So it is Rewritten Episode 19

Story by MasterYubelMarik on SoFurry

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Desert Rose has a tough decision to make, decline a once-in-a-lifetime offer or leave her friends behind.

Rose to Oppose

*At Desert Rose's house...*

"You're cordially invited to attend the annual Rose Festival at the address below. You may not bring anyone else. We've analyzed your skills from afar and want you to make us special roses for all of our upcoming events. Signed, Mayor of the Rose Festival. The Rose Festival sounds like fun but I'm not cut out for that. I don't even know how to make roses. Wysteria might," said Desert Rose before racing off. *At Wysteria's house...*

"Make roses? That does sound wonderful but I don't know if you're the right pony for that. Perhaps it's a mistake?" questioned Wysteria.

"I know. That's how I feel too but if I go, I'm not allowed to take anyone there," protested Desert Rose.

"After the Flower Convention proved to be much more of a con-vention than a convention, I'm not sure it's a good idea to go," warned Wysteria.

"I don't know if this is even a good opportunity," added Desert. Rose.

"Who's the letter from?" asked Desert Rose.

"Just the mayor of the Rose Festival," answered Desert Rose.

"That seems rather strange. No name to associate them with?" pondered Wysteria.

"Let's go see Kimono and Pinkie Pie," suggested Desert Rose.

"They would be more likely to solve this," agreed Wysteria before she and Desert Rose race off.

"Let me get this straight. You got a letter from the mayor of the Rose Festival that wants you to make roses for them for future events?" recalled Pinkie Pie.

"That's exactly right, Pinkie. What should I do?" replied Desert Rose.

"I say don't go, especially since you can't take anyone else. Seems like a way to trap you without your friends," advised Kimono.

"I'm with Kimono on this one, Desert. It just sounds fishy," agreed Pinkie Pie.

"I'll just write back to tell them I can't do it then," figured Desert Rose.

"Wait a minute. What's that on the bottom?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"It's really hard to read. Must be the fine print. I don't have glasses so I can't read it," stated Desert Rose.

"I have reading glasses. Allow me. PS, any attempt to refuse will be denied. Guess you don't have a choice," added Kimono.

"They can't make you go. It's just a letter," remarked Pinkie Pie.

"Yeah. What's a piece of paper gonna do about it?" questioned Minty. *Several figures appear before them.*

"I don't want to go without my friends. How do I know you're a true group of individuals?" protested Desert Rose.

"Hey! You can't take her. She never signed anything," stated Minty.

"Yeah, there wasn't anywhere in that letter where she could sign. Look. I'm not sure what you want with her but she's not the right pony for this. Even if we have the right pony here, they likely wouldn't want to go. You're trying to make her do something she has no skill in doing and that's not right," added Pinkie Pie.

"Perhaps we were mistaken," said the 3rd pony before the trio disappears.

"That was a close one. I don't think any of us could've worked there by force," admitted Pinkie Pie.

"Even I couldn't, and I love flowers," agreed Wysteria.

"That sure was a thorny position to be in," giggled Desert Rose.