August 8: Secret Guitar Lesson
#28 of Morenatsu: My Summer Days in Minasato
Apologies for sudden lack of updates! Most of it is uploaded in FA but for now I'll get this up to the most recent.
Anyway, here's another scene from the VN. Not much has changed, though I did put a bit of something in there ;)
There was still enough time so I went for a little stroll, eventually making my way into the forest out of a craving for natural surroundings. I wanted to savor every bit of nature that I could get, since things like these would be a rarity by the time I return to the city. Even when I had already experienced many natural scenes since my arrival, I still couldn't get enough of them: the smell of the earth and grass, the blowing breeze, the rustling leaves, and the sounds of the cicadas. Though we were often warned not to play around the woods back then. But even that didn't stop me and Tora from playing in these parts anyway. Besides, Minasato was a village of beastmen. Spotting an animal roaming around won't exactly be a surprise to anyone.
Going further in, I heard sounds of a guitar coming from the distance. I followed the direction it was coming from and as it got louder, I got closer to the source of it: Kouya, seated and resting his back against a tall rock, playing some chords.
He turned to me. "Hiroyuki? What brings you out here?"
"Taking a walk of course," I said.
He gave me a confused look. "Walking in a forest? At four in the afternoon? Well you're lucky it's me here. But what if no one was here? Will anyone be there to help when you get hurt?"
I raised my hands in resignation. "Fine, fine. I'll be careful next time. But that's beside the point. Why are you also here?"
Kouya tapped on his guitar. "It should be obvious I'm practicing. Plus I like quiet places, so I came here. It clears my head and puts me in a good mood."
"Oh, I see. I'm not bothering you right now, am I?"
"It's okay," he said, shaking his head. "I was about to take a break anyway. Hey, if you got this much time, wanna listen to me play?"
"If you don't mind."
The husky smiled. "Just sit wherever."
Per his suggestion, I sat where I stood. After we got settled, Kouya started playing again. The melody he played filled the air, and its echoes went beyond the trees. I closed my eyes while listening and before I knew it, I was bobbing my head along to the song. The song slowly came to an end and, with the husky holding the final note, the tune faded out.
"That was amazing!" I said, clapping my hands.
Kouya blushed. "Thanks..."
"It's true! I can't even play a single instrument to save my life!"
"Well, it's all because I practice." Kouya winked and offered the guitar. "Want me to teach you how to play?"
"Oh, right. You promised to give me lessons back at the party. Alright then. I leave myself to your care."
I took the guitar and held it just like how he did. When he said the style suited me, I felt a little embarrassed and at the same time proud. His first lesson was on how to stroke the strings with my right thumb, me starting with the thickest string and going down to the last one in a single stroke.
"Pretty good. That ends the first lesson," Kouya said. "Though that method of playing isn't the best one, since the notes sound all weird."
Next up were chords, so he had me hold some strings down with my left hand, guiding me where. When I first struck a string, rather than an echoing note only a tense pluck could be heard.
"It's alright," he said. "No one gets it the first time."
"Can you show me how to do this one?"
And so, our lesson went on. Even though I made mistake after mistake, Kouya remained patient and I kept on trying. My fingers started to hurt, but at the same time I could hear myself improving. By the end of it, I could play some notes clearly with the occasional hiccup.
"Oho! You got better!" Kouya said.
"It's all because of your help. Really, thanks."
He smiled. "Give yourself some credit too. You kept on trying."
"But my fingers are hurting now." I handed the guitar back. "I guess that's enough for today."
"Was it fun?"
I nodded. "Are you gonna practice some more?"
"Just a bit more before I head back. Wanna keep on listening?"
"I've already gotten in the way, so I'm heading back. Besides, I still need to do something for tonight."
"I see. We have a live concert concert coming up. If you want, you can go watch me and the band. I'll be giving you guys tickets some time this month so don't forget."
"Right! I'll be there for sure. Just don't let Tora's shenanigans get to you, alright?"
Kouya chuckled. "When I'm on stage, Even Tora won't faze me. Have a safe trip back."
"Good luck with your practice!" I waved the husky goodbye, making my way back into town. It would be my first time to see a live band perform, so I wouldn't let the opportunity pass and made myself a reminder on my phone. Realizing that it was already 5:30 PM, I rushed back home and headed straight to the attic, looking for something that I could consider "nostalgic" for the sleepover.