Power of Hate 2: The Pain of Truth

The Pain of Truth The eighteen-year-old tiger slowly surveyed his room. His bed was perfectly made and the hardwood floor gleamed in the early morning twilight. He didn't bother to open the closet or the antique mahogany dresser against the far wall....

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Fnding My Husband in Another World: Season 3: Chapter 4: Assessments

Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 3: Chapter 4: Assessments After helping Ren and Toque cleanup we turned in for the rest of the night. I insisted the Prince keep the room he had been...

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Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 3: Chapter 2: The Network

Finding my Husband in Another World Season 3: Chapter 2: The Network When I woke the first thing I did was mentally tick off a day. Two more until my Wolf was back in my arms. The second thing I...

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Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 3: Chapter 1: Wounded Tiger

Finding my Husband in Another World: Season 3: Chapter 1: Wounded Tiger Since being reborn in this world I'd been the son of s noble, sold into slavery, escaped to become perhaps the world's most...

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Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 2: Chapter 6: Captured

Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 2: Chapter 6: Captured The room at the top of the stairs was massive. It seemed most of the mountain had eroded away because I couldn't imagine anyone or anything carving away that much stone just to...

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Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 2: Chapter 5: Boss Battle

Finding My Husband in Another World Season 2: Chapter 5: Boss Battle "That's it, we are officially lost. We've back tracked at least twice the distance we traveled in and still no...

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Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 2: Capter 4: Travel

Finding My Husband in Another World Season 2 Chapter 4: Travel I stared up at the precipice before us. It was no wonder people were unsure what to call it. It was a shear cliff that rose up and at its top, nearly beyond visual...

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Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 2: Chapter 3: Bandits

Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 2: Chapter 3: Bandits I wanted to leave early, but we were woken and served breakfast before sunrise and out the door just as quickly. Between Sky and...

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Finding My Husband in Another World Season 2: Capter 2: The Bard

Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 2: Chapter 2: The Bard As the bridge started to form two demi-humans, a badger and a coyote, and a beast kin raccoon took charge. Splitting the group into...

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Virtually Real Part 0: Introduction

Virtually Real Disclaimer: While I hate disclaimers, I feel the need to put one on this piece of work due to the explicit nature of the content. The story takes place primarily in a virtual reality game set between 800 and 1,100 years in the...

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Stress Relief

Stress Relief sun above cool soil moving beneath my paws my mate waiting in the shade nearby I pace the glen loosening stress tightened muscles I dash forward he is beside me running sun above cool soil moving beneath our paws

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Virtually Real Notes: Prowl-Ar's First Shift

During "First Shift" every shifter becomes their animal self for about a year in in order for their human and animal selves to acclimate to their new animal form. Ordinarily the individual has a teacher or guide, however this can prove very dangerous...

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