MF-Ep4-The First Adventure-

Story by Vangabond on SoFurry

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#4 of The Monster Fighters

Oh, there is a world behind the paintings? how mario 64

Chester Tucker and Adam go to the first museum where all the scary events kept happening in and around. "I'm calling bullshit on what's been happening..." Chester said smugly. "I feel like the least we could do is debunk this... Tucker hold my phone and record this" Chester pulled out his phone as Tucker pressed record on it. Chester is then seen poking and prodding at the paintings on the wall before Chester's finger goes through the painting. The three were surprised before Chester practically jumps inside the painting before Adam and Tucker also go through it. The three made their way into this other world to discover it being like a dungeon of sorts like within a fantasy video game. A monster appears and it sluggishly made its way to them before Chester out of nowhere forms an electric staff and cuts it clean in half with it. Adam had summoned a fire sword, and Tucker formed a psychic power shield. Fossil design bios- Adam- He wears a red ninja like outfit with sandals with a black scarf and hoodie. Weapons- Fire Sword Chester- He wears a gold yellow and white jumpsuit with gold boots and gloves with a white cape, wearing a bandit mask over his eyes. Weapon- Electric Staff Tucker- He wears a lavender colored jumpsuit with a helmet with a visor on it reminiscent of a power ranger. Weapon- Psychic Shields The three then adventure onward and take down a bigger monster (which was a boss but did not know it) and rescue the middle school kids that were locked in a jail of sorts. After that adventure the three run out of the painting before running out of the museum in total shock and panic before running back to their own houses.