Back to zombie island : Port Royal

Story by Tsumesakamea on SoFurry

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#61 of kingdom hearts

Once they came back to land in Port Royal tsume was sad that Jake was taking this a bit extreme but she had no time to worry about that and had to complete this Mission first, they were running around looking for Jack they ran into him being chased by the undead zombie Pirate

"Jack!" Sora I called out to him

"Zola! Some assistance"

"That's Sora ,Donald , Goofy ,red and tsume"

"Will you leave a pirate to perish"

"Aye aye" sora said in an annoyed as we all jumped in to help him to defeat the dead Pirates after that was done Jack told us that someone must have stolen the treasure and got greedy and then Elizabeth came telling us that there's something strange going on and that well has been away for far too long and she wanted us to go help him so we agreed to help her and of course Jack being the jackass that he is wanting a woman to go save the guy I wanted to bash him over the head with my keyblade but I was enough for kicks and jokes not after what the fight happened between me and Jake. We got on the ship and sail to Island de muerta

"And of course just for my selling there we get attacked by heartless"

"Interceptor off the starboard bow!"

Goofy shout it pointing ahead as we all came over to see what the hell he was talking about we see another ship with Will on it unconscious we got onto the ship to see if Will was alright and was told that someone took the stone Medallion in the chest and that he was a test only for him to know that the guy was crowded in the black hood we realized it was organization 13 as well told us that they sent terrible creatures after them Jack wanted to return back home not wanting any part of this

"Don't remember inviting you" Jack said staring at the guy in a black cloak as we both pulled out our weapons

"so it was the organization, will handle this! Sora said as me and red got into fighting stand ready to take him on"

"The darkness of men's hearts drawn to these cursive medallions and this heartless A veritable maelstrom of avarice" the guy said summoning a big heartless

"I wonder, are they were they to serve organization 13 question"

"and you want an answer now?"

"Precisely! " He said as he disappeared I scoff as I I couldn't believe we have to take on another freaking Giant heartless they just kept pissing me off.

Skip battle scene)

"Oh boy!" Donald shouted with happiness as we've defeated the giant heartless

"It's not over yet" sora I said turning to the guy in the black coat

"It's never over "tsume wine as the guy took off his hoodie revealing a man with platinum blonde hair that is very short worn in a Caesar cut and he has electricity blue eyes he is one of the members of the organization to have a beard or mustache his being a guilty and the same blond color of his hair

"I could have sworn we kicked his ass" she said to myself in my head

"Throw him overboard" Jack said

"I really wish you would stop barking orders" tsume said

"parly!" The organization guy shouted it out making everyone confused

"It's a bit of a pirate's code anyone who invokes parley must not be harmed till negotiations are complete" Jack said explaining to us

"This is no time for rules" sora I said

"I know we're here to kick butt and take names" tsume said

"and chew gum" red added

"But then we run out of gum on the way here?"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that"

"True but as we're honorable Pirates we should always stick to the code. alright, you, out with it!" jack said demanding

"I Surrender the chest with my humblest apology"

"lies! "

"tsume sh!"

"rather accommodating of you mate. And for that you want?"

"Just a few souvenirs For The Memories" The man said confusing Jack as then he tossed up into the air a couple of coins as heartless appeared

"Are you kidding me we could have kicked ass and took names!"

"Oh no we can't stop the curse unless we have all the medallions "Goofy said

"Our friends about to learn what it means to cross a pirate"

Jackson angrily as then a big heartless erupted from the sea making tsume curse under her breath as this was not the way to fight, after we kick ass and take names with the giant heartless it was time to kick that bastard's butt but only to be tricked and thrown onto another ship then have it explode but we were saved by Jack and saw something creepy about him that he was nothing but skin and bones. Goofy came to the conclusion of us being harmed by it was because we're not from this world and only the ones that become dead is Jack

"I really wish I could have came on this Mission this is getting annoying" tsume sad

"Don't worry I'm pretty sure he'll fess up to his crimes and come join us soon"

"And how do you expect that he doesn't even know how to find it"

"I'm pretty sure he'll find us and even if he doesn't show up it will just be a you and me Adventure" red said giving tsume the thumbs up, later we ran into a cave and had to kick 4 nobody's butts because they're the ones that stole the freaking medallions but the only problem was once again we didn't know where the hell the chest was and we only could picture that the guy took it . Even after returning all of gold medals Jack was still skin and bones, sora thought if we defeated the giant heartless then everything will be A-OK. It was a half on half battle between that giant heartless swinging attack creating fire to demolish my ice attacks but easy for red to absorb and hit it harder with his fire attack.

"Hey it worked Jack was back to normal"

"All better"

"not for a while"

"It's never over" tsume cryed

"Sora Bravo" said the organization guy as he is or the heart from the defeated heartless then disappeared in a cloud of Blackness

"Just who was that champ?" Jack asked "he's part of an organization that collects hearts first they released the heartless in two different worlds we defeat the heartless then they get the heartless Hearts we're never going to stop them like this"

"sure we are we kick ass then take names" tsume said

" what's the plan then?" Jack asked

" we got to find their stronghold and finish them off once and for all" sora said

" sailing these Waters I've heard some Tales but not a one like that "

"red what do we do about jake?"

"forget it i''ll have a talk about him when we get back "

"Can I turn a pen and down and have your way with him again are you? "

"what, me do that, no of course not "red said with a nervous laugh

"I hate it when you lie to me you know that right"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" red said dropping to his knees

"Forget it just break the door down if you have to "

"Sweet ice cream pops let's go"