The Life and Times of Soma Hikari: Chapter 2

Story by tigera117 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Life and Times of Soma Hikari

The Life and Times of Soma Hikari

Chapter 2: First Impressions

I awoke the next morning with a renewed determination, and for once, actual motivation. Today was going to be the day I made something of my life! I was going to talk to Haru today, and try to ask her out. The worst she could do is say no right? My mind was racing as I ran downstairs, eager to get to school for once in my life. Mom and Dad just stared in amazement as I went about my morning routine and ran out the door humming happily.

I just kept running until I got to the bus stop, and stood there, tapping my foot impatiently. I wanted to get to school now! I had to see her again, just to make sure yesterday wasn't a dream. I felt like I was going crazy, but I loved every second of it. The bus finally arrived and for once I actually stayed awake through the entire trip, my mind abuzz with thoughts of her. I needed to make a good first impression. A good first impression is the one thing that can make or break a person's opinion of you, and mine needed to be perfect.

The bus finally arrived on the school grounds after what seemed like an eternity and I assumed my usual position on the wall, my tail twitching happily as I scanned the area for her. Shade eventually sat down next to me and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Dude, are you ok? You look like you're about to explode, it's that Haru girl isn't it? You know she's waaaaay out of your league right?"

I gave him a glare and went back to scanning the area; I wasn't going to listen to that. He may be my best friend, but he could at least try to be just a little supportive of me.

"Shade, just shut up, the dream had to mean something, I know it did!"

Before he could reply however the bell rang, and we walked to our homerooms, once again she sat in front of me, and all I could smell was lavender. I paid no attention to what was going on in the room around me. I was just too distracted about what I was going to say to her. Girls had always made me nervous, I mean online I could talk to them, but face to face I was hopeless. I couldn't mess up, I had one shot at this and it had to be perfect.

Most of my day progressed in this day, watching her and thinking about what to say. Should I be smart, or funny, I had no clue what she liked, didn't like, how was I going to be able do to this! My confidence slowly started breaking down over the day and started to be replaced by doubt and insecurity. But eventually lunch period came, and that is when I got my first opportunity to talk to her.

I got my lunch and looked around the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, and then I saw it, the golden opportunity! She was sitting alone at a table eating her lunch, all I had to do was sit next to her and start up a conversation, which should be simple enough right? So I started walking toward her table, my determination renewed. As I walked I didn't notice that my shoelace was slowly becoming untied and as I got within a couple feet of the table, I tripped. I tripped and hit my head hard on the edge of her table. Last thing I saw before I blacked out was her standing over me looking concerned.

When I finally came to, I was in a bed in the nurse's office, with a bandage wrapped around my forehead. The nurse was a middle aged panther, and she smiled as she walked over to me.

"Well look who's finally awake, you've been out for three hours, Soma Hikari"

I looked at her in disbelief and sat up quickly, my head slowly throbbing with a dull pain. Hitting your head is never a pleasant experience and waking up with a head injury isn't very high up on my list of favorites either.

"Three hours!? What happened?"

"Well Soma, you tripped over your shoelace and hit your head pretty hard on a lunch table"

As she said this my hopes sank, I totally blew my first impression! I probably looked like an idiot to her now. The nurse just kept talking as I thought about the situation, and then she said something entirely unexpected.

"and that new girl was really worried, she sat by your side for an hour or so before I made her get back to class, I said she could come back afterwards, so you just lie back down and rest"

The final bell rang as she finished that statement and I decided to lie back down, maybe all hope wasn't lost, maybe I still had a chance, maybe in a strange sort of way I made a good first impression. She eventually came into the room looking like she was out of breath. I watched as she sat down beside me and smiled.

"Hi there, I see you're finally awake, how are you feeling?"

I smiled back nervously and tried to sit up a little, my head still throbbing.

"I'm doing ok, my head still hurts a little, I guess I hit it pretty hard"

"You sure did, I was worried you were seriously hurt"

"I guess I should tie my shoes more often" I said and chuckled nervously as I looked into her beautiful yellow eyes

"I guess you should" she replied and laughed with me, 'But I'm glad you're ok"

"So am I, by the way my name's Soma Hikari, I sit behind you in homeroom"

"Oh! I knew you looked familiar, you're the guy who's always peeking at me during the day" she laughed and smiled "you must think I'm really pretty"

I blushed slightly and looked away "I...I...I didn't think you saw me"

She giggled and grinned "I didn't, but now I know you do, and I think it's kinda cute"

I have to make my move now! I thought as I looked back towards her blushing slightly, my tail twitching like crazy, sure I was nervous as hell but I had to ask.

"Hey, Haru?"

"Yes Soma?"

"Um, I was wondering would you, um, like to um, go do something sometime. I mean with me"

"That would be great" she said as she smiled "I have no clue where anything is and I need someone to show me around town, how does tomorrow afternoon sound?"

I looked at her, totally amazed and stunned. She said yes, she actually said yes!! I was victorious!! It took all my self control not to get up right there and all yell out happily at the top of my lungs. Instead I just smiled and nodded

"That would be awesome"

"Good, well I have to go now, see you in class tomorrow" She said before leaning over and kissing me gently on the cheek, then leaving the room, and leaving me totally stunned.

She kissed me, she actually kissed me! It may have been on the cheek but it was better than nothing! I went through the rest of my day happier than I had ever been in my life, and as I laid down in bed that night I thought to myself, well I made it out of today with a head injury, but at least I got a date! I slowly drifted to sleep and if I didn't know it then, I knew it now, I was in love........

To be continued