The Dragon Kingdom - Chapter 10: Dare's Light
- Dare's Light -
As Zeak held the sphere up it grew bigger and began to fill with zeak's hate, anger, and will to kill. The look in his eyes was pure hatred, he was hell bent on destroying Saint, but just as Zeak was about to throw the sphere a massive flash of light appeared and his power faded. Zeak would gasp and look down, there poking out of his chest was some kind of white blade. Zeak would look over at his copies and they to would have the same thing, suddenly zeak would yell out in pain as light flowed through the blades and then they would vanish. The copies would fade back in to zeak and he would spin around in anger only to gasp as another blade pierced his chest, he would grab the blade and rip it out, dropping to one knee then looking up at the one who threw it. There the king would have a white glow around him, floating on both sides of him would be two white blades; the king would speak in a voice that seemed to echo, "Stand down Zeak. Or be destroyed. "
Zeak would growl and jump at the king and form a black sphere in both of his hands. Zeak would throw one and the king would dodge to the side as zeak threw another. The king would block it with the one of the blades and swing the other, an energy wave would flow off the blade and at zeak, and he would form a dark sphere and block the wave with it. An explosion from the two attacks, it would knock zeak back and he would skid over near the cliff. Zeak would look up and growl at the king. "You... You little brat.... I'll kill you first then deal with your gang... " Zeak would jump up and hold his hands above his head, a dark energy would flow around his arms and start to form a shape above his head. Suddenly zeak would grab the shape and swing it out to his left side, it was a scythe. He would smile evilly and lunge at the king, swinging the scythe side to side, when he was right up on the king he would bring the scythe up and slam it down. The king would block with both blades, zeak would growl and push down more, the tip of the scythe only a few inches away from the king's face. Suddenly the king would smile and zeak would gasp as he sees a small sphere of light, He would try to pull away but the floating blades held him in place. The king would take the sphere in his right hand and thrust it up at zeaks chest. Zeak would yell out in pain as the sphere expaneded and wraped around him, consuming him in pure light. Then the king would step back and the scythe would drop to the ground fading.
The king would step back, the glow and blades fading and he would drop to one knee. Saint would be panting as he looked up at the king. He would stand and stumble over to the king, kneeling by him. " Y-your majesty..? " The king would look up and smile "Saint..? Is it really you? "Saint would nod slightly. Suddenly the king would jump and hugs saint tightly, saint would gasp slightly then hug the king back protectively. Ark and Typhona would sit up and smile at the king and the guard. Then Saint would stand and pick the king up, the king held on to him tightly. Saint, Ark, and Typhona would head off back to the city and palace. Once there Ark and Typhona would head to their rooms and saint would carry the king to his. He would set the king down, "Your majesty, we're home." The king would look up and yawn as he opened the door to his room walking in. Saint would turn and start off down the hall, but the king would grab saint's hand and pull him back. "Saint... D-don't go... Please stay... "Saint would blush softly behind his armor and nod as he walked in and sat down as the king went and landed in his bed. Saint would gaze at the king as he fell asleep, thinking to himself "He's so cute when he sleeps." Saint would smile and drift off to sleep.