Unknown Worlds: King Me NoMore
Now it is time to get serious... then again; maybe now.
For now however, the pirate dragons and Neriax had entered into the kingdom of dragons. But no one there was to welcomed him. To make things matters worst; Someone had killed the king and everyone is blaming it on a nearby gardener. Can the silver dragon straighten things out? Or is this the end of their world?
Unknown Worlds: King Me NoMore
"There it is! The hermit kingdom of dragons." I exclaimed, pointing out to the horizon beyond us as Shinron turned to me blinking his eyes asking "The hermit kingdom? Why do you guys called it that?" "Cause we do not have any conflicts around. We are pretty much isolated and away from the other nations and islands that inhabited the place." I explained with proud upon my tone but it had only made him more confused. Thus shaking his head, he growled for a bit before spreading his wings. He stared up towards the castle ahead of us and asked "Is that it? Where you live?" "Yup!" I spoke out, "Nice is it not?" But it took him a long time to response and in that silence; he was just humming to himself. He departed a second after his awkwardness and glide to the grounds below him. Ignoring me, he plunged his claws onto his sides and walked calmly. He left me alone on top of the rooftop it seems. As I sighed but silently chuckled to myself, I shook my head, looked up onto the castle before spreading my wings outward from my body, and jumped. Flapping my wings a few times to hover upon the air and flew off without hesitation.
With the winds blowing against my face and catching a few bugs here and there on my beautiful handsome face, I flew a long distance away. Landing in front of the door that leads into the castle, I raised my head high and shouted out with a loud boom. It had sounded like an massive earthquake that could level a house or a castle. Probably make some tidal waves and flood some islands far away from ours. Regardless, I waited for the door to open since it was locked to prevent anyone from entering in or out which sometimes gives me some thoughts on how the citizens of this place would be able to connect to their king or queen? The royalty so you know. But while I was waiting, I hear footsteps behind me and shifted back, spotting Shinron coming into view. Smiling, I waved to him and he looked up noticing me and responded without sound. He arrived later than me; probably had to go get a bite or something. There were a bit of some stores and food running about that I had wondered if he would like them at all. The foods here were delicious, mind you. First class! From eggs mixed into the rice cakes to something else I do not remember! Now I am hungry! But sadly I had to stick around cause, this story is progressing through the new plot that the writer came up with. What season was this again?
The door moaning had interrupted my thoughts on food as I lifted up my head and looked ahead. It opened before our eyes and went wide before breaking off its stem and crashing onto the grounds somewhere. I blinked for a moment, resisting the urge not to laugh cause it was not humorous to see before swallowing it all down and stepped forth. A shadow emerged before our eyes; taking a step forward into the sunlight while I smiled, brightening and easing up my face. I saw her. But it was not my crush, however. Ajiro looked at me for a moment then towards the other dragon behind me. She looked a bit concern and silent as if all the happiness was sucked away into some evil unhappy machine and some other kinky stuff too. I walked towards her; taking steps and slowly inching my way towards her heart- I mean her. Yeah. Her. Approaching her, I stopped and asked. "What is wrong? What is going on?" "It's terrible!" She replied, her tone was soft and extremely in stressed as if she was having a hard time of getting some words out. "The king is dead." I stood there emotionless before asking her a second time. "'The king?' Who is the king?" "The king of this kingdom, Neriax. I thought we had you introduced to me long before you had arrived into this kingdom." "To be honest..." I frowned changing my expression. "I was more focus on Kesir than the king." "You idiot." She muttered underneath her breath before reaching out for my claw and gripped it; pulling me inside of the castle walls.
The doors shut behind us and there was knocking afterwards. While I was being dragged by a crazy dragoness across the hallways of the first floor, I exclaimed to her "Where are you taking me?" "To the quarters up above. Where are the stairs?" She replied as her head shakes looking for the stairs. "The quarters?" I echoed her then added, "Do they really have quarters here or was that just an-" "Just an expression of the royalty room, Neriax. I thought you knew this?" She spoke finishing my sentence before I could tell something funny about the quarters. As she ran across the room, she spotted a door at the end of it. Slamming her body against it; the door crashed down with a loud thud as she continued her fast pace running across the second hallway crashing onto another door up ahead. It had continued on and on for several crashing doors later that we eventually found the stairs long afterwards. Upon the end of this 'crazy' ride as I like to put it, she was breathing heavily. Sweat emerged from her scales running down it towards the ground; probably making a pool. I stared at the sweat for a moment then raised my other claw upward and reached for her. But she slapped it away growling at me. She was later found blushing mad but ran off again without asking me forcing me to be dragged along the stairs. Hitting along the edges of it against the fore of my head as I grunted with each hit; we finally reached the second floor and a concussion against my head that I think had lost a few million brain cells in the process.
There was no door in front of us luckily and the halls ahead were short. At the end was another door; locked perhaps while the lights shine in our eyes. Growling, I threw my capture claw onto the ground forcing Ajiro to released her grip on me and she gasped in shocked, letting go. I was free finally and ran straight into the halls heading towards the end where the door laid. Grabbing it, I turned the knob to one side hoping that it would opened but later found out that it was locked. "I told you. Even the writing told you so also." Ajiro said as she walked calmly arriving to the door behind me with that sick smug upon her face. "Yet you did not listen." "Shut up about the writer's writing telling me so and open this door with a key." I spat before silencing myself and asked, "You do have the key right?" "Nope." She smiled afterwards. I face palmed myself and yelled, "Then how are we suppose to get in now if you do not have the key. Better yet, how did you get out from this room and came to the front door to see me?" "Do you not have a companion with you also? Where is he?" I answered her question, "he is outside of the castle. Waiting and wondering why the story asked him to stick with the main character of the story." "Who is the main character again?" Ajiro asked, I shook my head. "That does not matter. What does matter is how to open this door." Then turned my head towards the door again; gripping upon the knob tightly and turned it to the left side then to the right again. Repeating the process over before letting go, I turned to her and shrugged. "Well. How are we suppose to get in now? "I do not know. You tell me." Ajiro responded, I sighed to myself then turned around. Knocking onto the door.
The door opened without hesitation; Ajiro was shocked. I was not impressed. Yet I am irritated and frustrated at the same time. Pushing the door forth, it revealed a large room. We walked in entering into the room before looking around. The place was dead right empty. I grunted. Snorting before turning to Ajiro and spoke; "Where are the others? Zawar and Kesir mostly?" "They were supposed to be here, actually." Ajiro trailed in response to my question as I raised an eye at her adding. "What do you mean by that?" "By what?" Ajiro asked glancing to me. "What you just said." I started. She tilted her head to one side and shrugged before turning around and raised the door upward from the ground. I watched her having noticed that the door was not heavy at all; rather it was lightweight or that she had gain some muscles from working out at some gym somewhere else. Regardless, I shake my head and turned myself towards the window where Shinron was. Startled that he would be here, I stepped back and he flew straight into the window. Crashing into it and sending thousands of pieces scattered across the grounds, Ajiro and I stood motionless and speechless by his daring tactic while he just dusted off his shoulders and silently turned to me asking, "Where are the others?"
"Somewhere. But Ajiro would not tell me where." I responded to him, pointing my claw over to Ajiro who blinked at him then me. "Who is this guy?" She asked, changing the subject at hand while I met up with her introducing Shinron to Ajiro. The two talked for a while; sharing interests with one another as I stood mostly in the background staring at the cardboard door placed upon the opening of the door. There was something weird going on around here. I was not sure what it was. But piecing together what had happened so far during this journey up to the present, I think I had a good idea. Turning my attention towards Ajiro, I tapped her shoulder. She and Shinron turned to me in question before I revealed what was going on. "Ajiro... Where is the dead king's body? Are the others upstairs in the third floor, gathered around Kesir's bedroom?" The look on her surprised face tells me I was right. With a sigh, I spoke out to her. "Alright. Before we go and eat, cause I am hungry after all, I need you to tell me exactly what is going on. How is the king dead? How is Kesir taking it so far? Is Zawar going to tighten security? And most importantly." I said, keeping my eyes upon the two staring in response to the silence around us before I shattered it saying.
"Who else is going to take over." "We do not know, Neriax." Ajiro started, her voice had started becoming tensed as reality sinks into her brain while darting her eyes to me and Shinron. "Initially, we thought you could take over with Zawar are your guard. Since... of course..." "There is no way for me to becoming king, Kesir. You know that." I started interrupting her and she looked up to me with her eyes widened. Raising her claw onto her chest, she took a breath and shifted her head towards another way. Away from us, I turned to Shinron and frowned. "Regardless of who takes over after the dead king. We should head upstairs." "Towards the third floor, Neriax?" Shinron responded and I nodded answering his question. I saw him looked about; staring upon the rough walls that surrounds us. Then back onto me he does before speaking, "Where should we go? This place is like a-" "Follow me." Ajiro started, motioning her claw on both of us as I nodded and smiled at the same time. She ran off followed by me then Shinron as we ran through the halls. Ending up upon the end where a single door lays before us, she opened it. The door swung wildly and hits the wall on the other side making a triangle shape with the two other walls behind it. We followed inward.
Presented before us were the stairs, heading upward into the second floor above us. The walls surrounding us were light grayish as I could probably see some dirt upon them. Regardless, I hear Kesir headed up the stairs and so did Shinron. Leaving me behind as the door was opened above me, I followed them quickly and headed straight for the door opening it before walking inside. Once he door closes behind me, Kesir turned to me and smiled. With a flick of her tail, she pointed out towards the end of the halls where the door was actually opened. I could hear some conversation about as the inhabitants were loud and I groaned in dismay, sighing to myself and shook my head. Ajiro chuckled smiling back onto me before resuming her walk and we followed behind. We entered into the room. The first to greet us was Zawar, then Kesir who came running towards me. Hugging my tightly with her arms wrapped around me like a christmas present, I responded with my own feeling her warmth exchanged between our bodies. Closing my eyes, I allowed Shinron to speak for himself as he stepped into the room bumping into Ajiro where she staggered to the side hitting the wall.
The door closed on its own. The lights shines brightly above us as me and Kesir released each other and drifted away towards the sides of the room. Everyone formed a circle with Zawar in the center. There were about eight of us in the room. Zawar, Kesir, Ajiro, me, Shinron and that new garden dragoness that was on the opposing side of me tending to her plants. Wait. That was six! I sighed, shaking my head. Wondering where I had gotten six from? As the room fell silent and everyone was staring upon one another, I coughed and spoke out. Shattering the silence about as everyone glanced to me, I started the investigation with an opening phase.
"What were you all doing on the day that the king was murdered?" I offered.