SFMG:2 - Chris

Story by Ephemeral_Dreams on SoFurry

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#2 of SFMG

STFG: 2 Tony was dreaming....he felt as if he was floating on air.... Feeling someone caress his furry cheeks, crusted with blood.... Blood from....his father.....A sudden image of an enraged wolf, raising a paw.... Grant was curling a dumbbell when he heard a scream right behind him, then he dropped it with a crash, cracking the floorboard. "AHHHHH!!NOOOO" Tony had whipped up, bloodshot eyes, his paws covering in front of him......to block.....nothing? Tony looked about the room, confused; this wasn't his room, or any other room he'd seen so far. The room was simple, with blue-themed wallpaper and an overhead lamp, a desk with few books, and a dresser. What drew his eyes most though, ((besides the hulking figure stepping through the doorframe)) were the drawings on the walls: they were beautiful, colored with paint.....pencils......anything imaginable: there was even a sculpture made with Coke cans. The husky was staring open-mawed, when a sweaty Grant came barging into the room, eyes wide and panting. "W..what? who? Oh....you're ok........" The flamedramon sighed, looking at the husky, then the walls of his room. "y...you...made these?" Tony gestured at some of the drawings on the wall. "uhh....well.....yeah...I do that when I'm bored..." The big Flamedramon smiled bashfully, scratching behind his pointy ears. "You're really good....ooo.....what's that?" Husky pointed a paw at another drawing: a draconic looking figure sitting with a lonely gaze into a pond, while a clouded figure stoo behind him. "I.....I was thinking about my.....brother and I ..drew it" Grant sat, on the chair besides the bed, staring at the painting with remorseful eyes. "Your brother? I didn't know you had..." the husky began to question, when he was cut off "I KNOW! i...don't.......tell anyone...." His outburst decreased to a whisper, as he stared down, at his long tail. The husky gave a sharp whine...then tried to get up to hug the Football captain, but when he stood on his left leg, it shot a wave of pain that sent him falling. Grant easily plucked the husky with his tail, laying him back on the bed, giving a mumble. "Stay in bed...I'll....get you something." With that, he stood up, walking off to the kitchen "w...wait Grant........-sigh-" Tony sighed, staring at his bandaged paws and arms. Grant sighed as he leaned against the kitchen counter, closing his eyes as a few tears came to them, remembering his brother... Tony lying there, helpless and small, had recalled those memories... * * * The 5 foot 4 Flamedramon growled as he jabbed at a bull, who took it with a grunt and punched his nose with iron-like knuckles, making him fly back into even smaller husky, who whimpered and fell with his brother. "G...grant! Don't do this..." The husky sniffled and whispered. Grant only growled and charged again at the 14-year-old bully, who then kicked him in the stomach, and then in his ribs when he fell, making him cry out and cringe. The pain was so much...but he couldn't cry in front of his brother... He growled through his clenched jaw, and got on his paws and knees, only to be kicked again in his now-broken ribs, falling onto the dirt playground. "Ahhh!! ..n.ngh.....you...bastard..." Grant coughed and spat at the bull, who responded by stomping on his slim back, a faint crack, then darkness followed for the fallen digimon, who heard a cry of anguish from his little brother.....being held back by the others. A few hours later... Grant gasped and opend his eyes, grabbing at his chest, whimpering at the pain. He took a moment to look around... he was in his old room, with his teddy bear next to his maw, lying in the soft satin sheets....with his little brother, Chris, asleep in the chair next to him. He sighed and stared at the cute little husky, glad that he was unhurt...even though grant himself was. He laid there for a few hours, smiling to himself before he fell asleep again. A few more hours later... He opened his eyes slowly... it was dark...but why? He tried to look about, his ruby-brown eyes darting here and there, trying to see in the completely dark house. After failing that, he got up and started to walk out of his room, wincing at the sudden light from the kitchen. "M....mom? dad?" The small flamedarmon whispered into the light. After getting nor eply, he proceeded to the fridge, where he saw a note: ‘ Grant, we went to Chris's parent-teacher conference, and to get a few things for him, there is food in the fridge so stay put, you're hurt. And we'll talk about today later. ‘ - Dad Grant sighed again, opening the fridge to get some cold Pizza from the night before, shoving it in the microwave ....waiting a few minutes before he sat in the living room, watching their 40 inch plasma TV. ((His mom was a doctor, father a lawyer.)) He passed a few hours, taking Tylenol and playing a few video game when it became 10:00 PM: the conference was finished on 9:00. ‘wonder why they're late....' The flamedramon just shrugged it off, thinking they went shopping again. After even more few hours... He jumped on the couch, rattling the little table in front of it when he heard the knock at the door, groaning and walking lazily to it. "who is it?" "This is Officer Marone, Is this the Lashley residence?" A gruff voice, probably a dog, answered. "yes.......but..." "open the door please, I have something important to tell you." Grant shrugged and opened the front door, seeing a bulldog in the traditional blue-and-black cop uniform. "May I come in?" "My parents aren't home....but sure." Grant has always been brave, trying to be the perfect ‘aniki' for his Chris. The bulldog walked in, sighing as he kneeled down to stare at the boy, who couldn't be more than 12, in his eyes... "Are you Grant Lashley?" "yes...? Why?" "Your parents...were in a car accident...on the I-90. Nobody made it." Grant gave a gasp, growling at the bulldog. "n..no! you're lying!" Grant gave a cry, then fell to his knees, tears running down his maw, shaking it in denial.... "no son....they are. And via their request in their will, everything will be given to you...and you're free to live alone, but I will be watching over you from a distance. And....I'm sorry" The bulldog gave a gruff pat on the head to the crying Flamedramon, who curled on against the floor, sobbing his beautiful, innocent eyes out when the cop left, the door giving a thunk as it closed. ‘Chris.......Chris..........I'm sorry.......I couldn't protect you forever......I'll.....I'll beat them all....all of them...' The sobbing Flamedramon slowly shed his last tears....as he got up, and opened the door to the basement where his father had kept the workout machines. He walked down the cold cement steps...picking up a dumbbell.... He awkwardly curled it...panting.......but he wouldn't give up, not until he could beat all the bullies...anyone who harmed anyone else.....

  • * * The microwave beeped, signaling its completion of defrosting of a chicken.... Grant grunted once, shaking his head clear of the memories, and grabbed the chicken, starting to cut it up.... Sorry this one's short (not really...) Just have a lot on my plate, and i wanted to please some of my readers ^^; The struggle Chapter 12 coming up soon as well Thank you all for reading~~!