Living a new Life
**Part 3 - Living a new life** **_Nightmare_** "_I'm home mom, dad!" I yelled._ "_Mom? Dad? Are you home?"_ _I looked around to find the house completely empty, and what was worse was the dark coldness._ "_Mom! Dad! Where...
Searching for a new Home
**Part 2 : searching for a new home** The time that I lived with my parents ... it seemed so short, like I have only been with them for a week. I tried to stay in our house for as long as I could, gathering all my belongings and...
**Part 1: Hurt** Class is about to end, and I don't exactly want it to end ... not now at least. I have this bad feeling again that something is going to happen again on my way home. And I'll just have to be there again when it...
Prologue - Feelings to the End
**Prologue - Feelings to the End** It's raining again ... I hate the rain ... it never means anything good, something bad is bound to happen again today. I just hope I'm wrong this time. People call me weird, because I somehow most of...
part 4 - First day of school: 'Disaster'
**Part 4 - First day of school: 'Disaster'** As I wandered through the passageways, I looked around to try and memorize where which classroom is. "Bah, these hallways are too big." I thought. "It'll be troublesome to memorize where...
Part 5 - Resemblance
**Part 5: Resemblance** Anna came back into the class, the huge sword nowhere to be found and she didn't even have a scratch. "Sorry about that teach." she said. "Don't worry about it. We're all counting on you to get the...
Part 6 - Fighting Education Starts
**Part 6 - Fighting Education Starts** **_Silver_** "Alright everyone, get your weapons ready so we can get started." I said. Looking around I saw everyone getting ready except one, Razor. "Hm, that's right,...
Part 7 - Troublesome Day
**Part 7 - Troublesome Day** "Mom! I'm home!" I yelled out expecting an answer "Are you home? Hm I guess not." I walked towards the kitchen where she would be everytime I get home from school, but strangely enough she wasn't...
Part 8 - Spending a day with Silver
**Part 8 - Spending a day with Silver** Saturday, the day I like most of the week. It's also the day that finally ... the fair is in town! "Aw mom, can we go to the fair? Please?! It's been so long since I've been there." I...
Part 9 - Morning Love Disturbed
**Part 9 - Morning Love Disturbed** Sunday morning 9 am it's silent and nothing is moving, or makes a sound. Right now, I'm the only one awake, mom and Silver still happily sleeping together, so I decided to let them sleep on and that...
Part 10 - Everlasting Friendship
**Part 10 - Everlasting Friendship** I was looking at Silver when he told me he wanted to know me, he was ... really important to me. I treated him like the father I wanted, and hopefully one day would have. I wished, with all my...
Part 11 - Unexpected Happenings
**Part 11 - Unexpected Happenings** Early morning 8:15 am, everyone's awake but only one person wasn't ... namely me. I should've woken up by now, but I'm still asleep and my mom and Silver were getting ready. Mom had to go to work in...