Dragon Heart: Greydor Story 3

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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Chapter three: Something Is Not Right

Something didn't feel right. When I woke up the next morning, only a day after finding Sam on the beach in front of a broken ship something in me clicked; why was she not harmed? My mom and dad were still sleeping by now in their "other room" I swear they could've awakened Drake with their screams. But now was not the time to think about their sex life; I had to see if I was right, or just paranoid. It was still somewhat dark out when I went outside, mostly everyone was asleep save for a few young dragons making out behind a large tree, and how did I know? Thiers's tails were wrapped around each other and the sound of licking was too loud not to hear. I thought today would be a good day to go as my full dragon form, seeing how I haven't used it for a full day since I found out I could switch from form to form. It felt weird when I changed, like something going down my body and moving me with it's' hands. But I shook this out of my head and went back to walking; the beach was close anyway. I was almost there, the smell of blood was still high in the air, but it wasn't human blood; wolf blood? Moving faster I was right, lying where the two humans use to be were six beheaded wolves. Did other wolves come here and ambushed them and took the body for themselves? But they would've left paw prints leaving right? Studying the ground using the skill my dad showed me, I saw that there was not even one set leaving...not one. But what I did saw, where two set of human prints. What was going on?! This didn't make any since at all, looking around I realized that not even the boat was there. The tide was never strong enough to pull a hatchling out; so how could it pull a boat out? I began to pace and piece the things I now knew. One; six wolves are dead with no sigh of human parts, only prints. Two, the boat was now gone with reason I don't know; or want to know. And three, Sam was not harm from the boat crash; and she knew about it the other day. Knowing all this I knew something was very wrong, but why fake all of this? Hrm...maybe I'm just over reacting I mean maybe I was at a different section of the beach. It is pretty early so my brain wasn't on full mast, and I haven't eaten anything since yesterday when Sam gave me that apple...maybe I should go home to eat.

Turning around I headed back toward my family cave as a scream echoed throughout the air, and then; nothing. I knew where the scream came from and ran toward the place, a few other dragons made their way out and followed me. But as I saw a small dragoness laying on the ground with her back toward us not moving and the smell of fresh blood in the air; I knew it was bad already. My father and the rest of the Elders soon came to the scene, the talked to each other in nothing more then a whisper. It was only when a loud crying sob broke out did their heads move from their circle. The dragoness mother, a dark blue dragoness pushed though the crowd and stood over her dead daughter. I knew the two well, the dead dragoness name was Sapphire, taking after her mother scales. Her father died after we came here from a sneak attack of a band of wolves. Being the son of the head Elder I thought it was my duty to help her though her time of grieve; there was word that she loved me, but I didn't know if this was true or not. And I guess I'll never know. "What happened?!" she screamed toward my dad as he backed his head back bit, he knew that a mother rage was way worse then fighting anything the word would throw.

"We don't know Star..." he answered the pure white dragoness. "All we know is that what ever made these slashes," he pointed to the body with one single slash on the chest. I knew that mark well; the mark of a blade. "Wasn't a wolf slash." The crowd around us began to mutter.

"It's the Hunters!" someone cried. "We are doomed! No matter where we go they will find us!" a growl was heard.

"That's impossible you erotic fool!" roared another dragon, I was glad my grandfather and grandmother weren't here; I'm sure granddad would've acted on his old job as head Elder. Soon the crowd began to get louder with fighting, Star was still crying as my father brought his head up and roared a mighty roar shooting flames from his jaws causing everyone to stop at once.

"Enough!" he cried looking around. "I don't know what cause this young one to die today, but as an Elder I will not allow another to die!" he looked around to each of the dragons and dragoness as his face softened. "I may be new to this world as a dragon, so I can't say it was hard to leave the place you once called home. But this is our home now." Almost everyone brought their head downs. "If there are Hunters here I will go out and kill them, even if it causes me my life!"

"We wouldn't even be in this mess if you didn't fuck that bitch!"

I and my father turned toward where the voice came from to see the group spilt up to show only one lone dragon standing there. He was about the same size of my father, but unlike my father this dragon was deep orange. One horn was missing and holes in his wings and scars over his body and legs; the tip of his tail was also gone as well. I wanted to charge at him for calling my mom a bitch but one of the Elders, Flame a fire red dragon stopped me and shook his head. "What is your name?" asked my father, his body tensing with rage. There was a rule in our race that if one was to disrespect the other mate that anything goes.

"My name is Zant!" answered the dragon buffing his chest out. "Listen to me my brothers and sisters!" He wiped his head around to the group. "We all knew that Drake loved Saira, and that she hated him. But the moment this bastard laid with her nothing good had come of it! We had to leave our homes which we grew up around, where our children's, children should've have grown. Then this 'dragon' comes and fought off a few of his kind and you hail him a hero? Bah!" he shook his head and glared at my father why was surprising clam looking. "And now he's claiming that he will fight any Hunter that is here? That just shows that he doesn't believe this place is safe!" A few dragons muttered in agreement at Zant words. "If I was the Elder I would have told us we should take back what's ours! These humans think that this world is theirs? We lived though the time of the dinosaurs, then the first second third forth and fifth! We almost made it though the early Hunters back what they called the Dark ages! But I say if we round up all of the dragons from around the world we can kill off the humans and take back our world!" I was shocked at what I was hearing from this Zant, he was talking a full world war of humans vs. dragons! Some of the Elders moved to shut him up but my father brought up a wing to stop them and shook his head.

"Zant." He answered looking at him. "Not all humans are evil, and I do not regret becoming Saira mate. But I am the Head Elder and I know what's best for this clan."

"Then fight you coward!"

"I will not, I will not send dragon off to a suicide mission like this!" he growled, "And I will not have you ruining the peace of this clan!"

"Peace?!" Zant roared causing everyone to back away from him. "A child was just killed and you're talking about peace?! Look around you! We are scared because of humans like you! I'm glad Drake killed your family you no good son of a..." he never got to finished as dad ran at him and slammed him to the ground, but Zant reacted back and snapped at my father. I wanted to run and help him but the Elders held me back. The sound of roaring and grolwing could be head as the two broke away and circled each other. "What's wrong Elder?" Zant asked. "You were to busy fucking that bitch to save your family; your mother father and brother David?!" dad filched when he heard that name as my eyes widened. David; was my uncle?

"Shut your trap!" my father charged again as Zant ran to him as well, Zant slash his claws to my father neck causing him to bleed as he roared in pain. I'm guessing that the Elders had seen enough and held on both Zant and my father.

"Enough!" Flame cried as dad stopped huffing and puffing but Zant went on. "If you don't settle down now Zant you will be exiled!" Zant slowly settled down as he pushed the Elders off him. "Just remember this Bastard!" he growled looking at my father,

"All of this...is you fault!" and with that, he turned and left, some followed while some came to help my father. He saw my look of confusion as he turned away. I was anger how he didn't tell me this that I had an uncle. But right now I had to warn Sam about the Hunters and get her out of here; to save her from them, and the dragons. Running toward the cave way, I jumped and flew though the air as fast as I could; I just hope I was fast enough; because something is not right.