Rising Anew-Chapter 4. part 2-

Story by VioletTiger on SoFurry

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Rising Anew Chapter 4 continued.

The air in the clearing grew very still. Narcenac could hear his own heart beating in his chest. He could hear the heavy drunken breathing of the man. The smell of alcohol was thick in the clearing. He was suprised they hadnt noticed it earlier.

The man's hands were turning white as he gripped his rifle tighter and tighter. He looked scared. This worried Narcenac, worried drunk people seemed to act irrational on most occasions. Narcenac slowly took a step back.

"Lets get the hell out of here." he whispered under his breath to Narina. He slowly started reaching for her hand, when suddenly the look in the man's eyes changed. The smile that slowly grew across his face told Narcenac that something was fixing to happen.

"SAY!! I WONDER HOW MUCH YOU TWO FREAKS ARE WORTH TO SCIENTISTS!!" the big man said in his drunken loud voice. With that he lifted the rifle up to his shoulder and looked at them down the barrel. "NOW YALL CAN COME PEACEFULL OR I CAN BLOW A FEW HOLES IN YA, I THINK THAT WOULD BE MORE FUN!!"

The hair that had been rising on the back of Narcenac's neck was now standing to attention. He felt a fear that he had never felt before.

"RUN!!! Get out of here Narina!!!" he shouted and dragged her into the trees as a shot rang through the clearing.


Narina yowled with terror. Using every bit of speed she had to run. Suddenly, she heard a sound.

Narcenac heard the sound too and realised what was making it. He looked back only once at the man speeding through the trees on a ATV, gun still pointed in there direction. A bullet hit the tree two feet away from them and sent bark and wood spraying in there fur. Together the man was going to easily pick them off. "They needed to split up, he had to protect Narina." he decided with determination.

"Narina, you have to go that way, i will lead him away from you and meet you back at the tree we started our race from." he said as they ran, another shot ringing out.

"NO!, I am not leaving you. I cant do it!" she cried out. "I-I-I LOVE YOU!"

Narcenac almost fell over when he heard her. Now he knew he would be doing the right thing.

"Then do it, I will come back to you, I promise!" he said and with that he pushed her to a small side path and took off in the other direction.

He scrambled up the side of a nearby tree and looked for the man. With a glance back, he saw that Narina had done what he asked, but he could tell even from this distance, she was crying very hard. Looking around the forest, he looked for the cause of the sounds that he knew were the man looking for them.

As he scanned the forest floor, the ATV blurred by underneath him. With a cloud of dust and leaves, it came to a halt where he had split with Narina. The big man looked at the tracks that they had made and shouted, "SPLIT UP! DAMN! Well I'll just nab the little'en, she'll be enough for now! ha ha HA HA HA!!!"

Narcenac's heart froze. He wanted to go after Narina, the one thing left in Narcenac's life that was special to him....

Anger and frustration, even a powerful lust overcame Narcenac then. But, worst of all, a hunger, a hunger to see the man in his paws.

Narcenac leapt from the tree, landing right in front of the ATV and tearing the gun out of the man's hands with strength he never knew he had. He glared at the man and ripped the barrel off of the gun. "YOU LEAVE NARINA ALOOONNNNNEEEE!!!!!" he screamed in the man's face, leaping at him.

The drunken man barely had enough time to react and hit Narcenac in the side of the face, knocking him to the side. With a small effort he climbed off of the ATV and picked Narcenac up by the neck. "You think your something else dont you FREAK?" the man said with a sort of smug satisfaction.

Narcenac realised where he was and then smiled. He lifted both of his feet too his chest and then slammed them as hard as he could into the man's chest sending himself flying out of the man's grip. He hit a nearby tree and fell to the ground. Now it was a fair fight.

Narcenac stood as his left eye started to burn from the man's punch. "You arent going anywhere near her, you son of a bitch." he ground out as the man stood back up. With a flash he was in the man's face. "I wont let you!" he shouted as he slammed his fist into the man's throat, hearing the pop of his throat. Narcenac's eyes grew dim as the blood came gushing out of the man's mouth. He watched as the man fell to the ground and trembled, then slowly died.

"Wh-what d-did i-i do..." he whispered to himself. "H-he's... dead!"

With a grim look, Narcenac left the place, the body and the mess as it was. He walked slowly back to the tree where he told Narina to wait for him. A thousand questions and thoughts swam through his head, but first among them, "Did i do the right thing?"


Narina sat under the tree branches with arms wrapped around her knees. She slowly rocked back and forwarth, hoping that nothing had happened to Narcenac. The tears streamed down her face as she thought, "How... how could i leave him?"

The sun was setting as Narina heard the sound of feet moving through the leafs on the forest floor. She looked up and saw Narcenac walking slowly towards her with his head hung low and his tail drooping to the ground. She could tell immediately that something was wrong with his face. She ran out to him and wrapped her arms around him crying tears of joy that he had come back.

Narcenac looked down at her and smiled. She was safe, that was all that mattered now.

"What happened?" she asked looking at the right side of his face. It had swelled a noticeable amount.

Narcenac grew cold inside. "Naree... i-i-i killed him..." he said quietly. "I-I love you so much.. and i wasnt going to let him get you.."

He fell to his knees and started crying with a shudder. Narina slowly got on her knees beside him and comforted him. "You did all that to protect me?" she whispered in his ear. She put a paw on his cheek and turned his head to look at her and then she kissed him. It was a kiss that showed him everything she felt for him. His regret, his fear, his anger, all of it, just washed away with that kiss.

As the last rays of sunlight faded over the horizon, they sat there in each other's arms and watched the day finally come to an end.