Virtually Real Part 32: Convention, Camp Out, and Fitting In
#37 of Virtually Real
The group helps Rin get to know them a bit better.
Virtually Real Part 32: Convention, Camp Out, and Fitting In
Returning Characters:
Commander/Kicker/Cutter/Cold Snap
Surprisingly we arrived at the convention a bit early. Still the lines were exceedingly long. However con security had us inside within minutes. We were escorted around the dealer's floor and into a panel room.
"We're limiting the number of people that have direct access to you. For the morning we've made you today's featured panel. You'll be answering fan questions. For the afternoon you'll be doing sketches and autographs."
They led Kazu and Kira in and I was relieved to see they seemed as confused as we were.
"Everyone, please form an organized line. This panel has a maximum capacity of 400. However two more rooms have been prepared for you to view it on giant screens. It will also be live streamed on the con web site." The room quickly started to fill up.
I immediately tensed up as did Frost. "There's so many people." he whispered.
"Mahan, run blackout protocol."
"Just on you or on you and Frost?"
"What are you talking about?" Kazu asked.
"I'm not sure about Rin, but the rest of us suffer from varying degrees of social anxiety with Frost and Prowl-Ar suffering the most." Shock explained. "Kyle seems the least affected. In situations like this I usually hide in my fursuit."
"Blackout means I only see the people I designate, and the person speaking to me."
"Mahan, put me in blackout mode as well." Frost said.
"I'm fine with being in front of crowds. It's just, until now, no one cared what I might have to say." Rin added.
An announcer soon joined us. Good morning everyone. This is a very special panel today. We have the Shadow Runners. However, this wouldn't be a Comiket convention without comics so say hello to Kitsuné and Tanuki comics Kari and Kazuki! Kazuki, why don't you introduce your comics?"
"First up is 'Jurassic Journey', it follows the survivors of a downed infantry drop shuttle as they attempt to reach one of the bases on the dinosaur planet Fallow. Next is the romantic sci-fi comedy 'Good Luck, Bad Luck'. It focuses on stories about a human captain and the love he shares with his artificially intelligent, sometimes homicidal, bunny drone Tuft. Finally my newest series is 'Scaredy Dragon'. The story of a young dragon who just wants to make friends, but is scared because every time he tries he is attacked." Kazu went to sit down.
"What about Battlefield Hearts?" Someone yelled from the audience.
Kazu straitened up. "Battlefield Hearts has been canceled. As anyone who has read it knows, it features Frost in romantic entanglements. However we, Kari and myself, didn't know that Frost wasn't a non-player character. As you can see Frost is here with the rest of his family. The Shadow Runners were very displeased-"
"So they payed you off. Sell out!"
"Frankly I felt rather ill when I thought about the depictions of a minor in those comics. As of yesterday morning I informed the convention organizers of my mistake. If any of those issues are found circulating at the conventions they will be confiscated, destroyed and you will be refunded the original price. The Shadow Runners didn't pay me to stop, in fact they are endorsing my original creation and I've gotten permission from the real Tank and Tuft to continue stories about them. I'm also grateful to Frost for not hating me and agreeing to let me base my Scaredy Dragon protagonist on him." Kazu quickly sat back down.
The announcer flipped through several cards and shrugged. We'll now open up to questions."
"Shock, do you have anything to say about the charges filed against you?"
"Not really. If required to show up I'll be there." He replied.
"Miss Hatori, many believe the accusations of abuse are completely false, do you have anything to say?"
Rin leaned back in her chair and acted like she was board. I smiled and nodded to her. "Not to be rude, but I believe the person that asked the last question must be at the wrong panel. There's no 'Miss Hatori', in our group." I pointed out.
"She's sitting right there!"
I looked up and down the table. "Kazu and Kari from Kitsuné and Tanuki, Frost Nightiger, myself, Kyle Nightiger, Rin Nightiger, and Shock Nightiger, but no Miss Hatori."
"Fine, Rin-"
"This is a comic convention, if you don't have questions related to the comics don't bother asking them." Rin announced.
"Kari, you have your own stories, will you be ending them to work exclusively on Shadow Runner stories as well?"
"No, I'll be collaborating on Scaredy Dragon, but I'll continue with my own comics."
"Rin, since the Shadow Runners have adopted you, will you become a shifter as well?"
"Yes, I'll eventually be getting the treatment to become a shifter. Prowl-Ar was able to provide me with a taste of what it would be like using VR. Let me tell you it wasn't some wonderful romp through nature. Just that single experience made me understand why it can't just be provided to everyone. Even I have to wait until I'm considered old enough."
"In the video of your dance you shifted."
"That wasn't shifting." Shock quickly answered, "Our uniforms have the ability to be changed on command. What everyone saw was Rin changing into her fursuit. Allow me to demonstrate." Shock donned his fursuit and then switched back to his uniform, but he'd shifted to his anthro form while wearing the fursuit. "Now do you see the difference between a suit and the real thing?"
"Frost, it has been reported that you and Rin are about the same age, so why is it you were allowed to become a shifter?"
Frost swallowed and then sighed. "Technically I'm fifty human years old. That translates to about thirteen dragon years. However, I was born as a dragon with the ability to change my form. If I'd been born as a human, like Rin I'd have to wait until I was considered an adult."
The questions seemed to go on and on. Thankfully most were comic related and Kazu and Kari answered them easily. However by the time the lunch break rolled around I was ready to rip apart the next person that dared to ask me if I could make them a shifter.
Lunch was rather rushed. Kari had run out and gotten fast food for us. We were kept in the panel room but the chairs were folded and put away and a line zigzagged to the back of the room. It was obvious the word had gotten out because the line was filled with fursuiters.
I'd actually prepared this time and pulled out a selection of very special pens. Rather than using ink they used micro particles of gemstones and a bonding agent. Rin's pen was diamond and the bonding agent made it look white until held up to the light where it cast rainbows through the writing. Shock's pen was similar using yellow diamond particles and an orange bonding agent. Frost had blue sapphire, Kyle's was ruby, and my own was onyx. I offered gold and silver to Kazu and Kari but they wanted to stick with their own pens.
As the day wore on I was extremely thankful I'd used a memory download to gain the skills of my favorite furry artists and had put in the time to creating a fusion resulting in my own style. Technically it was cheating, since I didn't put in the long arduous effort of creating my own style from scratch, but considering I had no artistic skill to begin with I was willing to fake it. I was glad I had since I felt the need to do sketches in exchange for the enormous amount of fan art we were receiving.
I looked up as Shock gasped. It seemed to be just another fursuiter.
"You didn't expect me to miss this opportunity, did you?"
I took me several minutes to realize it was the Prime Minister.
"Lord Nightiger, I hope you don't have plans for tomorrow. With everything that has been happening, we have decided the grand opening will be tomorrow. As for the charges against you, they have all been dismissed. I promise you, no political pressure was used. There were plenty of witnesses, plus the streamed video to prove beyond a doubt what happened was provoked. Several medical personnel also confirmed Shock's actions saved Mr. Hatori's life." And just like he had arrived he'd moved down the table getting all our autographs and then disappeared into the crowd.
I leaned back in my chair it had been a long day. Dealing with the politicians, media, and masses. However, unlike our visits the U.S. everything went smoothly.
Frost and Rin had begged off the event and Mahan had brought them up to the ship. Currently, Mahan claimed they were exploring their new home.
Once the fanfare was completed the rest of us returned as well. Kyle headed for his garden with his new plants and Shock sequestered himself in his studio, likely to update his fans about the latest developments.
I reclined my seat and quickly fell asleep.
"Computer, set game to observation mode and run the program demo. Now Rin, welcome to our form of virtual reality. Observation mode means we can't actually interact with the environment or be detected by NPCs. Demo means this won't actually be part of the game."
We stepped through the doors and Rin looked around in amazement. "It's so noisy. My VR headset couldn't recreate so many unique sounds."
The distinct sound of gears and heavy metal moving blocked out the jungle sounds. Rin stared up in awe as Kicker's suit walked past patrolling the base.
"Amazing I could smell the grease and oil and I can hear that the joints in the ankle need to be replaced soon."
"What?" I asked in surprise.
"Oh, while you were at the Embassy opening I finished my time in the memory implantation chamber. I also convinced Mahan that since I'm supposed to be a mechanical genius in the game it would be strange if I didn't know anything about maintaining the suits. So he gave me several additional implants on mechanics."
"Computer, increase to preset level and revert to full game."
We were immediately shifted into the small office in my hangar. Rin looked around and found the rest of the family waiting.
"What's going on?"
"We are picking up where we left off. Don't worry I've already set things up. Remember you were hiding in here and crying. Shock is going to ask what is wrong and you'll point at the computer. I'll take it from there."
"Game resume. Rin, what's wrong?" Shock asked, and Rin pointed at the computer.
I sat down and read the prepared message. "Mister Nightiger, You are to send the minor Rin back to Earth as soon as possible. Her parents were killed in a bug attack. It is our opinion that a hostile world is no place for a young woman. She will be placed in foster care until a suitable place can be found for her. Earth Federation Family Services."
"I don't want to go back. I'm an employee of Shadow Tech, can't you do something so that I can stay here?"
"I wish I could, but your employment is limited to your parent's continued support. With their passing your employment waiver went with them. That means EFFS is in charge."
"What if you adopted me? I mean, I don't have any other family to contest the adoption."
"That's- well, Drake?"
"I don't have a problem with it. Rin may be a bit headstrong but what teenager isn't, and you have to admit she's better at maintaining our suits than any of those fools in base maintenance."
"Seems like a good idea to me. I mean, sure she can be a bit bossy about how we treat our suits, but I know she just wants to keep them in good condition. Besides my suit functions better since she came. Even better than when it was new."
"I'm getting a sister!" He yelled enthusiastically.
I sighed. "Fine I'll start filling out the stacks of paperwork. Next thing you know she's going to want me to buy her a MAS suit." I grumbled.
"Um, about that, I don't need you to buy me a suit, but I could use some paint for the suit I'm building."
"I thought you wanted to be a mechanic instead of a pilot." I said.
"I do, but the way everyone keeps busting up their units I thought it might be a good idea to build a suit out of spare parts that would allow me to move damaged suits around."
"Fine, I'll inspect your creation, if this paperwork goes through. Now all of you get to bed, yes Rin, I'm including you. I know you've been working at night but you need to adjust to ship time. Fox, set her up with a room on our floor."
"Shouldn't you be getting some sleep as well?" Rin asked.
"Yes, but I've got to at least get the adoption process stated. Don't worry I won't be long."
They headed to the lift as I sat down and activated the hyperspace link. "President Lightstripe, how can human Resources help you today?"
"I'd like to take guardianship of Hatori Rin."
"This is highly unusual. Can I ask you why you would want to do such a thing?"
"Rin received word that her parents were killed. As I understand it, she has no other living relatives and she asked me to adopt her."
"I'm sure she would be better off in foster care."
"Really? Tell me how many orphans age out waiting for parents only to be immediately drafted into service?"
"Erm, I don't know. The Federation doesn't release that information."
"Rin has a unique talent for working on MAS suits and she likes it here. I know it is extremely dangerous, but at least this way she is better protected and she is earning military service points. That means she'll be able to start a normal civilian life that much sooner."
"The Federation Commanders aren't going to like it. I mean they're already rather upset that you worked the system to make sure you and your mates ended up stationed together."
"Rin was allowed to transfer to Fallow by her parents. I assume the company did this by making either myself or one of my mates her temporary guardian?"
"One moment, let me check."
I leaned back and waited.
"Huh, it seems they named all three of you as guardians so that Rin could continue working on your customized suits even if one of you happened to be killed."
"So, legally speaking, with the death of her parents, full guardianship passes to us, correct?"
"Yes, it does. In fact, since the paperwork was filed by Rin's parents the Federation has no grounds to protest. I'll get legal to file the appropriate forms for full adoption. Will she be keeping her family name or changing it to Nightiger?"
"I'm fairly certain she wants to change it. Also register her other identity as Snowpaws Nightiger the Tilynx."
"She's a furry, which explains a lot. We'll get on this right away. Have fun explaining this to your Commanding Officer."
All five of us stood in the Commander's office as he paused to catch his breath.
"Sir, Rin's parents made us her guardians. We didn't know that until last night after we received word of her parent's deaths and we contacted the Shadow Tech HR department. That's when we learned that we are now Rin's guardians." Shock quickly said.
"Sir, I- I don't have any other family and I'd rather stay here, where I can do something to fight the Bugs, rather than sitting in some institution waiting to be drafted. After all, who is going to want to adopt a teenage girl whose main interest is working on MAS suits?" Rin said.
The commander grumbled and glared at me. "Tell me you didn't know this was going to happen."
"Sir? How the hell could I have known that Rin's parents would be killed in a Bug attack? I admit I should have known that my mates and I had been made her guardians, but I've been just a little busy lately."
"Sir, if it helps I've overheard the other pilots raving about the work that Rin's been doing. In fact the only bad things are coming from the maintenance department because they're having to work harder to keep up with her." Kyle added.
"That's why I gave her a private room in the pilot's barracks. As a Shadow Tech employee I'm responsible for her safety, now that I'm basically her father even more so."
"Fine! It's not like I can't recognize her skills. She's worked on my suit as well, you know. The question is are you going to show any sort of favoritism?"
"Have I shown any to Drake, Fox, or Frost?" I paused as I thought about it. "If anything the reverse is true. I've put them in harm's way far more often than anyone else on this base."
The commander rolled his eyes. "You're just now realizing that? Badlands warned me that no matter how good you are when it comes to technical matters you're rather oblivious to personal ones. I suppose I can't complain since Rin does her job so well." He sighed, "Next thing I know you'll be getting her a suit of her own."
"No need for that, Sir. I already have a suit that I built using the parts from the damaged suits and other junk around the base." Rin announced.
We all stared at her.
"What? You didn't think I spent my off time drinking and playing games, did you?"
"Of course you built your own suit." The Commander rolled his eyes. "This I've got to see."
We proceeded outside where Rin took off for the remains of the maintenance hangars. What came shambling back out was a suit composed of parts from all the other types of suits. It was mostly gray but other colors were mixed in. It had a unique chest section that I recognized as a Shadow Tech prototype.
"This is the standard combat form, though I don't have any weapons yet." She turned, "As you can see I've mounted a pair of thrusters to the pack allowing me to jump a bit higher than Drake's suit. The chest unit I had shipped in from headquarters. It's a custom design that never went into full production."
"Rin, what are those metal bars mounted to the sides of the thrusters?" Fox asked.
"Crowbars to free trapped pilots."
"Sir, I'm not done yet. Give me a few moments to switch to retrieval mode."
We just watched as Rin wobbled back into the hangar.
"Do you think the wobble is from inexperience piloting a suit or because it needs more work?" Drake asked.
"Probably a bit of both." Frost answered.
The suit emerged with a pair of heavy construction arms attached to the shoulders.
"This is my suit retrieval armor. The heavy arms allow me to lift a suit and carry it. The reason the suit was wobbly is because all joints and connections are over built so that the suit can take the extra strain of lifting so much extra weight. It makes the suit difficult to control without the extra gear. Just one more form."
We just stood quietly waiting for Rin to return wondering what else she had come up with. We stared as she exited the hangar. The extra arms had been removed but extremely oversized chainsaws had been attached to the suit's forearms.
"I can use this variation to assist with the clearing crew. Actually, since I'm not allowed to have military grade weapons I used what was on hand." The saws started up and Rin laughed. "I might not be a match for a cybersaur but I'm not going to be taken down by a bug or regular dino."
The Commander looked directly at me. "Thank God she's your problem and not mine." He immediately headed back into the command tower.
"So, what do you think?" Rin asked.
"I think you need to do some more painting." I turned and headed toward my hangar. I stopped and turned around. "Snow, I'm putting white and several shades of gray on our next order. Get me a list of parts you need to finish getting your suit up to the same level as the rest of our suits. One last thing I need full schematics of the chainsaws so that they can be added to the custom gear catalogue. I get the feeling a lot of pilots will want to have those options available for their suits as well. Pause game."
"What's up? Frost asked.
"I paused the game because I can't show any sort of favoritism in the game. However, outside the game I can say this, Rin, I'm impressed. You built that thing using a standard VR connection. Very few people could pull that off and I might add I'm not one of them."
Rin appeared before us. "That was strange. I decided to get out of the suit and I was just suddenly here. Anyway, I'm sorry about making up the story about the chest unit, however I couldn't just say that it was a part from one of the original model's option kits. I'm also sorry about the way it moved. I didn't realize how much different actually piloting that thing could be."
I waved it off, "It's all for the story so there's no problem." I laughed.
"What's so funny?" She asked.
"Oh I was just thinking, Drake has arm mounted short blades, Frost carries what amounts to a gunblade, Fox packs a giant gun, and I carry revolvers and a big stick compared to your massive chainsaws our suits are already under armed. I was just laughing at what you'll choose to arm yourself with when you are allowed to choose weapons."
Rin laughed and I noticed Drake and Fox give each other nervous glances.
I was once again in the Commander's office. We'd just finished interviewing the refugees who requested transfers to Fallow base. Of the forty-nine only one was a spy. Fortunately Shades had taken the rest of the injured, and those that wanted to leave, the night before.
"All that's left are the maintenance crews. You up to another round of interviews?"
"Are you asking or is that an order in the form of a question? Not that it matter the sooner we get this over with the safer I'll feel. Though I still have one interview I'd rather not have to do."
"You're talking about Shades. I'm fairly certain she didn't have anything to do with the attempted bombing. During your long walk she was storming around the base looking to kill whomever had used her ship to transport such a temperamental explosive device."
"She's still on the list so I'm going to have to interview her eventually. But that'll wait until after we've interviewed the last of the base personnel."
Four hours later we sat in stunned silence. Eight people, out of sixty-three, had been loyal.
"That explains why the older suits were constantly in a state of disrepair. It also explains the reason our weapons kept malfunctioning. I'm ordering to keep that to yourself. I don't want Slider going off about the destruction of his first rifle, again."
"Yes Sir. It's also why the new suits haven't failed. You ordered the pilots to learn how to maintain their own suits leaving less chances for sabotage. Still none of them had any knowledge about the bomb."
"What I want to know is why whoever is pulling the strings wants this base to fail. The bomb was specifically aimed at taking you out, but everything else has been ongoing sabotage even before you arrived."
"If we're lucky Badlands will catch something higher up on the food chain. The question is, what are we going to do with those that we've caught?"
"I'm going to let them go."
"I'm releasing them at the gate with a week's worth of rations and hidden trackers. From there they have three choices get eaten, head for the hunter's camp and likely get eaten, or head for their hidden base."
"And likely get eaten on the way, but it'll give us a likely direction to focus our hunt."
"Tiger, I need to ask you if you're a spy."
I laughed, "Of course I'm a spy. However, I'm up front about the fact that I'm working for Shadow Tech. I can also assure you I'm working to protect this base, otherwise I'd have found a way to keep my family away from here. I was also up front about the fact that I'm a reserve member of the Exploration Team, which truth be told is classified information. So yes I'm a spy, but on the plus side I'm technically your spy."
"At least you're honest about it. Go get some rest, you're on patrol in the morning. Dismissed."
When I reached my room I practically fell into bed.
"Hey Dad, can I go on patrol with you in the morning?" Rin asked, as she entered my quarters.
"It's not that I'm looking to get into a battle, but I need to practice using my suit."
"Is it really about getting used to using the suit, or do you really just want to spend time with us? If it's about spending time with us, fine you can join us. However if it's about gaining experience with your suit, I'd suggest you join the team guarding the cutters."
"Oh, when you put it that way I'll go with the cutting team. It'll be a good test to see how my chainsaw design holds up."
I sat up and grabbed my data pad off the nightstand. "It looks like you'll be with Cutter's team. You're defiantly going to learn what your suit can do. I'm sending him a note about you joining his team for tomorrow."
"Dad can I spend the day with Kicker's team, guarding the outpost? Slider said, if it was alright with you, he'd help me work on my marksmanship." Frost stuck his head in and asked as Rin left.
"Just let me check on that." I picked up my headset and put it on. "Kicker, you have your ears open?"
"Yes Sir."
"You good with Frost joining you tomorrow?"
"Yes! Oh sorry. Yes, I'm good with that. He keeps Lee from complaining about how boring guard duty is."
"Then he's your problem tomorrow. Tiger out." I winked at Frost to let him know I was joking, and he grinned and disappeared down the hall.
Fox and Drake entered, closing and locking the door behind them.
"I don't care what you have planned, you two are not getting out of patrol duty tomorrow. There's no way I'm walking it alone."
"Of course not." Drake said, as he removed my boots and socks and started massaging my feet.
"We wouldn't abandon you when you need us most." Fox added, as he unzipped my jacket.
"You two are trying to take advantage of me while I'm too exhausted to stop you."
"You're not complaining, are you?" Drake asked.
I moaned as he hit a sensitive spot. Before I could react Fox had me pinned on my stomach with him straddling my back.
"We're really not here to take advantage of you." He started massaging my shoulders.
"This isn't about sex, it's about helping our Tiger relax." Drake said, as he started massaging my legs.
We'd nearly reached the middle of our patrol when the silent treatment finally got to me. "You two said you were helping me relax. You said it wasn't about sex. Is it really my fault that you're so good?"
"Not good enough to keep you awake obviously." Drake grumbled.
"I locked the door. Wasn't that enough of a clue of what we intended?" Fox asked.
"You know Fox, we really can't blame him. I'm sure when we get that old we'll have trouble staying awake."
"Yeah, but by then he'll never be awake. Though I suppose we could replace him with someone younger. I'm sure once he's that old he'll be too senile to know the difference."
"Okay, I give up. You can go back to torturing me with the silent treatment."
"I don't know, I think it's kind of funny listening to Fox and Drake call you old. As far as I can see you're all old."
"Snow? You shouldn't be in range for suit to suit communication." I said in surprise.
"I guess it's true about memory being the first thing to go, Commander. Remember, more time has passed for us then for you. Now I suggest you hold position; I've got a couple of large trees coming down that are likely to break through." Cutter informed us.
A few seconds later the first tree crashed down bringing down many smaller trees in the surrounding area. The second tree then fell further from us.
"That's it we've officially broken through. Take a thirty minute break and then we'll start cleaning up. Snow, I said take a break. The work isn't going to get done any faster if you exhaust yourself trying to show off for the Commander and his team. Tiger, anything we need to know about?"
"The storm brought down a few trees that need to be cleared off, but nothing near the fence so its low priority compared to getting this road set up."
"We'll have this done today. Tomorrow they'll begin setting up the guard station and compacting the road. What we could really use is a local source of gravel. Sinking logs into the road bed every time it rains is marginally successful at best." Cutter complained.
"I'll check the topography maps. Unfortunately, I doubt we're going to have much luck."
Cutter flashed me a hand sign and I switched to the team leader channel. "What's up Cutter?"
"Can you take Snow with you? I mean she is your employee after all. The thing is, she's overly enthusiastic and frankly, most of the group can't keep up with her. I'm not sure if it's just her youth, the fact that she's breaking in her suit, or if she feels the need to prove something. The thing is, I'm afraid the crew is going to end up hating her. After all there is a fine line between trying to prove your value and making yourself look better than everybody else."
"Yeah, I know her reasoning. She's been made to think she couldn't live up to expectations, so she's constantly pushing herself to do more or be better." I switched back to the open channel. "Snow, Cutter and I just talked it over and you're going to complete the patrol with us."
"Are you sure? There's still a lot to do here."
"True, but we hadn't factored in the storm damage. Having you with us means we can clear up some of the mess allowing the cutters to start the foundations of the new guard station sooner. Besides, that was an order. You don't want to be written up for disobeying orders your first day in suit do you?" I asked.
"No, Sir!" she said, as her suit scrambled to stand at attention next to Fox and Drake.
I started forward with Fox and Drake following, Snow quickly moved to follow, obviously thrown off by the fact that I hadn't given a command to move.
Fifteen minutes later we were clearing some debris when Snow finally asked the question I knew was coming.
"Sir, did I do something wrong?"
"No, you were doing what your parents trained you to do. You were trying to prove yourself. The problem is they had unreasonable expectations. Now when you do what comes naturally it seems like you're showing off."
"That's the last thing I want to do."
"Tell me, what do you do, here on the base, to relax?"
"First I make sure your suits are in perfect working order, then I make sure the hangars are cleaned up, then I spend some time working on my suit."
"Since arriving on the base how many times did you sleep in your bed in the maintenance crew barracks?"
"Um, never. I'd grab a catnap in your office once in a while."
"Rin, have you slept in your own bed without being tranquilized?" Fox asked.
"Yes, for a couple of hours, when I was taking a short break from studying."
"Rin, you're like someone else we know. He keeps going until he passes out. So, from this point on both of you are required to sleep every night, even if it means shutting things down until after you've rested." Drake ordered.
"You've been on my case all day about falling asleep last night and now you're ordering me to get more sleep?" I asked.
"That's right. If you get plenty of rest you won't be falling asleep at the wrong time." Fox growled.
"Do you always argue like this? In front of Frost, I mean."
"Yes, since arguing like this is better than bottling everything up and then getting into actual fights."
"Or getting violent on, deserving, but unprepared, VR characters in private sessions." Drake added.
I paused as I considered what to say next. "Pause game. Frost, we're about to change VR location. Computer, run file CTFH-X02."
The location changed to a campsite in the early evening. Nearby a stream was flowing and the campfire we were sitting around crackled loudly.
"So Dad, what's happened that we needed to pause the game this time?" Frost asked.
"Something we likely should have done earlier. We're going to tell Rin a bit about ourselves. If any of you have questions feel free to ask. I grew up in the 1980's and 90's. I don't remember a lot about my younger years and I've never asked Mahan about them. Still, back then I was informed that I was a happy, normal outgoing kid in kindergarten. That changed really quickly. I was a fat kid so I ended up being picked on to the point where I was no longer able to trust anybody. Something that I still struggle with today, even though centuries have passed. It got so bad that I was actually on the verge of killing myself. Fortunately I was able to open up enough to let someone in."
"Was he your first boyfriend?" Rin asked.
"No, you've met my first boyfriend."
Rin looked confused and then her mouth dropped in shock. You mean."
I nodded, "Kyle was my first boyfriend. It only took a bit over a thousand years to find him."
"It was at this time I started to have feelings that, at the time, I didn't understand but knew weren't right."
"You mean you realized you were gay." Rin asked.
"No, at that time I didn't even have a word for it. I just knew that it was wrong so I pushed it down and forced myself to fixate on a girl. I knew she wouldn't look twice at me, which made it even easier. I even fantasized about a couple of other classmates but again I knew they'd never see me as anything other than the fat kid. Of course it didn't help my lack of self-esteem that my father thought of me as an embarrassment."
"Are you sure? You could have been projecting your own feelings." Shock asked.
"No, because even to this day I can remember him saying 'don't embarrass me' followed either by 'in front of my family' or 'in front of my friends.' Anyway, it wasn't until much later that I was able to 'come out' to myself. Again a really dark time since now I knew what it meant and it put another 'bad' label on me."
Both Kyle and Shock moved their chairs closer and put their arms around me.
"So, I gave up on the idea of ever finding a mate. I mean who would want someone as pathetic and embarrassing as me? Also, I'd long since decided that I'd never have children for fear that I'd be like my own father and ruin their lives. That is something that I'm still trying to overcome. So if I seem awkward or confused it's because I'm often unsure how to tell you, both of you, how proud and blessed I am to have you in my life."
"Um, not to get your story off track but what does that have to do with arguing in front of us?" Rin asked.
"That really starts off with Russell, my best friend. You see we'd argue, make fun of each other, and laugh when we probably should have been more concerned about each other's feelings, but the one thing we never did was get into a fight. If anything all it did do was strengthen our bond. Now let's jump closer to the present when first Kyle and then Shock entered my life. Right now you'd think we're still in what some would call the honeymoon phase, but we're not thanks to a devious little dragon. However, I'll wait for him to tell that story."
"My turn." Kyle announced. "First off, now that I know a bit more, I find it strange that so many people know my story. I mean, the game I was created from is so old original copies can't exist anymore."
"My fault." I admitted. "After each of humanities dark periods I make sure your game was 'found' in the ancient archives of knowledge. Even if we never got together in the game I wasn't going to let your memory fade from furry or gaming culture."
"Yeah, that game is totally retro, but-" Rin blushed, "my favorite character has always been Cait Sith. I mean he is just so huggable."
"I never liked the way he treated Tiger." Kyle stated coldly.
"You mean Cloud?" Rin asked.
"No, in the game I was generated from, Prowl-Ar inserted himself as a Shinra janitor assigned to Hojo to 'clean up' after his 'experiments'. He was the only one that treated me like a person rather than an animal. He was also the one that rigged the door so that I could escape. Aeris just happened to be in the cage with me. Then Tiger joined our group when Cloud freed all of us after Sephiroth's attack. Cait Sith didn't trust Prowl-Ar. He believed Prowl-Ar knew his real identity and would let everyone know that Cait Sith was a spy."
"Did you know?" Frost asked.
"Of course I knew. I've played the game to the point where I didn't even need a strategy guide to know where to go next."
"That's something I knew but the others didn't. You see he told me that he wasn't from my planet. That he had crashed and needed to find a way to communicate with his spaceship. The thing is he seemed to get these headaches, sort of like Cloud, only Prowl-Ar could see flashes of possible future events."
"I blamed it on the life stream trying to interact with my alien mind."
"At the end of the game we returned to Cosmo Canyon where we found a shuttle waiting. Neither one of us could work up the courage to tell the other how we really felt and Prowl-Ar ended and erased the game, or so he thought. Mahan had raised my A.I. level to the point where I couldn't be deleted. I had a choice, live out my life in a simulated world or follow Prowl-Ar into this one. It wasn't a hard choice. Still I had a bit of resentment that he was able to walk away. So I spent a few years here on the ship without him even knowing."
"Wait, you were both on the ship at the same time and Dad didn't know it?" Frost asked.
"In my defense the ship is a bit over two and a half kilometers long and I spent most of my time hiding from my feelings of loss in the VR chamber."
"Anyway I had to know whether or not my feelings for my Tiger were real or not, so I spent some time on Earth. Most of the time I spent traveling and getting to know fellow travelers. I admit I found a few of them really attractive, but none of them made me feel the special something that I felt with my Tiger."
"How did you know it wasn't programmed?" Rin asked.
"I didn't, that's why I came back. I was going to confront him and find out for sure. The thing is, I was afraid to know the truth. Then Mahan called me to the med bay. Tiger here had gotten himself injured in one of his games. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal since the game wasn't at a level where he could be killed. However, rather than pausing the game he patched himself up and kept going. Then he had an accident that turned a serious injury into a mortal one. He lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion. When Mahan created my body he made me a match to the point, if necessary, our organs can be transplanted without needing immuno- suppressant drugs."
"That seems strange considering the medical facilities on the ship." Fox said.
"Yeah, well when I saw the man I loved dying before my eyes I'd have ripped my own heart out if it would save him. Fortunately all I needed to do was share my blood with him. That's when I knew my feelings weren't programmed. The man I knew would never intentionally make anyone feel the way the thought of losing him forever made me feel."
I leaned against Kyles shoulder. "I never altered Kyle beyond making him open to the possibility of being bisexual and slightly lowering his dislike of 'two leggeds'. When I started the game I was crushing on him, but if he was to develop feelings for me they had to be his own. Otherwise I'd never be able to believe his feelings for me were real. Unfortunately when the game ended neither one of us had admitted our true feelings and I stupidly walked away. Realizing that I'd ruined the game for myself forever I ordered Mahan to delete it."
"But that's not where the game ends. It ends with Kyle and two cubs looking out over the remains of Midgar. Do you have any regrets not living out the simulation?" Rin asked.
Kyle smiled, "In the simulation I have two cubs, but it doesn't show that I have a mate. I have no idea what the simulation could have given me, but all things considered, two virtual cubs versus two loving mates and two cubs I adore, one dragon and the other a lynx? I have no regrets with the choice I made."
"No regrets you say?" Shock asked.
"Not about choosing reality over the game. Anyway I'm sure you know about how we saved the world."
"You really did that? I thought that was just a story." Frost interrupted.
"No, they really did save the Earth from an asteroid. I was in VR, I'd just finished lunch and I had a bit of spare time before afternoon class stated. My game, well everyone's games were interrupted, and we watched the cameras focused on the rapidly approaching rock. Suddenly a ship appeared in front of it and then they both just vanished. I remember thinking 'that's where I want to be someday'. When I got home my father was ranting about it all being an American hoax. I actually believed him until I watched Video Fox's report on the truth. That was when I knew I'd never get the chance. Then you announced the school and I started trying to surpass even what my parents expected of me, but we were all informed that only the very top students would even be considered. At that point I decided as soon as the Furry embassy opened I would register as a furry and apply for citizenship. Then you told everyone you were making your game available for all VR gamers. I knew I had to be a part of it. When it went live I was so proud to be in the first hundred registered to play. Then I found myself stepping off a ship and looking at a very familiar base rather than boot camp. I checked my information and discovered that I was an employee sent to help maintain the custom armors. I thought it was the best day ever. Then Prowl-Ar found me, decided I could stay and offered me a place at the school I'd had to give up on." Rin said.
"Then it all fell apart." I said.
"Yeah, and it still hurts to think about. But you, all of you, rescued me."
"That's why you were worried about our arguing. You're afraid we'll split up and your world will fall apart again." Kyle got up, moved around the fire and sat next to Rin. "That isn't going to happen. In fact it can't happen."
"But it can happen." She insisted.
"No, it can't. The three of us are bonded in such a way that we will be together forever, no matter what. When we saved the planet Tiger and I entered a merged state. Usually Prowl-Ar and Mahan merge becoming a single entity, the Shadow Runner. However due to the complexity of trying to jump both the ship and the asteroid we decided to do a triple merge. Prowl-Ar would fly the ship and I would hold onto the asteroid with Mahan forming a bridge between us. Sort of like when you're walking in your suit and having a conversation at the same time. My job would have been walking while Prowl-Ar did the talking. However the first time we tried to merge I was sent on a tour of Prowl-Ar's memories. He seemed so lonely that I decided to give him a good memory of us together. What actually happened is I gave him a fragment of my soul and in order to survive, without even realizing it I took a piece of his." Kyle said.
"That's when I come along. I'm sure you know most of my story, since it is posted online. Anyway what the President said hurt me. I mean it hurt so bad I didn't even want to live any more. I just wanted to crawl back into my closet and try to hide from the bad men in the world. Kyle and Prowl-Ar used their soul link to get to me trading parts of their own souls to show me that I was loved and there was a reason to keep living." Shock explained.
"So you see the three of us share a soul bond. What hurts one of us we all feel. When we argue like we were, it might be frightening, but we know just how far we can push each other. When we're arguing, and I'm telling you right now we're not going to stop, if I say something that really hurts either Kyle or Shock, because I'm the most likely to do, or say something stupid, you'll know immediately."
"How will we know?" Rin asked.
"Tiger doesn't like to admit it but he gets apologetic and weepy. I'm not sure how Shock will react because he's exceedingly careful not to push too hard. As for myself-"
"Kyle gets quiet and broody going off to berate himself and Shock gets apologetic and hyper." I answered.
"I do? How do you know?" Shock asked.
"You really don't want to know."
"I do, I've never seen Shock act that way and I know Mahan would never just tell you something like that." Kyle said, staring at me.
"Sometimes when I can't fall asleep I slip into trance instead. That way, my body at least, can get some rest even if my mind can't. In that state if one or both of you are sleeping I can see your dreams like a movie."
"Can you, you know, interfere?" Shock asked.
I sighed. "Just a bit. I can't actually enter your dreams but I can send, through our link, feelings of being protected or empowered."
"Is it my turn now?" Frost asked.
"Go ahead, Son." Kyle said.
"I was created, sort of like how you were allowed to be on the base. I'm from a different game program. In my world I was a hybrid freak. I mean, no one liked dragons to begin with but the idea that a furson and a dragon would mate? Unthinkable. However Mom and Dad loved me, even sacrificing themselves so that I could survive. It wasn't until Dad arrived that I learned I was actually raised by my uncle and aunt. According to the game history my mom was an otter and Kyle was my father.
After I was uplifted to full A.I. I learned that my other genetic parent is either Shock or Prowl-Ar."
"How is that possible?" Rin asked.
"You take the X chromosome from one parent and place it in an egg and then combine it with the X or Y chromosome of the other parent. The genders of the parents don't really matter. It does require a surrogate mother to carry the embryo to term for two males and two females can only have female children." I said.
"Anyway, just before Mahan was going to transfer my program into my biological body I mentioned how I wished I'd grown up here with my father's instead of my own past. Mahan created that memory for me by running my program and my dad's memory crystals in a simulation. So I have all the memories the VR computer created for my character and of growing up here on the Shadow Runner."
"Because it was a simulation it took about an hour to complete. Of course Frost then wanted us to share those memories so Mahan used the hyper education units to implant those memories." I said, interrupting Frost.
"That's another reason we know just how far we can take our arguments. Even though the world thinks we've only been together for a short time, the truth is we have the memories of being together and raising Frost for thirteen years. That's why we're so comfortable together."
"Okay, since I'm now a part of this family, do I have any relatives? I'm guessing that Kyle and Prowl-Ar don't have any so that just leaves you Shock."
"It depends on how you look at things. My mom would be your grandmother and my brother would be your uncle. Unfortunately my mom is a lot like your parents. My brother is okay but he has issues due to the way we were raised. I have a lot of cousins but after I came out as Trans they stopped talking to me so I wouldn't count them."
"I do in fact have relatives. Shock is actually my nephew eight times removed." I pointed out.
"So it doesn't really count." Shock said quickly.
"And I suppose, in a way, Tank and Tuft are either your older brothers or uncles."
"I think you had better explain so they don't get the wrong idea." Kyle insisted.
"You wouldn't have seen this in the game, since it was edited, but when I traveled into space with Shades instead of meeting the Indigo Flame the computer originally took the Bad Luck from a different story. I of course hailed them mentioning Tuft by name. Since he had been generated as Fluff, his cover name, the computer updated his character to Tuft's story level. The problem was, in their story, Tuft is the equivalent of Mahan."
"So the computer upgraded him to the point where he could tell he was in a game." Rin deduced.
"More than that, he was able to leave the VR unit and take control of a drone. He immediately returned to the game and gave us a choice uplift Tank or delete them both."
"Wouldn't that be the same as murder? I mean, if his AI was that advanced he was basically alive."
"That's why we uplifted Tank." I admitted.
"Wait, you deleted the scene and replaced them with Mærik so why- oh, they decided to play the game as well."
"I hope you don't mind my eavesdropping, but do you really think Tank is like your brother?" Mahan asked.
"Oh and then there is Mahan, he's mostly an A.I. version of me with bits of all of you mixed in so he's sort of related to all of us. To answer your question Mahan, yes I consider both of them to be closely related to me. It's easier to think of them that way. Maybe I can convince them to think of me that way so they'll stop calling me their God."
"I hope not." Frost grinned. "The look you get every time they do that is just so funny."
I closed my eyes and shook my head. "So while we're at it do either of you have any questions?"
"You said the ship is really big, where are we allowed to explore?" Rin asked.
"Currently you have free run of the ship. However, if you find a locked door don't try to open it. It is likely a vacuum. A large portion of the ship is sealed to conserve energy and resources. Mahan will also likely inform you if you're trying to get into a dangerous area. You're also not allowed to play on the flight deck. If the power cuts out for any reason you'd be exposed to open space."
"Um, what are the ship's rules? I mean even Char had rules and he was a ghost." Frost asked.
"Yeah, I'd wondered about that, but since there was only the three of us I figured you didn't have any rules." Shock said.
"Rule zero: this rule can only be known to members of the core group. Current core members are Prowl-Ar, Kyle, Kelly, Russell, and Rin Nightiger with Mahan. The Shadow Runner organization can be disbanded by a unanimous vote by all core members." Mahan stated.
"What does that mean?" Shock asked.
"Simply put if Earth, or the Furry Nation we are creating, demand that we engage in an action that we don't agree with, and start threatening us with legal action because of some treaty; we disband and tell them where to go. That's why, when we signed the treaty papers for the embassy I made sure the line 'treaty subject to the Shadow Runner organization rules' and a list of the visible rules." I explained.
"That is rather underhanded." Shock quickly said.
"It's actually very dishonest, but as long as we're never backed into a corner with no way out only we will ever know the rule even exists."
"Rule one: Each team member has their own living area. This area is private and cannot be entered or tampered with, without permission." Mahan continued.
"Wait, when you reorganized our living space you completely deleted my kitchen without permission." Kyle pointed out.
"Technically the kitchen was still part of the living area at the time. That's why I had to get Shock's permission to move his studio. However, we can still enter without your permission."
"What?" Kyle yelled.
"Your private space isn't the kitchen, it's your private garden. Not that we're going to invade the kitchen when you're not looking."
"Ah, I'm not exactly happy about losing the kitchen, but I can see the benefit of my garden remaining my private domain."
"Does that mean our rooms are off limits as well?" Frost asked.
"Not exactly. As you are still underage we can enter without permission when absolutely necessary. However, we'll try not to intrude on your privacy."
"Rule two: every member is to be treated with respect regardless of species, gender identity, race, age, or composition."
"Composition?" Kyle asked.
"That means, now that you've been informed of the rules you have to treat the doctor with respect even though she is a drone. Composition covers A.I. individuals currently."
"Damn, now I wish you hadn't told us the rules. Oh well, I'll try." Kyle said.
"Rule three: all forms of communication to and from Shadow Runner facilities will be monitored."
"That's rather obvious. I mean, you quite literally monitor everything in the solar system anyway." Frost said.
"When I first conceived of the rules I was thinking of the future." I explained.
"Rule four: the core Shadow Runners reserve the right to create more rules as needed." Mahan said.
"That's it?" Shock asked.
"Rule five: Mahan is always right and his judgement can never be questioned."
"Yeah, right. Even I know that isn't a rule." Rin laughed.
"It was worth a try. Prowl-Ar, Tuft and Tank are requesting to join this simulation." Mahan said.
"What?" I asked.
"I just informed them of your decision to re-designate Tank as your brother."
"Oh. Yes, they can join." I said.
"Bro!" Tank yelled, as he appeared and punched me on the shoulder.
"Are you really serious about considering us your brothers?" Tuft asked.
"Yeah, but you'd be my brother-in-law otherwise it would just be way too complicated to explain."
"Wait, we haven't even gotten married yet." Tank pointed out.
"Do you love Tuft?" I asked.
"Tuft do you love Tank?"
"You know I do."
"Good. As Captain of the Shadow Runner and Grand High Whatever of the new Furry Nation I pronounce you husbands. Done deal, you're now married."
"Can he really do that?" Tuft asked.
"Uh, yeah, I guess. It's about the way we got married. Shock?" Kyle replied.
"Don't ask me. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to diplomatically tell the world the Furry Nation's leader's title is Grand High Whatever."
"I'm sure we'll come up with a better title eventually." I said.
"I don't know, Grand High Whatever has the sort of irreverence that is kind of appealing." Tuft giggled.
"Tank, with this new development your biological body will be ready in two months." Mahan said.
"I thought it was going to take years?"
"Since Prowl-Ar has named you as his brother I have an existing genetic template to work with, instead of creating a new template from scratch. The process is further sped up from the work I've already completed. Unfortunately it is still going to be some time before Tuft can be converted."
"I've always been an android so waiting won't affect me." Tuft replied.
"I love him no matter what." Tank said, looking into Tuft's eyes.
"Go on already. Go program the perfect honeymoon before you pass out from the strain." I said, as I smiled at him
"I don't do that anymore. Tuft was good enough to help me edit that quirk out of my character program. Still, thank you for making this the best day of my- our lives. Mahan, transfer us back to our own V.R. chamber."
They disappeared, I sighed, and looked around. It had gotten rather dark. "Mahan, is the program set to ship time?"
"Yes it is."
"So, what say we stay here for the night? Roast some hotdogs and marshmallows and start fresh tomorrow?"
Rin and Shock laughed at the look on Frost's face.
"Don't worry, despite the name it isn't made out of dogs and marshmallows are made of sugar. I was confused at first as well. They're not bad, though I'm not sure how we're going to cook them." Kyle explained.
Shock and I laughed and told them to wait a few minutes as we went to cut some roasting sticks.
As we reached the road we met up with Cold Snap's team and headed back toward the base.
"Anything to report?" I asked.
"South perimeter is mess. No breaks. You train new pilot?"
"This is Rin." I introduced.
"Ah, mechanic want to be pilot now."
Rin revved her chainsaws. "Mechanic wants everything she can get."
Cold Snap started laughing. "Should be on my team. We train real good."
"Keep your hands of our daughter." Fox snapped.
"In Russia foxes pets or coats, not parents. You take care of her or make her part of family?"
"I'm Rin Nightiger, the Bugs killed my parents and I begged Tiger to adopt me. Turns out they already made him and his mates my guardians so technically I've been their daughter this whole time."
"Snow, when in suit, you are to use your pilot I.D."
"Sorry, Sir."
"Snow assisted Cutter finish clearing the new road and then continued on patrol with us clearing the debris from the North West Quarter." I told Cold Snap.
"Will make easier for Kicker team tomorrow. Now paperwork, should have joined infantry, less paperwork." Cold Snap grumbled.
We stopped as we reached the base. "You have no idea. I have to do all my team's paperwork, then go over each team's paperwork, summarize it all and turn it in to the company clerk."
Cold Snap laughed as her team headed for their hangars.
"Yeah, you're making things up again. I'm the one that does our team's paperwork." Drake pointed out over the private channel.
"I know and I greatly appreciate it, but I can't let them know that. Speaking of paperwork you better get to it. I've got to go interview Shades, if she's back, and introduce Snow to Kicker and his team."
We started walking to the outpost where they were on guard duty.
"I've met them already, though they like my work they don't talk much."
"Yeah, Slider is the strong silent type, Kicker is more by the book type of team commander so not the most talkative. Lee is, well, Lee. They'll warm up to you. Especially since you're going out on patrol with them tomorrow. At least for the first quarter of their patrol. You'll be clearing the North East quarter. Once you reach the point you met up with us today you'll return to base."
"Then what?" Snow asked.
"Morning patrol, afternoon maintenance. We're really shorthanded in that department now."
"So, any tricks to make Kicker's team like me?" Snow asked.
"Slider is usually really quiet but he may be willing to talk about his sniper rifle. Just being your over achieving self will get you in good with Kicker. As for Lee, I'm not sure. It's usually more of a problem to get him to shut up so if he isn't talking to you it might be a good thing."
As we entered the cleared area I noticed the Dragonfly coming in for a landing. It immediately pulled up and maneuvered in front of me. Alarms went off as it targeted my cockpit.
"That was a really dirty trick you pulled." Paradise snarled.
"So was shaving me. However, I suggest you rethink your actions. I'm fairly certain you have at least one sniper lock on warning. I can see Lee spinning up his minigun and you're about to get diced by a pair of massive chainsaws. Besides, we're even now, only Hardline has anything to worry about."
"At least your fur grew back. Badlands won't let us paint over your little art project." Skyfall yelled.
"Then take it up with him."
The alarms went silent as Paradise obviously shut down her targeting systems. The dragonfly slowly backed off and headed for its landing pad.
My heads op display showed Snow was trying to contact me on the private team channel so I switched over. "I wasn't in any danger." I assured her.
"I know. I reinforced that chest plate to withstand more than that little thing could fire before I clipped her wings. I could have done it with only minimal risk to those two pilots. I'm not bragging, I'm just telling you if she tries a stunt like that again I won't hold back."
"I won't either, and considering how hard I had to work to convince Slider not to fire he won't hold back again." Frost added.
I signaled 'all clear' just to be sure that everyone knew to stand down. "Snow, join Frost. He'll help you get to know the team you're going to be working with a little better. I've got to speak with Shades."
Her suit nodded and she headed toward Lee, who was still holding his gun as if disappointed he didn't get to use it. I walked over to the Lawless and exited my suit. I walked over to the ramp and started up.
"G'evening Rogue, Shades in any mood to talk?"
The door slid open and Shades stood there looking as intimidating as possible. "I came here to investigate the rumor that someone used me to transport a bomb. I get hijacked into saving a bunch of ungrateful soldiers, first out of a firefight and then up to the station the Federation has decided to build in this system. Then I get back here last night and I'm told I've been grounded until further notice. What kind of mood do you think I'm in?" Shades asked angrily.
"So you didn't have anything to do with the bomb?"
"You should know better than that. Of course I didn't." She turned and headed deeper into the ship.
"I'd like to think that, but you did get the suit for Frost." I said, as I followed her
"It was a blue infantry suit being shipped to your base. I thought you ordered it. After your little trick with the packing case I figured giving it to Drake's kid would really put you in a bind."
"About that."
She sat in the pilot's seat and started checking the readings. "Yes, I got ahold of his DNA and had the kid artificially created. I figured you'd drop Drake once you discovered he had been unfaithful and had a kid. I must admit to being shocked when I learned you took the kid in as your own. I thought you were completely against the idea of raising children?"
I sat at the navigator's station. "I was, until I met Frost. In your planning did you know that the people you hired created Frost by combining Drake's DNA with mine?"
Shades gritted her teeth. "No I didn't."
"You're thinking about getting revenge on them, aren't you?"
"I can't, they're either already dead or disappeared. Someone is after you, that much is obvious. If I find out who they are they're going to wish they never heard of you."
"Concern, for me?"
"No, for my bottom line. You pay upfront for transport services and double for smuggling without trying to short change me. I may not like your life choices but you're always fair. Besides you're my cousin, if anyone is going to kill you it should be me."
"So you don't know who they are?"
"Not yet, but everything and everyone has a price." She glared at me. "Everyone has a price, even you, I just haven't found it yet."
"I guess that means you're not spying on this base then?"
"Of course I am. I keep all my resources under close observation. How else would I find out things like that chainsaw horror suit is piloted by your, now, adopted daughter? The thing is I have no intention of selling the information about this base. If you tell anyone this, I will kill you myself, I'm kind of fond of Frost. If he takes after Drake, I can understand why you're so devoted to that dragon. If anyone hurts that kid for any reason they'll be dead before they even realize they're a target. I'll make sure of that."
"Tell me, do you trust me?"
"Hell no. I know better than to trust anybody. I know I'll live longer that way."
"Rogue, contact the base command center."
"This is command, what do you want now?"
"This is Lt. Colonel Nightiger, let the Commander know that Shades has been cleared. I repeat, Shades is clear to fly."
"Understood Tiger, Captain Shades is cleared for departure at her convenience. Command out."
"How is it I have to work my ass off gathering questionable materials to get people to do my bidding, while they happily do whatever you say?" Shades asked.
"I live a charmed life. I took out a Bug and killed a cybersaur with an impossible shot my first day here. I've survived both a Cyber-Rex and a T-Rex attack. I walked out of a time dilation bubble, and I transformed into a tiger and ripped out the throat of a guy threatening my mates. If that wasn't enough I can sit down and chat with the Exploration Team. Plus I'm not intimidated by, arguably, the most dangerous woman in the Federation."
"Careful, I have plenty of information about you."
I grinned, "But it doesn't do you any good because I don't care."
"Even if I presented it to your mates?"
"Not even if you presented it to the kids. Oh sure I'd have some explaining to do, to Frost and Snow, but I have no secrets from my mates. I mean what could you tell them that I haven't?"
Shades grinned. "You have more secrets than anybody."
"I don't know about that, but yeah, I still do have a lot of secrets, just not from Kyle and Shock."
"You're so- so- irritating. Get out! You've given me clearance to leave and suddenly I feel the need to be on the other side of the Federation for a while."
I stood up a headed out. "I'd wish you luck, but I already know you make your own luck, and you're very good at it." I yelled the last as I started down the ramp. I had to skip a bit as the ship started to rise before I was on solid ground. "Good luck." I quickly got back into my suit.
"Hey Dad, are you alright?" Frost asked as he and Snow joined me and we started back toward the base.
"I'm fine, Shades was just trying to remind me not to trust everyone so easily."
Frost laughed.
"What's so funny?" Snow asked.
"I can count the number of people Dad trusts with two hands."
"I don't believe that."
"It's true. I don't trust many people."
"So who do you trust?"
"Our dads, us, Mahan, Tank and Tuft." Frost listed.
"Wait, you trust me? I get why you trust the others, but you hardly know me." Rin said in surprise.
"That may be true, but Mahan trusts you enough to let you have free run of the ship. Since he is based on my mind and has complete access to your past that's enough for me."
"Is that everyone you trust?"
"Everyone currently alive. I guess I tentatively trust Silverbolt and Haro, the A.I.'s controlling Furry Station and the Furry Colony."
"Wait, I thought it would take a lifetime before you could get a colony ship built?" Rin said.
"Tell me, what do you think would happen if I announced that I have three colony satellites nearly ready for habitation however it will take decades for them to make the journey from where they are being constructed to a point where they can be inhabited?"
"Three colonies?"
"Yeah, Haro is basically complete. However He has to move the colony into what is known as the Goldilocks Zone in order to start growing plants to generate air. R2 is completed enough to begin moving but I'm holding off until I see how Haro holds up. Construction on Cait Sith will be completed in a couple of years, but Holly isn't even close to completion."
"I recognize Haro, R2, and Cait Sith, but not Silverbolt and Holly."
"They are all robots from different movies and television shows."
"What about Mahan?" Snow asked.
"He chose his own name. Mahan means mountain in a language I made up for one of my stories. He chose it because it sounded similar to Merlin."
"I guess most furrys would be disappointed but understanding about having to wait for the colonies."
"What about everyone else especially haters?"
"Oh! The haters would demand immediate mass deportation to the colonies."
"Exactly and currently if necessary Haro could support, maybe five or six people for a couple of months. All the colony's energy is currently being used to accelerate into the system. It could slingshot one of the outer giants to get here quicker but that means using Jupiter as a speed dump in order to decelerate."
I returned Katana's salute as we entered the base.
"Dad, we've been talking about a non-game related topic without pausing, is that alright?" Frost asked.
"We had a long day. Mahan will edit the video so that we trudged back to base in silence. Snow, take one of the free hangars as your own and run a diagnostic on your suit then head to bed. That's an order. I don't want you up all night. In fact just start a full diagnostic so that you won't know the outcome until morning. If your suit can't handle the stress of another day of work I'll make arrangements for you to spend the whole day working on your suit instead of going out on patrol. Check in with Fox to let him know when you're headed for bed."
"Why Fox?"
"Are you kidding? Papa Shock is the one that makes sure we're behaving." Frost replied.
I shut my comlink down as I backed into the hangar. That was a conversation best left between siblings. I crawled out of my suit and headed for my office. Hopefully I could get through all the reports before Kicker brought in his report, the last one I needed to worry about for the day.