Change (Plus character sheet)

Story by Darrod on SoFurry

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Silent and smell of death were the first that Skrida caught in her nose and ears, when she had entered the crypt. Now after fife minutes of walking in this empty tunnel lighted only by torch flame with scent growing stronger and stronger, she had started to regret the whole idea.

I could turn back. She thought but instantly shook her head and reminded herself:

"No! I can't turn back!"

She stopped and crabbed her left shoulder with his torch free arm. Wound was still there. Even without looking she remembered the wraith's blade which curse now gnawed inside her body. Yes Skrida remembered that when black essence trailing under her light brow fur reaches her heart and brain, she would became one of them. Shivers run trough girls body making her tail and ears point up. She heard something. Without thinking Skrida slide her hand down and grasp dagger which priest Jörmund gave her. Even tough she did believe priest words about blessings of blade or stories of gods. She did remembered how weak old human man had killed same wandering wraith that attacked her with his bare fists.

There. Skrida heard it again. Weak grasp sound behind her. Knowing that no one had followed her from village Skrida drew dagger form it holster and turned around to see who was there. Sight froze her still by seer terror. Just two feet in front of her stood, no floated an old looking faded black cloak like someone was wearing it. But there was no one. Skrida could saw inner backside that would were hidden behind user body but there were none and as she lifted her gaze she saw white dead mask in place of head and face. The mask was round, shaped like a human face, it was colored with three blood red stripes and it had only eye holes not mouth of any sort and from those holes, stared red iris less eyes.

Another Wraith! How could it be? It's sheer misfortune to even meet one in lifetime not to also in such sort period! Skrida thought and tighten her grip from dagger as fear of death crowing stronger inside her. Ok no panicking. She reminded herself. All I need to do is broke it's mask and that's it. Wraith was still emotionless staring at her with its red eyes. Small grin rose on girls face. She could defeat this one. Then she heard another gasp behind her and saw something that made her ease die away. All around her had started to appear more wraiths. Without a sound they gathered around Skrida who started to tremble in fear peering for way to escape. There was none she was completely surrounded. Suddenly first wraith that had appeared floated few inches closer and spoke:

"Why you are here damned one?" The wraith's voice was like whisper in a wind; quiet and emotionless. Question caught Skrida by surprise. What aren't they trying to kill me? She asked herself. Legend has it that wraiths can read minds of their prey. At least this one seems to could.

"Your cursed soul offers no food for us. Unless you threat our masks we have no reason to kill you." Wraith replied. Skrida couldn't believe her ears.

"Why?" She asked. "What is so special about my soul if even your kind won't take it?"

Wraith flowed little closer to him and leaned its face towards.

"Because, soon you will be one of us. In short time or instantly when dying." It explained. Skrida smiled.

"Unless I get the black fungus to prevent transformation." She said and holstered her dagger.

"So is told that black fungus can indeed perish the curse of soul and it grows in last chamber of this crypt. But can you reach it in time?" The wraith informed as Skrida turned around to continue.

"Well that's something what I must find out." Girl replied and rushed onward past from another wraiths on her way.

After half an hour long hasty and aimless wandering Skrida finally found simple wooden door that sealed her way to crypt chamber.

"Phew. Finally I though that I made a wrong turn in last corner!" She mentioned to wraiths still floating behind her. Then she stepped towards the door and tried to reach the handle it opened slowly with slight creaking sound.

"What on earth?" Skrida asked but because nothing jumped on her face form another room. She just shook her head and stepped inside. Chamber was similar to the hallways. It was dark, ground floored and its walls was made from same grey rock as others. It was roomier and on the west side of the chamber was a large stone throne and if Skrida saw right there was someone sitting on it. She lifted a torch so its light could reach the throne and when did so she saw what was sitting on it. A human male about forty or fifty years old judging by his pale and skinny face and long shaggy hair. Man was dressed in tattered black robe which highlighted his repulsive outlook.

"You are here for the black fungus?" Man asked suddenly without lifting his gaze to the girl. His rough voice made shivers run in Skrida's back but she steeled herself and replied:

"Actually I do. How did you know?" Man lifted his bony left hand and swiped it around.

"My servants told that to me." At first Skrida didn't catch his point but then the wraiths started to reappear all around them. She peered around taken by surprise and asked:

"Your servants?"

"Precisely. I made them so that makes them as my servants." Man said joyfully.

"And it seems that you had fall victim of my last wandering wraith." He continued. Skrida was shocked. Only a necromancer could gain control over the undead wraiths so this guy must be one. She graphed the dagger and took it form its holster.

"A blessed dagger and what you little girly were going to do with that?" Necromancer asked and grinned.

"Perhaps I kill you?" Skrida asked forcing a smile on her face even though her body had started to trample in fear. Necromancer didn't replied but he lifted his arm and pointed her. Without warning a lightning bolt materialized form man's hand with a thunderous boom, stroking trough Skrida's body. Impact threw her against the wall where she felt supine the floor. Torch felt on floor and died down, but somehow Skrida managed to keep grip from her dagger.

What did just happen? Girl asked herself as wraiths started to gather around her. She couldn't feel her body not even her heartbeat. One of the wraiths appeared in her vision holding white dead mask in its immaterial hand. Her fear and desperate increased as mask started to approach her face. But all that Skrida could do was watch helplessly as mask was fitted on her face and when it was in place her vision turned red. Suddenly she realized that she could move even tough she didn't feel anything and rise dagger still in her right hand. The necromancer clapped his hands.

"Well you see that weren't so bad." Skrida didn't say a word but examined her own body. It looked normal but her fur had turned black as a void and her clothes were replaced by black cloak just like necromancer or other wraiths. Funny I don't feel much different except this warm feeling in my chest. Skrida thought.

"Well it seems that I have a new wandering wraith." Necromancer said and pointed towards the door.

"Now get moving and collect more unwary souls to me." He commanded simply. Skrida lifted her head.

"No." She said without any intension to serve this man. Now it was necromancer turn to be shocked.

"What!? You don't follow my orders?" He asked with surprised tone on his voice.

"No." Skrida replied and lifted her dagger.

"I think that I'll just kill you."

Character sheet

Name: Skrida Redclaw

Sex: Female

Age: 17 years (In later novels 24)

Specie: Half animal (a cat)

Outlook (clothes are person's favorite ones and depend on situations):Skrida is175 cm tall and weighs about 60 kilograms. Her eyes are deep blue cat eyes and her claws and teeth's are white and sharp. As a half cat Skrida looks like human with body shapes of an animal. Her fur is short colored in light brown and also she has a long tail and cat ears instead of human ones. Her hair is also light brown and medium long. Usually she wears a cheap brown skirt and similar colored shirt. Skrida don't use shoes except in some occasions like in novel the change. Also note that in form of a bound wraith her fur turns's dark black and eyes in ember red. In this form she also has to wear white dead mask which is wrought by blood red stripes.

** Class:** Main character

History: Skrida Redclaw is ordinary girl from Sepreida village. She lived happily with her mother and father like any normal girl in her age. Then she met a wandering wraith which cursed her and that made her life shatter to pieces.

Other things that should be mentioned: Instead of turning wraith herself. Skrida transforms in to bound wraith which is the third alternative to effect of spirits curse. Unlike the ordinary wraith or wandering wraith, bound wraith feed's on spirit force of its own kind not mortals. Transformation gives Skrida numerous special abilities like night eye and makes her technically immortal but makes her vulnerable to silver, holy powers and holy weapons.