STUCK I can't write this late. It's getting blurry... The alcohol? No, maybe I need a goodnight's rest. I get all my good ideas now, At 4:56 AM my eyelids get heavy, But my brain stirs, Its more active then its been all day. I can...
Two Nights Out
"How's the novel coming Delve?" The wolf twisted around in his mahogany chair to find his only friend, Fay standing behind him. Fay was a coyote with hazel eyes and a slim build. His tail was a light grey with a touch of tan mixed in, same as his fur....
Excerpt #1 from Finn's Diary
My flashlight is my only light as I write on into the darkness. Nick breaths slowly and silently next to me. I want to make him proud, give him one more reason to love me, even though I know he completely loves me anyway. I want to be more as his...
Scene from a forest
Scene from a forest The wind tore through the small forest, raging like a river, obliterating several withered old pines. The sinewy fibers of the younger trees bent in the wind's direction, but did not fall. A squirrel frantically scampers against...
Before the White Horizon: The Dance
The Dance "Dance!" I yelled, exasperated. "Finn, I thought, you'd love-" I cut Nick off with a blue eyed glare. The red furred husky looked at me with disdain. I looked back at him with both my paws on my hips. We were standing at the entrance to...
Married Life
Married Life I long to wake up by your side, Our bodies against one another, Tails moving lightly as we wake up in sync. I'd kiss the back of your head when I wake up, You'd turn and our eyes would connect, And we'd kiss again. Before...
The Other Place
The Other Place Its an interesting smell, a dentist's office, I am half-awake, aware of what going on around me, but oblivious to any pain. I weakly try to move, knowing all too well that the anesthesia has done its work, even my red tail...
Heartwarming My heart warms when I'm with you We are so perfect together, Still they don't want me with you When our gentle love grew Nobody knew then that My heart warms when I'm with you I know that we can push through Through every...
On One Knee (A poem for Nick by Finn)
When I'm with him I feel like I'm flying, Nothing can stop me and I'm invincible, Nobody can keep us apart, Despite all the negative voices that I am forced to hear, I'll always love my husky. They call us sinners and faggots, I think it's...
Dreams (A poem for Finn by Nick)
He's my perfect guy, his green eyes, are like emeralds, as they look into mine. Our kisses are like lightning, when his lips cling to mine, I fall in love with him all over again, I think he does too. When I tenderly wrap my paws in his, he...
Painkiller It's shiny and brand new, clasped in my paw My bottle of extra strength painkiller, Acetaminophen 500mg to be exact. Before I can think twice I've already taken two, I'm sitting in my Chevy Cruze, Waiting for the effects to...
Alone He was in the middle of a storm. His howls could do nothing against the raging wind. His belly was bleeding. The snow that brushed against his wounds seemed to boil at contact. He often rolled over in pain. The wind pushed the snow against...