.Hack//Furry-The Return- Chapter two

Story by Tigz Cerberus Spirit on SoFurry

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#2 of .Hack//Furry

.Hack//Furry- The Return- Chapter two

After Kai collapsed on the floor, Tigz rushed his brother Kai to the hospital. A few hours passed while Tigz waits for the doctor to give him the results of what is wrong with Kai.

"Man, what happened to him? Just a little while ago he was fine, now he collapsed and who knows what is going on with him" ,Tigz utters to himself as he leans back on the soft chairs in the lobby room. A few more hours pass since Tigz had brought Kai to the hospital. Tigz's cell phone starts to ring with the theme song of Halo 3. Tigz quickly picks up the phone and answers it "Hello? Who is this calling?" Ask Tigz in a low voice so that no one knows he is on the phone.

"Son, where are you right now? I just got home and I do not see you or Kai anywhere" Tigz's father ask, wanting an answer now.

"Dad I am at the hospital for Kai, something happened to him this morning and suddenly he collapsed onto the ground." Tigz explain to his father, hoping his father does not blame him for this happening to Kai.

"What the fuck did you do?! If there is anything wrong with him it's going to be your ass!" Tigz's father screams out with rage as he hangs up the phone.

Tigz hangs up his phone as well and sighs with disappoint, "Man, as soon as he hears Kai is in trouble, he blames me on the spot just because I am the older brother, damn him." he mumbles to himself as he stands up from the chair and walks outside to get some fresh air. "Kai, I hope you are alright brother. Why is this happening to him on his birthday of all times?" Ask Tigz out loud, wishing there was an answer to his question as he sits down alone with the questions eating away at his soul.

A few minutes pass while Tigz is thinking, but his thoughts come to a halt with the sight of his father's black dodge neon pulling up to the entrance of the hospital. He parks the neon and rushes out the car, "Tigz Spear Hunter, what did you do to your little brother!?" Tigz's father screams out with rage toward Tigz, grabbing Tigz by the collar of his shirt.

Tigz manages to get a loose from his father's grip and tries to regain his breath, "Dad, I do not know much about what happened and do not blame me for this. Because all I know is, we were playing a game you got him, and after we died in the damn game I took off the fucking headset to see Kai on the ground with no movement!" Tigz yells at his father with a fit of rage in his voice.

"Do not ever raise your voice at me again, you hear me?!" Tigz's father yells back, his black fur almost seeming to stand up from the tension. "Do you ever look over your brother? He might not be in this mess if you look over him and made sure that everything was ok with him before you play some dumb game!", Tigz's father continues his ranting as he walks inside the hospital and sits down on the chairs. He waits for the doctors, not wanting anything to do with his older son for the moment.

Tigz sighs in annoyance and thinks to himself. He then decides to call his mother to let her know of what has happen to Kai. He takes out his cell phone and dials his mother's number, and then waits as he puts the phone to his ear. After a few minutes, his mother picks up the phone with her voice sounding weak from fatigue.

"Hello? Son is this you, or is your father using the phone again because he forgot his at home?" Ask Tigz's mother with her soft voice, her concern is little with thinking that its Tigz letting her know of the phone problems.

Tigz takes a deep breath and tries to come to an easy way to explain to his mother of the major problem with her younger son, "Mom...I need to tell you something about Kai." Tigz says his voice heavy, and his heart racing as he begins the explanation.

Tigz's mother heart stops with the tone of her son's voice, fearing the worse has happen to her dear son Kai, "What do you need to tell me? Is everything ok with Kai?" Ask Tigz's mother with great concern of her son's well-being.

"Mom..." Tigz begins to say, his muzzle wanting to say the words, but no voice coming out, "Mom...Kai is in the hospital right now, and we have no idea what is wrong with him at the moment. The doctors are testing all possible problems that could have happened to him." Tigz says as he listens to hear his mother's reaction at this time.

"Oh no...I will be right there Tigz. Please ask the doctors of any information they can give of your brother's condition at the moment." Tigz's mother says in a hurry voice as she then hangs up the phone and rushes to her boss to explain to him why she must leave immediately.

Tigz hangs up the phone and he walks back into the hospital, seeing his father looking impatient with the doctors, as well as anyone else who does not know of his younger son's status. "Dad, you do know that you being mad at the doctors is not going to speed them up, and say hey this is what wrong with your son? Truly, Dad you have to wait just like Mom and I have to. We are all worried about Kai, but you harassing the doctors will do nothing to help him out." Says Tigz as he sits four chairs away from father and lays his head back on the chair.

Tigz's father does not answer him. An hour passes since the Tigz told his mother of the situation with Kai's status. Tigz's father sees one doctor walk over to them slowly, with grim look on his face. "Officer Ralph, I have news of your son Kai's condition..." Says the doctor as he then looks over the papers one last time to check for no mistakes of the dialogues of his patient. "He is in a deep coma. We are not sure when he will come to, but we will try our best to find the problem." The doctor explains before turning around, and then walking to the double doors, which lead to the emergency ward.

Tigz's heart drops at the sound of hearing his brother is in a coma. Even though Tigz is rejecting the fact that it is true, but at least he could wish now that Kai will wake up from the coma soon. His fathe, was now yelling at one of the nurses.

"How does a small pup get into a coma at his age?!" and, "How can you be sure he is in a coma if it has not even been a damn day yet?!" his yelling has almost seeming like cries of disbelief, though Tigz could not blame his father for thinking that way. After hearing it all, Tigz's mother arrives at the hospital, and Tigz told his mother the whole story. She could not believe that this is happening and even said that it is a bad dream which all of them just need to wake up from the nightmare...but the sad truth is, it is not a dream, just a real life nightmare from which no one can wake up.

It is morning now with the sun just starting to rise, but the day only brings pain for Tigz as he still tries to accept the fact that his brother is now in a coma. He did not want to do anything but be by his brother's side, but with school starting up again since spring break is over, and Tigz's attendance is on a very fine line of losing credit for the year, he musters up all of his strength to walk to the shower in order to get ready for school. He goes in the bathroom and quickly turns on the shower, he then starts to take off his red sweat pants that he wears to sleep. Tigz looks at the shower and remembers how he and Kai always went to take showers together, and how Tigz would always mess with him by rubbing his smooth body into Kai's back. He shakes his head and takes off his boxers, as he normally does, not wearing a shirt, as he usually does not to bed, and then walks in the shower.

"I cannot believe this is really happening. I mean one minute he is just fine and playing games with me, and the next minute I'm being told he is in a coma and no one knows when he will come to. Time always has to change everything and fuck up every one's life." Tigz thought to himself as he wash his smooth fur and then closes his eyes to try and get his mind off the pain in his heart.

After some time in the shower and getting dressed for school, Tigz grabs his backpack and heads out the front door to ride his bike to school, being that the bike is the only way to travel for him because of his parents not allowing him to have a car. After 30 minutes of riding the bike to school, he finally makes it.

"Hmmm, I wonder why I never thought about that before...Dustin, the one Kai mentioned, he might be the one from the junior football team." Tigz thought to himself as looked up at the clear blue sky. He then suddenly crashes into someone's car and falls off the bike, trying to get up after it. "Owe, what the hell did I hit? Oh shit...is that a dent from my bike hitting this car?" Tigz asks to himself as he stands up and quickly looks around, no one seeing what happened and the driver of the car nowhere to be seen. "Okay no one saw that, good I better get out of here before anyone can blame this on me." Tigz says to himself as he sets the bike back up and puts it away near the school.

Tigz walks into school through the east wing, seeing that most people did not come to school today, "Well this is good, this means no teachers will teach with so many students not here. Maybe I can go into the computer lab." Tigz thought as he walks into the computer lab, and sits down at one of the computer stations. "Alright here we go...Huh?" Tigz stares at the computer screen to see that there is a chat on the computer and they were talking about 'The World'. "That is weird, I better sign off for this person before anyone messes with it" Says Tigz as he is about to sign off, but then stops as he sees that one of the messages says something about a monster that is too high of a level in the beginner levels. He starts to read the messages as if something told him to read it, then he saw one sentence that made his heart stop cold "N-no way, there is no way..." Said Tigz as he got up and stared at the message, which says, 'Whoever is killed by this monster will be in a coma until the monster is completely killed. You will know if it is dead when a black aura appears from the dead monster.' Tigz shakes his head, not believing it, but at the same time, it seemed true from the events that happened. "Can the game really...Put someone in a coma...?" Thought Tigz as he looks at the names of who was talking at the time, General Husky and Striker49. "Wait... General Husky is my friend Adam, but when did he start playing and who is Striker49?" Tigz asks himself as his back touches the wall and then slowly slides down to the floor. "What is going on here...Kai...If it is true that the game puts people into comas then...I must go back there to find that monster, but I need to be sure that it is not just Kai that is in a coma from it. I know I must be crazy to think it, but I have nothing to go on, and Kai always says you have to go with the impossible in order to find the truth...I will search into this and then find someone who had the same problem...I have to...for Kai." Says Tigz, standing up and then walks out the room, now with his mind set only to find the truth of his brother's coma and the truth to what is going on. Part of him feels crazy yet his heart tells him to believe in this one chance, maybe the only chance to find the real reason of this and something far worse to come...

.Hack//Furry-The Return- Chapter three

.Hack//Furry- The Return- Chapter three After Tigz left the computer room, having his mind set on finding out who else might have had the same problem as his brother Kai did with falling into a coma by the game called the 'The World' and also finding...

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