Canines' Autumn Ch. 7: Two-Player

Sitting on the side of the ring, Kouya was watching Juuichi and Ten bow to each other in the center, the two finished with today's training. Juuichi waved at the wolf as he went first to the changing room. Ten on the other hand went and sat to Kouya's...

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Canines' Autumn Ch. 6: Visitation

The morning sunlight went through the windows of Kouya's apartment that Saturday, brightening the whole place up. Inside, there were clothes scattered around the living room floor and old magazines stacked without order by the side of the couch. The...

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Summer Holiday with Rai and Kuro

For a student, nothing could come close to that feeling of freedom from schoolwork during the summer break. Some would spend it being idle at their homes, others with relatives from faraway places. The more outgoing bunch would spend it roaming around...

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Canines' Autumn Ch. 5: Shun's Day

I stood in front of our doorstep as the wind blew all around the streets. Brr! My scarf and jacket were already on, but the cold could still pass through. Guess it's just a few more months before winter would come, then Hiroyuki-san could play with me...

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Canines' Autumn Ch. 4: Birthday

One late Saturday morning, Kouya and Shun were inside the Kazenari dojo watching Ten and Juuichi have a practice match. Seeing the bear perform an inner reap and the wolf countering with a shoulder throw, Shun marvelled at the two fighters and...

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Canines' Autumn Ch. 2: Band Practice

Many days had passed since Kouya and Ten had that match in the Kazenari dojo, the two becoming acquainted with each other after that. Since then, the husky has been making regular visits to the place on his way to work, watching Ten and Juuichi have...

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Canines' Autumn Ch. 1: Showdown

The summer when Hiroyuki came had long passed and life went on for everyone back at Minasato. Now, gray skies covered the village as the winds carried the scent of fallen leaves, ushering the coming of autumn. Going to the shopping arcade, the people...

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Canines' Autumn Ch. 3: Under the Moonlight

That midnight, the full moon illuminated the village of Minasato a bright blue as it stood in the middle of the starless sky. In the silence of the streets the blowing of the cool autumn breeze could be heard and, approaching the river, the transparent...

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August 7: The Lone Cherry Tree that Blooms at Night

It was already evening yet in my room, I was still basking in the post-beach trip afterglow. Since it was only seven o'clock and I couldn't sleep, I decided to take a stroll around town to pass the time. And like a typical bar at night, Raimon from...


August 7 - Let’s go to the Beach! - Third Part

Normally dessert would come after a meal, but in our case we had ours early care of the watermelon-splitting contest. For our lunch, Torahiko took change and got out everything that he brought: ready-to-cook yakitori in a plastic container, portable...


August 7 - Let’s go to the Beach! - Second Part

The rest of them fiddled with their bags while I walked closer to the water, wanting to admire the scenery a little more. Sure, it was another hot sunny day, but somehow looking at the glimmering water made me feel a bit cooler. A talk show on TV once...


August 7: Let’s go to the Beach! - First Part

I had set my alarm clock to 6:00 AM last night, but this morning I woke up at 5:53 AM. It wasn't the first time I got up early whenever we had a trip planned. The other was one time in third grade when we had a field trip to a candy factory, me waking...
