A Beach-side Meeting. Part 3.
#3 of A beachside meeting.
Part 3. a part that comes after 1 and 2. Edited for basic grammar, spelling, and fixed some sentences.
John dreamed of his childhood. While her job at the gas station brought in some money, it wasn't always enough for a comfortable life. His family needed to move into a small apartment and sell their old house, they couldn't always afford rent on time and the apartment rarely had working air conditioning during summers. During one hot summer his father came home drunker than usual, his mother was still at her job at the gas station. His father usually only talked to his mother when he was drunk but this day, he was different. John was in the kitchen working on homework. John's father walked into the room overwhelming him with the stench of alcohol. It was a potent stench, one that John hated. He tried to ignore it and kept working on his homework. His father came behind him and looked down at his homework squinting at it "Do you know how much we pay to put you through school?" John was confused at the question but tried to continue working on his homework. "We are sinking money into your education, money we could put towards a better living situation." John felt a shiver crawl down his spine... his father's voice had a coldness behind it. John simply said to his father "We would have more money if you didn't spend it all on alcohol". His father's eyes grew cold, the warmness that usually inhabited them seemed to have fizzled out, next thing John knew he was being lifted by his scruff by his father and being punched repeatedly. John tried to pry his father fingers away from his neck but the punching kept coming, his father threw him against the wall and kicked his muzzle in causing his jaw to break his father then bit at his arm when john put it up to defend himself drawing blood, he heard a snap as his arm was crushed by his father's jaw, John felt pain as his father continued his assault. The next thing he knew he was being choked staring into his father's eyes, a cold and dark rage burning inside them. John clawed at his father's muzzle trying to get him to stop but it was useless he couldn't escape. He heard a crash and the sound of a bowl shattering. His mother had apparently came home towards the end of the fight and threw a bowl that was sitting on the table at his father he tried to watch what was happening but he fainted, from blood loss or trauma he didn't know. He woke up staring at a white ceiling feeling nothing but pain. He felt someone's hand lying on his leg, he looked down and saw claws that had some blood underneath them, as he followed them to the left he saw they belonged to his mother, she looked like she was up for a long time before she fell asleep. He tried to say something but his jaw was wired shut, he was only able to release a small grunt that woke her from her sleep. She looked up at him eyes tired and dry from crying, she told him she was glad he was alive showering him with a flurry of tears and hugs. She recounted what happened, how she came home and saw blood coming from the kitchen, how she crossed and found his father choking him out. She told him that she fought his father off of him and managed to knock him out with a bowl, about how she called the cops and they were able to transport him to the hospital, rushing him to surgery and the doctors telling her what injuries he has sustained. 4 broken ribs, jaw broken in two places, both the bones in his forearm broken and twisted out of place, a major concussion, and 40 stitches total from various places. He was lucky to be alive. His mother told him why his father was so mad. She had served him divorce papers earlier that day, his father was furious that he was going to lose a source of free income and more than likely lose the court case to keep him. She told him he has been charged and is currently locked in the county jail. John woke up in a cold sweat and stared at his alarm clock, 2:30 PM he slept over 12 hours. Luckily it was a weekend, he sat up on his bed and rubbed his eyes recounting about the events that let him and his mother get away from his drunken father. His memories after the hospital were a blur and he remembers very little, His mother was able to win full custody over him and without his father's drinking draining her income they were able to live a happier life. they later moved in with his grandparents that year. His father was sentenced to 30 years in prison and had a restraining order put in place after the events that led John to the hospital. He sighed and rubbed his jaw where it was broken. He looked down and saw Holly's number. Perhaps he will give her a call...
To Be Continued...