The Start of Something New: Chapter Three
#3 of The Start of Something New
A/N Hey guys, so after the supportive comments, have decided to uplaod the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. As always, all comments appreciated :) Also, song lyrics belong to Madonna, "Nothing Fails", not mine.
Chapter Three: Of Violence and Admissions
Streak once again continued his monotonous process of getting ready for school, except for once he did it with a smile on his face as he remembered that he would get to see Tye again. This smile didn't last long however, as he neared the entrance to the school as he saw Drake leaning on the fence. Now, Drake was a towering bull, nearing 6ft5, and looked like he was always pumped full of steroids, and was proud of it. In fact, he was pretty much known as the bully of the entire city, and with good reason too.
"Alright, fag?" shouted Drake
"I have a name Drake, and I know you may not be the smartest but it's not hard to remember 'Streak'." Replied Streak. At this, the bull started heading towards Streak with a furious look upon his face.
"Wanna say that again, queer? 'Cos I've got two fists here that know how to cause a whole load of pain." Streak wasn't sure whether to hold his ground or to stand down.
"You know, Drake, you may think that you're so big because of your muscles, but I feel sorry for you, and y'know why? Because you're lonely and always will be" And with that, Streak turned away, but Drake grabbed his collar, pushed him against the fence and swung a powerful punch to his face and several bone shattering hits to the ribs. At this point Streak was curled up on the ground, determined not to cry and not give Drake that satisfaction. To finish him off, Drake unleashed several kicks to Streaks legs and spat on him.
"Y'see now, tail raiser? That's where you belong. On the floor. Who feels sorry for who now?"
As Drake was saying this, Tye, who had only just arrived, saw someone crumpled on the ground and rushed over to them.
"I wouldn't go anywhere near that faggot if I were you" Drake said before walking off. It was only now that Tye recognised the black and white streak on the maw on the fox and realised who it was that was so injured.
"Oh god Streak, what has he done to you? We need to get you to a hospital, now." Said Tye, on the verge of tears, and with that, he called for an ambulance.
"Shush, you don't need to say anything Streak. I'm coming with you to the hospital. Just, save your energy, okay?"
When the ambulance arrived, they let Tye ride in the back with Streak, and all through the ride to the hospital, Tye held Streak's paw in his own, always on the verge of tears, and furious at Drake, who he presumed had done this to Streak.
* * *
The damage done to Streak's body was so traumatic, that his body shut down and sent him into a coma to try and recover from the excruciating pain that he was experiencing. Tye spent as much time as he could with Streak, rushing over after school to sit with him, holding his paw, always willing him to wake up. Tye was feeling a confusing mixture of feelings, thoughts tumbled through his head.
'Is he really gay? People don't usually beat others up for the fun of it, and the way that bull said his name with such disgust, maybe...Why do I care? You know what happened last time you got involved with someone else...Yes but you know this time its different...Should I? Should I tell him...What is this feeling I get every time I'm around him? He's made me smile more than anyone before. I thought I'd never be happy again, but he's done more for me than anyone else...ARGH! I DON'T KNOW! Why must I feel like this...'
Tye decided to head back home, reluctantly, only to sleep and do homework due in for the next day. When Tye arrived at home, to the usual silence of the absence of any other life, he just headed upstairs to his bedroom and just collapsed onto it, clutching a pillow, and decided to put his MP3 player onto shuffle. As Tye heard the opening lines he laughed to himself at the irony.
_"I'm in love with you, you silly thing
Anyone can see_
_What is it with you, you silly thing
Just take it from me_
_It was not a chance meeting
Feel my heart beating..._
You're the one..."
Eventually, Tye drifted to sleep, only to face nightmares of losing Streak in hospital, or running after Streak but always finding him just out of arms reach, or worse, Streak telling him to get lost after Tye told him that he, that he...
Tye awoke, drenched in a cold sweat, as he quietly muttered "I...I love him", and then Tye shouted, whilst grabbing a pillow and holding it close to him "I love you Streak!" Tomorrow, Tye decided, was when he was going to tell Streak, whether he was conscious or not.