26 Dark
#26 of Inktober 2019
Turns out that going into a cavern without enough supplies is a bad idea. Though maybe a kobold will help you out, if you're lucky.
Going into the cave seemed like a bad enough idea. Turns out it was even worse than that, as you discovered the hard way that you had fewer torches than you thought and the last one burned out before you could make your way out, leaving you and your party in the dark, at an untold depth inside a cavern you likely shouldn't have entered at all.
Footsteps snapped you out of your lament. You shouted into the darkness, which made the footsteps stop. "Do you trust me?" a soft, soprano voice asked. You nodded, without realizing you couldn't be seen by anything without dark vision. She, of course, had no issue with this. "Then take my hand and don't let go."
You reached out carefully, before your hand was met with a small, reptilian hand. A kobold. You'd heard stories about them being horrible things and had half a mind to pull away and run, but you calmed yourself and allowed her to lead you through winding passages. After perhaps too long for comfort, you were brought outside, beneath the dark, starry sky of a new moon. The kobold wagged her tail, then turned to run in before you thanked her.