StarFox Universe [R]aid: 05 Pretty in Pink

Story by JackRusso on SoFurry

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#6 of StarFox Universe [R]aid

Warning: Language, Adult Themes

StarFox Universe [R]aid: Chapter 05

[Star Fox: Universe [R]aid]

Jack Russo

Star Fox and all characters within the Nintendo universe are copyright their respected owners

Chapter 05 - Pretty in Pink

Lylat Corneria Territory Planet: Corneria Corneria City Industrial Sector

More than likely, today's events would proceed similar to prior meetings. The eager company would sit outside closed doors, sharing excited whispers of their aspirations in becoming their own mercenary gang. Each of them had specific goals, like Slippy in developing state-of-the-art tech and equipment to help out the other two pilots on missions. Falco bragged that his expertise in the air would grant him everlasting fame so they would never be out of a job. Then Fox would simply grumble about killing Pigma and Andross, only to get rebuked by his peers for being a downer and return the comments with a sly smile.

Next, the doors would open and all three boys would stand up expectantly only to see Peppy walking out with a grimace. Their smiles would fade as the older man gave them a cursory shake of his head. They didn't get the start-up funding they needed.

This cycle continued on. The boys sitting outside closed doors. The sharing of excited whispers. Doors opening to an upset Peppy. It took about four times of this before Falco grew too frustrated to deal with the ritual anymore and went back to his job flying crop dusters. Slippy took a similar approach and took his spare time working with his father at a company called Space Dynamics. Fox, on the other hand, was much more persistent and followed Peppy wherever he went.

"I'm glad you haven't given up," he muttered to Peppy as he rode passenger in his car. His head rested on a paw and he stared lazily out the window.

"The others haven't given up, Fox," he replied, noticing the contempt in the vulpine's voice. "Unlike you, they don't have an inheritance to not worry about personal cash."

Fox fidgeted slightly, uncomfortable at the reminder. He took out his cell phone and quickly glanced at the recent messages from the toad and avian who wished them good luck. "I just wish this process didn't take so long. It's been nearly two months since the trial."

"Debrief," corrected the older hare.

"Whatever. It felt more like a trial than anything."

Peppy growled. "I guess you're right."

They continued on in silence, Fox staring at the open factories further off. People in the distance looked like ants from his perspective and gave the air ships being worked on a comical appeal. "So much for having connections, right?" asked Fox after a while, trying his best to keep his tone from being snarky.

Peppy smirked. "You'd think being a decorated war veteran and a once general of intelligence would mean something, right?"

"How badly did the military bar you?"

"My name is now anathema, it seems," he sighed. "Everyone keeps avoiding giving us funding or having anything to do with me to save face."

Fox bit his lower lip. "What makes today any different?"

"Nothing." The older hare furrowed his brow. "Just hoping this old friend would value our friendship over politics." He drove toward the largest of the buildings in the factory yard, a shabby one with glazed windows that made it impossible to see through them. "We're here," said Peppy, parking the car.

Fox got out and held open the doors to the foyer for the older hare before following him inside. Compared to the lavish and decorated buildings they visited, this was in major contrast. Much like its exterior, the interior was older and smelled lightly of mold. In places the tile had yellowed and was chipped and cracked here and there. The foam ceiling boards above them shared a similar appearance. At one spot, an entire board was missing, exposing the pipework that ran across the room. The reception desk looked no better. Its boxy surface ran from one end of the small room to the other. An old, otter woman sat behind it wearing thick, red, glasses.

She looked up at them and smiled. "Mr. Hare! Mr. Randall is expecting you." She extended an arm toward the elevator doors opposite of them. "You can find him on the fifth floor, room 503."

"Thank you," replied Peppy, placing a hand behind Fox to nudge him upward.

They walked out into a sitting area with walls decorated in cheap art and set up with steel, fold-up chairs. A coffee table rested at the center of it all littered with a heap of old magazines. The wall opposite of the chairs held a flat-screen television which flickered every few seconds with white noise. To the left and right were hallways leading to other rooms.

"Ah, Peppy, I figured you'd be a bit early," approached a badger from the left hallway. He had greying fur and wore a moderate brown suit. "I take it this is Fox?" he asked, eyeing the vulpine.

"Greg, it's good to see you," said Peppy, shaking his hand. "Yes, this is Fox."

"My condolences," he told the vulpine. "Will he be joining us in the discussion?"

"No, he will wait out here while we talk."

"Ah, I see, I see. Well, come on into my office," he waved toward a door behind him. To Fox, he said, "We have a vending machine just in the next room should you get hungry."

Fox nodded again and observed the two older men scuttle ahead before taking a seat. He pulled the coffee table closer with his feet and then rested them on top of it before folding his arms and sighed up at the ceiling. This shit had better work this time, he thought to himself.

With no one to chat with this time around he opted to just stare at the broken television

across from him. It continued to flicker too much to see anything meaningful. The

sound worked fine, however, so he decided it best to close his eyes and focus on that instead.

"Reports are coming in from local planetary clusters..."

It was the news.

"...that Venomian forces, along with the Occult ships, have made another push toward MacBeth. Cornerian forces have been doing their best to hold their ground but are beginning to suffer massive losses."

Depressing news...

"With the recent events that occurred in Papetoon and the loss of the renowned James McCloud, morale is getting low within the citizenry. Rumor has it that enemy forces are making an attempt to push further toward Corneria, threatening the planets of Aquas, Fichina and Katina."

The mention of Katina shifted his thoughts to Walt and Bill for a moment, yet he continued listening on, not paying attention to the steady footsteps approaching him.

"As of yet, Parliament has made no comment of the recent encroachment. The Cornerian Military is hesitant on making any rash moves without their consent, but public pressure is mounting for action. In other news, the famous heiress, Kim De'la Poodle, has recently been involved in a robbery..."

"It's amazing how quickly the news jumps from something serious to something rediculous, isn't it?" said a voice.

Fox opened his eyes and jumped at the proximity of a vixen sitting next to him. She wore a relaxed outfit; a pink tank-top covered with a white denim jacket and a pair of green slacks. Her face was a mere few inches from his, a sly smile on her muzzle. "Who are you?" Fox coughed.

"You're Fox McCloud, right?" she asked, ignoring his question.

"That's right." His ears perked up. "How did you know that?"

"You're rather easy to identify," she mused, Fox attentive to her suave speech. "Famous father. Famous dead father." She giggled at Fox's change of expression. "I apologize, too soon to joke?"

"It doesn't make a good joke."

"Perhaps. But there have been rumors of you and the old general seeking funding for some sort of adventure and have kept getting refused."

Fox didn't like this woman at all. "You never answered my question. Who are you? And how do you know we're looking for money?"

The vixen stood up, her short, spikey hair bouncing lightly. "Fara Phoenix," she answered, extending out a paw. "Pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. McCloud."

He squinted his eyes and took her hand. "I'm unsure how to reply. Nice you too?"

"Very much so," she grinned, and sat back down beside him with her legs crossed. "So not to intrude, though I love doing so, how do you think the ole' General will do today?"

"I'm remaining optimistic."

"Is that so? This badger, Greg. He's a bit of a two-faced jack ass, if you were to ask me."

"I didn't," replied Fox dryly.

"Oouuu," she whistled. "I'm really pushing your buttons am I?"

Fox gritted his teeth, growing annoyed at the vixen's attitude. "I don't know what you want but I'm done talking. Go bother someone else."

She chuckled and looked toward the television. "It's only getting worse out there; you know?"

He grunted and joined her gaze at the static on the screen. "And I hope you're not being too_optimistic_, but I can tell you now that Greg is going to say no to the Ole' General."

"And just how can you be so sure?" he huffed.

"Hear me out," she started, losing the smile on her face. "If things keep going the way they are, those planets they mentioned on the news, in particular MacBeth. They'll be under Venom control sooner than we know it."

Fox turned to look at her, his ears picking up on the shift in her tone. "What makes you say that?"

"Take a look around you. Pay attention to what has been happening to you, your friends, and the general. The military is reeling to do something but, like you, they keep getting stopped by Parliament and politics. Someone or something connected to them is _allowing_all of this to happen."

"Are you trying to say we are purposefully being refused money? Even with Peppy's connections?"

"If you focus on just yourself, yes," she sighed. "But you also need to look at the big picture. Someone up the chain is pulling strings around. Moving and removing people from play. You, for example. If reports are right, you and your friends did many good things in Papetoon and proved yourselves capable in combat. Yet you were all either put on probation or kicked out of the military. That, there, isn't standard protocol."

The vulpine pondered for a moment. "Falco and Slippy got kicked out for just being students," he muttered. "Peppy was blamed and became an international scapegoat for the incident. All of this is part of some conspiracy?" He rolled his eyes. "Lady, some of this just sounds like bull shit to me."

"You don't have to believe all of it, but you must admit some of it makes sense, no?" She waited for him to reply but didn't get one. "Alright, how about this. I work for someone who is really interested in you and your friends. We are not aligned with the military or parliament at all, so we are free to make our own decisions without worrying about angering anyone for fear of financial loss. If Greg here, as I expect he will, refuses to give you the start-up funding you need, meet us here," she handed him a card from her jacket's pocket.

Fox briefly read the name: Faye Van'Der Spaniel, Arspace Dynamics - Merritt Isle, Corneria. He didn't recognize either name.

"Bring your friends, too," added Fara. Then in a low voice, "but don't bring the old man. Not yet, anyway."

He looked up at her again as she stood up, trying to make her exit. "What time should we meet you?"

"Tomorrow, at noon," she said plainly. "Don't keep us waiting, handsome." With that, she moved toward the elevator and took it down, slowly waving as the doors shut her out.

He didn't have much time to think about the conversation he just had. The door in the hallway burst open violently and slammed onto the wall. Fox could make out Peppy's angered yelling.

"Whatever, Greg," shouted the older man, approaching Fox along with the apologetic badger.

"I'm sorry, old friend," he replied, "but there is nothing that I can do. My hands are tied and if I fund your may look bad."

"For who? You?" glared Peppy. The badger cowered back slowly.

"Well, do come again," he answered curtly and retreated back into his room. Fox swore he heard the lock turn when the door shut.

"Let's go," muttered Peppy.

"Alright," said Fox, taking another look at the card Fara had given him.

"What's that?"

"Nothing." He shoved the card deep into his pockets. "Just an ad from a magazine I found interesting while waiting." Peppy grumbled and gestured him to the elevator with him so the men could make their exit.

~ ::: ::: ~

As soon as Fox returned home, he phoned Slippy and Falco to tell them about his encounter with Fara. It didn't take long for him to quickly have them on board with the meeting and on the ferry the next day toward Merritt Isle. The three of them stood by the railing at the rear of the ship, closer to the hum of the engines. Falco and Fox leaned on it with their backs away from the water while Slippy stared entranced at the eddies that formed below.

"Fox," Falco began. "Could you explain this chick to us again? Was she hot?"

He chuckled, "Eager to pick out the important details first, right Falco?"

"Of course," he smiled. "So her name is Fara."

"Yes, and she's a fox, also."

"A fox, as in hot?"

"No, as in she's an actual fox." Then he grinned, "or perhaps both." They both shared a quick chuckle with that. "She didn't seem much older than me. Sexy voice, too."

"Mmm," hummed Falco. "She hotter than that chick you were banging? I mean, you were drinking so much alcohol and don't have the gut to show it, all the sex must've kept you in shape."

Fox just smiled back, unamused.

"I'd like to meet her too," added in Slippy, who got surprised stares from the other two. "What? I like girls too, you know."

"Just didn't see you as being interested," chuckled Falco. "I always imagined you being with some robot with how you lust over tech."

"Hey!" protested Slippy, while the others laughed. "But there's that other woman, Faye, right? You didn't meet with her, did you?"

"Nope. It was just Fara," said Fox.

"I looked them up over the net the other night before bed," admitted Slippy.

"Whoa, Slip," started Falco. "That's a bit creepy, don't you think? And before bed too?"

"Har, har," he said half-heartedly. "Anyway, Faye is some sort of super rich heiress. Her father's company, Arspace Dynamics, is a fairly new off-shoot from Space Dynamics."

"Space Dynamics... That's where your father works, right?" asked Fox.

"Yes. But Arspace is a bit of an enigma right now. They're some sort of research division, focusing on spaceships and weaponry." The other two men could see the glimmer of hope within the toad's large eyes. "If this is our chance to create our merc group, then we couldn't have had better luck! I can't wait to see all their tech!"

"Prototype ships, huh," mused Falco. "Hey, Foxy, looks like we'll be back in the skies soon."

"Yeah," muttered Fox. "And out for revenge." The others nodded in silent agreement, turning to face the shapes of the island enlarging from a distance. "We should move to the front. We'll be there soon."

They moved up closer to the docking exit of the ferry. It was littered here and there with other workers who were going about their own day, not paying attention to the younger men. Compared the shabby garb of the people from the factory, their outfits were more modern and up-to-date. A few men and women had attached tech computers to their wrists and they worked busily in their seats.

The remainder of the trip left Fox with some time to think about just how much closer he had grown with Slippy and Falco since their academy days. Falco went from being an obnoxious asshole into an... obnoxious friend. Slippy was still a nerd, but one he knew he could trust.

Trust, Fox repeated to himself. He knew their time together as pals had only been short thus far, but that was how he felt with these other men. They were all linked together through fate toward the same goal. Though his means to an end were based on the revenge of his father, theirs was a revenge of purpose. The potential lives they had been working toward taken away from not only Venom but the government itself. It certainly made them seem like tragic heroes. That thought made fox chuckle to himself.

Falco noticed the action and gave him a curious look, but nudged him with an elbow and asked, "Is that her, over there?"

Fox looked toward the avian's line of sight, noticing a female lynx wearing a similar pink tank to Fara, but covering it up in a brown, sleeveless jacket while sporting on white shorts. She stood alone at the dock still a distance away. "No, that's not her," he answered. "I said she was a fox."

"Damn, she's hot too," he sighed as Fox shrugged.

"You must have better eyes than me. I just see a cat."

"And I'm happy I do. Day-yum!"

Slowly, the ship approached the port dock and people got up from their seats in preparation of departure. The three of them shuffled out behind a set of engineers, eager to get ashore.

"McCloud!" shouted a deep voice, coming from the lynx woman that Falco eyed before.

"Score!" mouthed out Falco to his friends.

"I'm Fox," he said to the woman. "And you are?"

"Miyu. Miyu Lynx," she replied curtly. "I'm here to pick you kids up."

Falco snorted. "Are you like our chauffer? Shouldn't you be holding a sign up with our names?"

Miyu glared back at Falco. "Do you want to repeat that, chicken wing?"

The avian rushed to her face with flared feathers. "Who are you calling chicken wing, toots?"

It happened too suddenly. In a blur of movement, Falco was turned around, an arm twisted behind his back, forcing him to wince. "Do you want to repeat that, chicken wing?" growled Miyu. She allowed Falco to shake his head before adding, "good," and released him. Fox and Slippy, along with other passersbys, stared in disbelief.

"Alright you brats," snarled Miyu. "I'm supposed to take you to see our lady. Not to partake in your jokes," and directed to Falco, "got it?"

They quickly nodded without a word.

"This way," she commanded, stepping in front of them.

"Falco," whispered Slippy. "Her biceps are bigger than yours..."

"Something wrong, frog legs?" snapped Miyu.

"Nothing," he squealed, keeping his eyes at the ground.

Fox eyed her curiously as they proceeded toward the entrance of the Arspace Dynamics compound, his ears twitching to the heavy thuds of the woman's footsteps. She was someone to be afraid of. He turned to Falco briefly, watching him rub his shoulder with a scowl.

As they neared the entrance the doors hissed open and Miyu paused, the trio doing the same. Out emerged another young woman. Her fur was snow white and she had ears flowing down in beautiful spaniel curls. There was a large, pink bow pinned behind her head, giving her a young and cute look. Her paws rested on her hips, creating light wrinkles on the white, one-piece dress she wore. A blue choker wrapped around her neck and the few gems inlaid on it glimmered in the sunlight. To top it all off was a pink jacket with matching pink boots. The spaniel wore a grin on her face. Beside her Fox recognized Fara.

"My lady," said Miyu. "The brats are here."

"I can see that," she said with a voice that suited the demeanor of a girl raised up in wealth. "Did she hurt you boys too much," she glanced at Falco. He grunted but didn't say anything.

"Wow, we must always be touchy," mused Fara.

"Welcome to Merritt Isle," said the spaniel. "I'm Faye Van'der Spaniel, heiress to the Arspace Dynamics company." She approached each of them and took her time shaking each of their hands. "I see you've already met my body guards, Miyu and Fara."

"Hello, Fox," Fara waved.

"Hi," he greeted flatly. "I hope I'm not being too forward, but shall we get straight to the point? Are you able to help us or not?"

"Watch your tone," threatened Miyu.

"It's quite alright," said Faye. "I'm aware you've all been declined the funding you need to start up...what was it?"

"A merc group," Slippy said meekly. "We want to start up ourselves as a mercenary group outside of military control."

"How interesting," she replied absently. "Let's all meet in my office first. I'd like to hear more about how this idea came to fruition."

Falco growled. "Can't you just tell us if you can help us or not?"

"Why should she," countered Fara. "She wants to make sure our investment is worth the money and time."

"I wouldn't think so," spat Miyu. "The kids are green. Especially chicken wing, here."

Fox glowered at the three women, not wanting to hold his tongue much longer. "Is this a joke, then? Did you ask for us to come this way just so that you could bully us?"

"Not at all," answered Faye staring back coldly.

"Then I'll give it to you right here," started Fox. "We were kicked out of the military for doing our jobs. We were treated like dirt and have since been social outcasts with anyone connected with them."

"So why is it you want to start up your own mercenary group so intently," badgered Miyu.

Fox's expression grew fierce. "I'm not going to sugar coat anything like Peppy does. And I may not speak for everyone here, but for myself, I'm not in this for the fame. I'm not in this for the glory or the money..."

"Maybe a little bit of money," coughed Falco.

"I want this for one thing only and that's revenge," continued Fox. "I want the fuckers that destroyed my home to pay. I want them to suffer ten-fold how I feel about having our whole lives ripped apart. And I want that pig. Pigma, the traitor. I want him dead. I don't want to shoot him, I want to strangle him," he extended out his paws, flexing out his claws. "With my own two hands," he snarled.

"And he won't do it alone," chimed in Slippy. "We've all lost too much to just quit and let things go the way they are."

"There's no way no punk-ass judgement by political say-doers will stop us either," said Falco.

"So," barked Fox, "that's our story. Now, if you will stop wasting our time and tell us straight, we'd appreciate it and be on our way. With or without your help."

The three woman paused, Fara and Miyu sharing glances while Faye stared intently at Fox. She approached him slowly, a grin slowly forming on her muzzle. "Here's the thing, little man," she said softly to his ear, "for me, it is always about the money. I have state-of-the-art ships. I have desires to build a corporate empire that will overtake the military and civilian sector by storm." Fox could swear he saw dollar signs flash in her eyes.

"So you may not be in this for the fame, the glory or the money but I sure am," she added boldly. "Do you think you can make me money, Mr. McCloud? Do you and your friends think you can deliver with your piloting but lack of experience?"

The men shared a look and nodded in agreement before Fox grunted a, "Hell, yes."

Faye's eyes glimmered. "Let's skip my office, then," she turned around and looked at her body guards. "Let's show them the goods."

"Are you sure," asked Fara quizzically.

"Do you think they're even capable," Miyu asked through squinted eyes.

The canine looked over her shoulder at the trio of men. "We shall see. This way, boys! Follow us."

They nodded, ignoring the slow growth of butterflies in their chests and followed the women through the sliding doors into the research compound.

Sunlight flooded into the foyer through the exterior windows. Plants littered the interior and sat above fancy flower pots of various shades of pink. Black furniture was organized into a neat rectangle createing a simple sitting area where a few researchers sat drinking coffee and conversing with one another on their break. Three elevator doors made of stainless steel met them at the opposite end of the room.

"We're going down into our research dock," explained Faye as she depressed the down button. "I want you to see just what we can be working with."

Fox, Falco, and Slippy followed them inside, noticing the smirks grow on all the women's faces. Slippy fidgeted in his corner, unsure how to react while Falco kept his arms closed, eyes narrowed. Fox scratched the back of his ears, expecting another obstacle.

Faye slid in a key card from her pocket into the elevator console then pressed another button. The descent downward was brief but felt like a lifetime for the men in the silence. They were grateful the space was large to hold about fifty people; they didn't really want to be close to the women, specifically Miyu who kept flashing her teeth if they even tried to look at her.

The doors screeched open to reveal a large walkway. A vast room was revealed, filled with the nostalgic sounds of mechanical equipment and the gentle hum of conversation between workers and researchers. Every so often a female voice would make announcements over an intercom with brief instructions and news of the day's lunch and events.

Faye stepped forward with the others trailing behind her. It was high above the hustle and bustle that happened below and a set of stairs curving downward near them, to the middle of the room and at the far end near an office exposed by multiple glass windows. The walkway split the room into two, symmetrical sides. Sunlight poured in from both the east and west ends of the room through humongous, open blast doors that led to the island's cliffsides. Both sections of the dock had plenty of runway space and more for ship storage.

The spaniel made a turn to the edge of the railing and turned to the men, gesturing below. She tittered as they gaped at what they saw.

"Is that," stammered Slippy.

"Are those Arwings," gasped Fox.

And with less enthusiasm, "They're pink..." said Falco.

"Yes," said Faye. "Those are arwings."

Six of the fighter crafts rested below them. Though they bore similarities to each other, it was obvious that they had different roles. One was sleek and angular, built for speed. Another was boxy and heavily plated, built to take hits. Fox quickly eyed the standard model, similar to his from the academy. The one thing in common they all did have were their grey hues and bold streaks of...

"They're pink!" repeated Falco incredulously.

"Pink happens to be our lady's favorite color," said Miyu.

"You don't say," said Falco sarcastically.

"Does the color bother you enough you can't fly," teased Fara, beginning to chuckle.

"Not at all," said Fox, giving Falco a disapproving stare. "I thought Space Dynamics owned the arwing design?"

"They do, and they don't," shrugged the spaniel. "Arspace is currently just an offshoot of space dynamics until we can go our own way. It's a business thing."

Slippy nodded, carefully examining each ship from their position. "Each of these are equipped and built differently. Look," he pointed to the sleeker ship. "That one is...I'm guessing meant to rush into the front lines, disrupt enemies and then make a quick get-away back to allies, right?"

"That is correct," answered Fara. "It's one of my favorites. It's capable of temporary stealth, too. Makes spying easy."

"Sounds like my kind of ship," grinned Falco. "Minus the pink."

"Yet they're pretty in pink," giggled Faye. "But we have taken liberties to differentiate the arwing model into something more...sufficient to fit into roles," said Faye. "For now, we just call them all the Arwing II."

"Why make them all different," asked Fox.

"Again, business," she answered, looking at the men. "I mentioned I wanted money. What better way to make it than to have my ships - my designs, flying out there displaying their potential. Different models/different styles allow for groups to customize their battalions to meet their needs or liking."

"And so we requested having them used through the military," said Fara. "But just like you, they didn't want to even give us the chance."

"We tried doing it on our own, also," said Miyu. "But with just the two or three of us piloting these ships, it makes it difficult to see all of them working as a team."

"But then I heard through the chain that Peppy Hare was seeking funding to start up his own mercenary group," said Faye. "At first, I didn't think much of it, but I kept hearing it from my father's contacts. Oh, how they ridiculed the poor old man since his removal from office." She paused, eyeing the three men. "But I kept thinking about Peppy and decided to have Fara and Miyu look into it further."

"And that's when we discovered you three," said Fara. "We knew about the results of your debrief, we just didn't know why."

"Three out of five star students from Papetoon suddenly ousted from anything related to the military," said Miyu. "It was curious."

"And since I couldn't pass the chance to meet with you," started Faye.

"More like, her curiosity couldn't be contained," corrected Fara.

"Ahem," coughed Faye. "I decided it would be best to see what was really up with you four."

"Why tell me not to bring Peppy," wondered Fox.

"I have my reasons," smiled Faye.

The vulpine shared eye contact with his companions and grinned. Before he could say what he was thinking sirens began blaring throughout the facility. Workers below them stopped in surprise and they all shared looks of confusion.

"I didn't think they'd be so quick," growled Miyu to Faye, who kept her composure amongst the noise.

"Alert, Alert," cried the female voice on the intercom. "Intruders entering Cornerian Space."

The message repeated over and over.

"That will be Venom forces," Faye said flatly.

"How do you know," wondered Slippy frowning.

"This is your chance now, McCloud," she said, ignoring Slippy. "If you really want our support you three will go out there and prove yourselves. Consider this your first assignment. Take three of my ships. Prove to me that it wasn't dumb luck that got you all out of Papetoon and get me my money I deserve."

They stared at her in disbelief but didn't need to be told twice. "We'll do that and more," boasted Fox.

Faye beamed. "Miyu will take you down to the ships. Don't disappoint me."

"With me," commanded the lynx, directing them down the nearest stairwell in a hurry.

Fara watched them for a moment before turning to her canine friend. "Do you think we can really use them?"

"Yes," she replied. "It was in Fox's eyes. No, all of their eyes. That burning passion and persistence to push through all obstacles to accomplish their goal. Oh they'll succeed, alright. Even if they have to fight tooth and nail."

"Even if it's for revenge?"

"I don't care about their revenge," huffed Faye. She looked at Fara and laughed out, "But I'm going to be so fucking rich!"