The Husky's Dilemna

Story by Kiah Z on SoFurry

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#2 of Poems

Wrote this randomly today... I'm finding poems are a bit like doodling for me...

This is a poem about a husky getting his life together.

(Cover and thumbnail credit: Kenket)

The Husky's Dilemma

The television blared loudly,

The only interruption was the sound of ice,

Clinking in a glass of whiskey.

The husky grasped the drink

In one paw he held the liquor,

In the other the television remote.

He was not watching the TV,

Intently as he usually did,

His blue eyes instead fixed on his drink.

His black ears barely taking in,

The noise of the television program,

He didn't even know what he was watching.

The dog took a sip of his drink,

Letting the burning sensation on his throat linger,

But only for a moment

He yawned,

Leaning back in his chair,

His seat protested under his weight.

"It's exhausting." the husky thought.

"To do the same damn routine,"

"Every day"

Get home, whiskey, TV

Get home, whiskey, TV

Get home, whiskey, TV

Sometimes if the canine was feeling bold,

He'd do his routine out of order,

Just to shake things up a bit.

The blue-eyed dog wanted more than his apartment,

He wanted to come home to someone,

Someone who loved him.

He longed for more than whiskey,

Maybe a home cooked meal, followed by a kiss,

Then maybe something more after that.

The canine's tail,

Black and white,

Sagged on his seat.

He didn't want TV as his companion,

He wanted a real person he could be with,

A real person he could love.

The husky took a long sip of his drink,

He finished the last of it with a successful gulp,

His throat burned.

He gazed around at the mess,

"This is what I call home?" he asked himself.

"Time to clean up." He thought.

The chair groaned,

As the husky got up,

Setting his empty glass and remote next to a pile of laundry.

He started the long, agonizing process of cleaning,

With each item he picked up,

He felt his confidence soar a little higher.

Each clink of glass became a song,

And he listened to the beat,

He was dancing with the prettiest girl.

A few hours later,

His home was the home of someone else entirely,

He knew he had a chance.

He washed up,

After brushing his fur,

He stepped out a new man.

He put on his nicest clothes,

Then turned towards the front door.

"I can do this." He said to himself aloud.

He briefly turned around,

His eyes focused,

On the unfinished bottle of whiskey he had bought yesterday.

It would be so easy to avoid all the pain,

All the commitment of a relationship,

With just a few more drinks.

The husky hesitated,

His white paw resting on the doorknob,

He thought hard.

With a swish of his tail and a smile,

He emerged outside his apartment.

He knew in his heart it was worth it.

"I will find someone."

"I will find someone."

"I will find someone."

-Kiah Z.


_Hiding:_ Up the stairs he went, bright, orange tail stiff and eyes alert, his hackles were raised, ready for anything. The floorboards creaked underneath the weight of his powerful paws as he walked deftly and quietly baring his claws,...

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The White Horizon: Chapter Three: Searching

We had been following the otter for some time now. The cave seemed to feel scarier as we ventured deeper inside it as if it might eat us whole. While Kiah held the torch and retraced his steps followed by the rest of the group, I began to fall behind....

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The White Horizon: Chapter Two: Scouting

As we enter the cave the the sound of the wind dies down and soon all we heard were each other's hushed breaths. The space around me slowly darkens until I can't see in front of myself at all. I could hear Kiah and Pan murmuring to one another over the...

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