My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E19

Story by MasterYubelMarik on SoFurry

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The gang discover a new candy with special candies to find.

Softies - Feel the Fatness

[At the Ice Cream Shop...]

"I have splendid news, dahlings," said Rainbow Dash rushing in.

"What is it?"asked Bright Eyes.

"I sure hope it's good," said Clover.

"It must be good," said Patch. Why else would they come rushing over here?

"So what's the news, Rainbow Dash?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"There's a new candy out and it's exquisite," said Rainbow Dash.

"I've had some," said Sweetberry. They were very sweet.

"Are they green?" asked Minty.

"Oh they come in all sorts of colors and flavors, dear," said Rainbow Dash.

"So what are they called?" asked Melody.

"Softies," said Rainbow Dash. They're a chewy candy.

"Rainbow Dash had just gotten some at Candy Land, the new store that opened up here," said Pinkie Pie. They even have my color pink. They're absolutely, positively delicious.

"May we try some?" asked Starlight.

"Of course, dear," said Rainbow Dash. *she hands a few to each of the Tales ponies and they try them*

"They have a chocolate flavor," said Bon Bon.

"Even an ice cream flavor," said Starlight.

"Look, it says on the back what flavors are in available," said Bright Eyes. No intelligence flavor for me but I guess they're all considered brain food. *they laugh*

"Mine is hard to find, dahlings," said Rainbow Dash.

"Why's that?" asked Melody.

"Says here that the rainbow flavored one is only on specially marked bags," said Bright Eyes.

"Have you gotten one yet?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Unfortunately not," said Rainbow Dash. There were very few bags in the store when I got my bag.

"I sure hope they get more," said Patch. I'd love to find one for me.

"They do have a mystery flavored one, dear," said Rainbow Dash. I guess that one could be yours.

"I guess you're right," said Patch. I do such crazy things sometimes you never know what I'll do next.

"Which flavor would I truly match with?" asked Sweetheart.

"Since they're all sweet, I guess they all fit you," said Sweetberry.

"Gosh, well I guess I'm okay with that," said Sweetheart.

"Just my luck," said Clover sadly. None fit me.

"You're about luck," said Bright Eyes. Maybe the green one can be yours too. After all, who says one flavor can't match more than one of us?

"Then I guess I do have one after all," said Clover. *Melody puts a Softie candy into her mouth*

"Wow, I think I found mine," said Melody. This one makes all sorts of crackly noises in my mouth.

"That's a crackle softie," said Bright Eyes. Only found in 1 of 4 bags, lucky you to find it.

"Too bad there aren't any more in the bag," said Melody.

"How much was the bag, Rainbow?" asked Starlight.

"5 Jangles," said Rainbow Dash.

"Well that's fairly cheap," said Clover. We should stop by and get some bags while they're still there.

"Come on," said Bright Eyes. *they rush over* [At the Candy Land candy store...]

"SOLD OUT?!" exclaimed the group at once.

"Yep, sorry, no more until next week," said Greg, the vendor pony. Seems to be fairly popular and that's a surprise to me since it just came in 2 weeks ago. Sorry for them not being in.

"That's okay," sighed Melody. *She and the rest of the group walk sadly back to the Ice Cream Shop* [At the Ice Cream Shop...]

"Too bad they weren't available," said Clover.

"At least we got a sample," said Sweetheart.

"That's true," said Bright Eyes. I think they'll be available before we know it. After all, if they're this popular, then they'll want to keep their customers happy and we'll be there next time around.