Part 13 - Afraid of Water

Story by RiyuuJinsei on SoFurry


#14 of Razor Fang

Part 13 - Afraid of Water

Soon after me and Silver broke the hug, the principal called Silver back into his office while Silver told everyone to go back to the class. I wondered what it could be and why the principal would call Silver back to his office while he had been fired. I suppose I'd figure that out pretty soon.


"You ... wanted to talk to me?" I asked.

"Yes, sit down Silver." the principal said.

I sat down on the nearest chair available and put my focus on what the principal was about to say.

"So ... what did you want to talk with me about?" I asked.

"Well ... Silver ... I've decided to give you one more chance." The principal started.

"Razor indeed had a point, you are one of the best teachers here and I don't want to lose you, so I will give you another chance."

"R ... Really?! Thank you! Very much." I said.

"On condition." he responded.

"Hm? What is the condition?" I asked tilting my head a little to the side.

"That you won't give FE today anymore but go swimming with the entire class." he said.

"haha, if that's the condition, I gladly accept." I responded with a smile.

I had my job back, and that's what counted, I didn't care if I had to go swimming or mountain climbing or anything, just as long as I could pay my bills and stuff, that's what mattered to me.


When after waiting for 20 minutes or so, Silver came out of the principal's office and came back to us. Everyone was looking down and sad, cause we all thought that he was going to say goodbye.

"Well?" I started.

"This is goodbye, isn't it?"

"Please Silver, don't go." Anna said.

"Can I talk?" Silver suddenly said.

"Yeh ... sure." I said looking down.

"Pack your bags, go home and get your swimming stuff, we're going swimming." Silver said.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Everyone looked up and smiled, ran to him and hugged him. Silver is one of the greatest teachers we have, so ... we don't want to lose him.

"Wait ... swimming?" I asked looking a little surprised.

"Why are we going swimming? Let's just have some new fighting techniques."

"Nope, no can do ... the principal made me promise to go swimming with my classes today if I wanted my job back." he responded.

"Ow crap." I thought.

"Of all the things we could do ... it turns out to be ... swimming."

After Silver said to pack our bags, go home and take our swimming stuff ... I was looking down. I didn't want to go swimming, the thought alone made me feel a little scared. I got home from school and tossed my bag in a corner of my room, grabbed a swimming shorts, a towel and put it in another bag. I left home soon after and headed back to school.

"Bah ... swimming of all things." I sighed.

"Why can't it be something else? Like Basketball or something."

"Oh well, guess I'll have to put up with it for as long as it lasts."

When everyone had arrived at school again, Silver started counting us all and was checking if everyone was accounted for.

"Ok, looks like everyone's here." Silver said.

"Well let's get going then."

We all walked on to the swimming pool, and with every step we got closer to it ... the more scared I became. Everyone was talking about how fun it will be being in the swimming pool with the greatest teach of the entire world. But me ... I hated the thought of being in the swimming pool and being laughed at ... for something I can't do. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted with Anna patting me on the back.

"Hey, you alright Razor?" Anna asked.

"You look a little lost in thoughts."

"Um, yeh I'm fine." I said.

"Just ... thinking."

"Hey, you're not ... scared are you?" Anna asked.

I was stunned with that question and hesitating, whether to respond honestly or lie about it. I couldn't figure out what to say.

"Huh? Me? Scared? Haha, don't be silly." I lied.

"I'm ... not scared, like I said ... I'm just ... thinking."

"If you say so." Anna responded.

After a little more walking we arrived at the swimming pool where I stood at the entrance and was last to enter the building ... even though I was first in line at the beginning.

"Here goes nothing." I thought.

I entered the building looking down as to hide my fear. The fear ... of water.

Silver counted everyone once more and saw everyone was here and spotted me at the back of the line now. I saw him look at me, and then look at Anna. He was saying something, but as I was so far away from them, I didn't hear it. Anna then walked up to me and stood next to me in line.

"Hey you're acting kinda funny Razor, are you really one hundred per cent sure you're alright?" Anna asked me.

"Huh? Yea I'm one thousand per cent sure I'm alright." I said faking a smile.

"Well, if there's anything bothering you at all, just let me or anyone know ok?" she asked.

"Yea ok, sure ... I will." I responded.

Everyone went into a changing room to get dressed for swimming. Me? I was taking it slowly ... very slowly. I couldn't stand the thought of being seen in a swimming pool without swimming. I was scared that anyone would find out. And now ... everyone will.

I finally got out of my changing room and put my clothes in a locker, headed to the swimming pool and watched everyone jump in the pool with a smile on their face.

"If only I could do the same." I thought.

"But ... I can't. I ... can't swim ... so why would I bother."

I went to the wall and stood there ... watching everyone have fun, splashing the water on each other and putting up competitions like who can dive deepest. Silver then came up to me and kind of startled me.

"Hey Razor, why aren't you in the pool yet?" Silver asked me putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Whoa!" I yelled.

"You startled me teach!"

I looked at him with wide eyes now, nobody had ever seen Silver without his shirt, and now ... he was. His body was all muscular and even through his fur, you could see the muscles. I stood there staring at him blankly.

"You alright Razor?" He asked.

"You're ... muscular ... and tough looking." I said eyes wide open.

"Hahaha! Oh ... that. Um ... ignore my body Razor, now back to my question, why aren't you in the pool yet?" he asked again.

"Um ... I ... um ... don't feel so well." I said looking at him.

"Not feeling so well eh?" he said looking at me his eyes half closed.

"Now tell me ... why I don't believe that Razor."

"Um ... cause I was fine in school." I said.

"Yea, you were just fine in school, so you can't be sick by entering the swimming pool." he replied.

"Alright ... I get it teach ..." I sighed.

"I just don't feel like swimming I guess. I wanted to do something more fun ... like learn a new technique or something." I said.

"Well sorry to disappoint you on that Razor, but right now ... swimming time. Come on ... jump in." he said pushing me to the edge of the pool.

I tried keep my balance and push myself backwards which I did and managed to get back to the wall by running underneath his arms.

"Don't get me that close!" I yelled shivering.

That made everyone look at me ... and I couldn't stop shaking.

"What's the matter Razor?" Anna asked.

"Tell me the truth ... you're afraid aren't you?"

"I ... I'm not!" I denied.

"I just don't want to swim!" I lied.

"Really?" Silver said sarcastically.

"Jump in Razor ... I dare you."

I didn't know what to do ... I just lowered my head and looked sad.

"Fine ..." I suddenly said.

"I can't ... swim. ... Happy now?"

Anna, Elize and Silver looked at me with sad eyes and thought of a way to cheer me up.

"Hey Razor, it's not that bad, we'll just have to teach you ... that's all. Besides ... swimming's not that scary or hard at all." Anna said.

"Agreed, we'll just teach you from the very beginning, then you'll swim in no time." Silver said.

I looked up at them and hoped they were right, yet ... I still didn't dare to jump in the water.

"I ... can't. I don't ... have the guts to jump in the water." I said.

"Well that can be helped." Silver said smiling, walking over to me and started pulling my arms real hard.

"Ouch! That hurts Silver!" I yelled.

"Let go!"

With a quick spin, he pulled me in front of him and pushed me into the water. I gasped as I rose from the water.

"How does it feel Razor? Doesn't this feel nice?" Anna asked smiling.

All I could think of was to get out of the water as soon as possible. I knew that wouldn't be possible as Anna and Elize were blocking my way. Silver then jumped in the water too and came to me. I was shaking like mad and couldn't do anything. I was hoping my fear for water would vanish today.