from the humans-"
"Humans? You say that as if you weren't one."
"Duhhh." "We were born this way."
"I wasn't." I replied.
She looked at me with confusion.
"What do you mean you weren't?"
I began my tale, with my walk in the woods, up to the fight and getting knocked out. All the while, she stared at me with growing anxiety in her eyes.
"And so here I am." I Finished.
"Seriously?" "All that happened in the period of a few weeks?"
"Yeah, why?"
"It's just unexpected that's all."
"Your telling me." I laughed.
"That sounded like a month to remember." She exclaimed with an amused grin.
"Can I ask your name?" I asked.
"00142" She said.
"No, I mean a name." I asked earnestly.
"What do you mean?"
"What did your parents call you when you was born?"
"What, besides: freak, abomination, monster, alien etcetera?"
"Ah." Was all I could say.
"You say you weren't born like that, right?" She asked curious.
"Err, yeah why?" I asked.
"Do you have a name?" "You know a proper name."
"Call me Adam." I replied.
"Very well Adam, why don't we-"
A guard came up and handed her a piece of paper.
"Oh my god." She whispered.
She looked at the guard, "Are you being serious?"
The guard motioned "Shhh" with his finger, then walked away.
"Oh my god." She whispered again.
"What is it?" I asked curiously.
"Read this." She handed me the paper.
It read: _If you are reading this, on the next exercise period Go to the rowing machine room. From there my group will attempt to set you free. You will be given safety and comfort, for only some small information.
Swallow this note after reading.
"Interesting, if true." I said to her.
"Well, no harm in finding out." She said flexing her back muscles.
A worried thought came to my head, "Do you where I can find Ruby?"
"Ruby?" She asked.
"Wine red Fox with bright eyes, small but knows how to shoot someone."
"Ahhhh, yes." She pointed into a small room with armed guards at the door.
"Their giving her a mind control session." She said.
"Oh shit..." I whispered.
She laughed. "Don't worry; it takes four or five sessions to have any effect." "I saw the register; she'll be exercising when we can try to escape."
Relived I breathed in some air.
"Ok thanks for the help." I said to the nice lizard lady.
"See you next exercise period." She said.
"Cool" I said walking away.
After an hour of lifting weights and running on treadmills, a pair of guards came and took me to my room. An hour after that I suspected, some food was brought in on a tray. After gulping it down, I lay on my bed wondering how my poor Vixen was doing.
The next morning, I eagerly waited the exercise period. When it came, I was handcuffed and lead down another hall. When I got in, I headed straight for the rowing machines. I opened the door to see two guards in visor staring at me.
"Can we help you?" Asked one of them.
"I suppose." "I'm new here, and I'm looking for the rowing machines."
"Did you get a note?" Asked the other one.
"Yes, why?"
"It told you to give it too us." The first guard said.
"No, it told me to eat it."
The guards looked at each other.
"Follow me." Said one of the guards.
He lead me down a secret corridor. Opening the last door, I was lead into a room with a truck.
"Ok get in and be quiet, tell the others that we are leaving within the next five minutes."
Getting in, I saw that the truck had a number of Anthromorphic people.
Ruby was one of them. I headed over to her. I was about to speak when a guard opened the door, and said quietly in a German accent.
"We vill be moving within ze hour."
"Please stay quiet, and you vill be free to live your lives without fear aftervards."
Most just nodded at that.
Sitting next to my Ruby, we put our arms around each other.
"Are you ok?" I whispered.
She just started quietly sobbing.
I wrapped my arms around her some more. Just happy to be taking in her scent again.
As we sat quietly, the truck rumbled. And we were underway to a better life.
Wondering what was wrong with my Ruby, we started to move and I tried find a more comfortable position for my tail, I heard a very faint whisper from Ruby: "I'm sorry, and I love you."
The end for part 3
Thank you for all the comments, will try to be write soon again soon. =)