david's college days part twenty nine

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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Quite a few years had come and gone David and Sarah were now in there late twenty's, but still loved each other and they still had pink the 8 year old Shire horse.

While driving around one night to find a place where David could buy old magazines and Sarah could buy old books or new books, after an hour of looking and trying to find the place they gave up then David passed an old site that had David and Sarah favourite sign, closing down sale.

David soon turned the car around and it was an old construction site that sold building metafiles and it was open at 9 in the morning till 5 pm and they had just missed it but a few minutes so they went home and would come back in the morning.

In the morning they took the horse box seeing as David wasn't going to drive some where and drive back with loads of bricks so they took the horse box and they were off.

As they arrived the site was huge it had every thing you could ever need for building stuff from small to big but David knew what he wanted he wanted bricks and cement and a metal door to build a garage.

David found lots of stuff but no matching bricks to the house, but then he found it a whole pile or a very big stack of bricks that were the right colure and the right size next it was too find the man of the yard they soon found him a very tough guy his name was Mr. Horse and he had a hard hat on and a very nice bowtie with collar he looked like a person start out of a muscle magazine later on he found out they ran or were starting a limo business.

"Excuse me" David said as he tapped the side if the big horse bloke

"Yes, how may I help you" he seemed to bellow as he talked

"How much are the brick over there" David showed the man

"There on special offer you can have the whole lot for 560 pounds but that with out devilry, devilry will cost an extra 600 pounds"

"Oh well can I use the folk lift truck?"

"Yeah go ahead I don't care just be careful"

David started up the lifter and began to load the whole load of bricks into the horse box and was also checking the weight it could take it took the whole lot after this David went to get a plate load of cement and a cement mixer then some tools.

After all this it soon came to a large amount of money in fact the cost was just over 1200 pounds but it was on sale so David got the whole for 1050 very nice.

Going home was very hard seeing as the horse box was now very heavy and slow David knew just witch way to go the direct rote because the scenic rote was full of hills and pot holes and it worked just seeing as every 3 miles they have to pull over so they could let the other road users go by but after a long they were home.

It took so long that day that they came home at night in fact 23:00 at night and David was so tiered that he said leave the stuff till morning.

In the morning David woke up and started to unload the horse box witch was quite hard but he had brought a lifting thing that was just as good as a fork lift truck and it was and after an hour or so of moving it was all off the horse box and the horse box creaked with joy and now it looked like a good horse box not one that had weak wheels.

After moving stuff every were it was time to see if he could do it him self but with the help of a video and a good book on how to build a garage David pressed the play button and it started,

"Hello and welcome to how to build stuff with easiness"

"First choose the bit of land you are building on this will have to be marked out and also you need to know the length of your car and how much space you need"

David checked and measured the area and was now ready for the next bit

"okay now you have the ground measured up it's time to dig it up but only the bit you have marked and try to keep to the line it's much more easy if you line it out instead of spay paint"

David dug for a long time

"Also only go far enough down for the cement about 5 cm should be just enough but if you are building a garage with a hole in it you will need to make a bigger hole for that"

David dug and dug for a long time until it was ready for the cement

"Right now it's time to mix your cement and put it in the hole you've made mix it like this"

David watched and followed step by step and if he missed a bit he would rewind a bit and watch again.

After the floor had set it was time for the bricks

"now you want to lay the bricks down one by one not all at winch and now it very easy just get your block of wood and place a load of cement on it and then place on the floor and place the brick on top of this the brick wants to be a least 1 maybe 2 cm off the floor now all you have to do is the same until you get to the end"

David did this and then found a problem the brick that was going to fit in the gap was too big,

"you may come across this were the brick is too big to fit now this is quite hard just place a chisel on the brick at the right length and hit it and remember put the rough side on the inside of the brick work other wise it will let damp in"

After a long time David had finished all the side and was now ready for the roof or so he thought when he drove the car in to the garage with a bit of wood on the top layer he hit the wood with the roof of his car so it needed to be a bit bigger and that's what he did and now it was time for the roof but it was late afternoon and he didn't want to make any noise so he left it for the morning and just to make saw he was right he drove the car in and it fitted with ease and there was enough room to get in and out on both sides.

In the morning David went and got some top roof stuff the stuff you see on roofs and it fragile so he also brought a sign saying so.

"now it's time to put the roof on you wanted a flat roof right first see how long the roof bits are now yesterday I hope you put a whole load of cement in the frog bit of the brick and then put a flat surface on top of that if you did then place one bit of roofing on the top and drill into place, continue this until you are finished"

David did this and he was ready to get the door on, the guy on the telly said to get a profanely in to do that and he did.

With a few phone calls later the men came and fitted a garage door none automate and it was now done the garage was ready for a test run, Sarah got in the car and so did David and they drove into the garage and yes David had got it right as Sarah could get out and so could David so now it was time to see what they could get in there David had found an old pool table and it was soon fixed and it was the best place to put it and he did, but now he must watch were he parks the car as he can sometimes hit the table but he has only hit when he goes in backwards but it still looks nice.