August 1: My Return to Minasato

Story by KanedaGoro on SoFurry

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#1 of Morenatsu: My Summer Days in Minasato

With FA down at the moment, I decided to upload these stories here. Following Morenatsu's halt in development, I decided to try my hand at making a novel of it, using what routes already out, some established backstories, some theories, and some of my own content.

Here, everything begins.

Two hours had passed since I got on this bus, yet my excitement to go back to the village still hadn't died down. Looking out the window, I couldn't help but smile at the view of green valley plains, bushy trees, and the vast sea close to the horizon; a sight lost to me for five years since moving to the city. It was a shame that I couldn't open the windows because of the air conditioning. The fresh air outside would be definitely better than the frigid strawberry-scented one circulating in here. Just then, the driver made an announcement.

"Next stop, Minasato. Expected arrival is in one hour."

Ah, Minasato, the village of my birth and childhood. Only yesterday was I reminded of it. Summer break just started for us that day, and while others would go out with their friends and do stuff like camping out or going to a beach, I always spent it bumming around at home. Ever since my first arrival, I found it hard to relate to the city kids, most of them giving me the cold shoulder when I wanted to talk. Despite that, I still treated them with some respect. At least, enough to make me survive the school days without any enemies, or friends for that matter. Since I didn't have any hobbies, my time at home was spent either in front of the television or at the computer screen.

That afternoon, I was in my room thinking of what to write for my first summer journal entry. Year after year, I had to make my mundane summer seem like an interesting one on paper, putting my own subjective opinions and "insights" as padding. Well, it was enough to convince my teachers to give me a passing grade, so I had no problem with it. But that moment, I had a bit of a writer's block. Frustrated at the blank page, I rummaged on the shelves for something that might give me inspiration and while doing so, I heard something fall on the floor.

It was a wooden top, the wood darkening with age and the tip showing signs of erosion. As I looked at it, my memories of childhood with my friends resurfaced, each one passing by like I was rapidly flickering through a photo album. We played in the river, climbed trees, and even played pranks on unsuspecting grown-ups, which got us into a lot of trouble. And then came the most tear-jerking moment of my childhood: me about to leave Minasato because Dad got transferred to the city.

For twelve years since I was born, the village became my home. And I was about to leave it that day. When I heard the news from my parents a week before, I had a tantrum and refused to talk with them for a while. After Botan-sensei made the announcement in class, me and my friends all had a meeting during break time which ended up with all of us breaking into tears. It got even more saddening for all of us on the day itself. But, before I parted with them, I wiped the tears off and made my bold declaration.

"I'll definitely come back! That's a promise!"

With the old top still in my hand as those words echoed in my head, I felt my chest ache as a feeling of remorse took over me, my hands trembling as it clutched the top tight.. Why? Why did I forget? How could I forget? These thoughts played over and over as I fell to my knees in tears, apologizing to people who weren't even there. It was too late, I thought. Five years was a long time and I was sure that they would have forgotten about me by now.

And then Mom knocked on my door, telling me that I received a letter from Torahiko.

The entire thing felt like some crazy joke played by fate. Whether it was a series of chances colliding or contrived by some supreme being, I did not care. What mattered that moment was me facing what I had neglected for so long a time. In a rush, I put the top on my table and fixed myself before going out of the room, taking the letter from Mom. After thanking her, I opened it without hesitation and unfolded the piece of paper that was in it. The message read:

"Hey, how are you doing? I'm the same as usual. Everybody really wants to see you. Come and visit once in a while. I'll be waiting."

The handwriting was crappy but sure enough, it was Torahiko's. Overjoyed with the letter, I burst into laughter which made Mom question my sanity. I brushed it off and immediately asked her if I could go to Minasato for the summer. She was puzzled at first, but after consulting with Dad over the phone, I got their permission. Then again, this was the first summer in years that I was excited over something so it was a great change of pace for all of us. Everything that I needed for the entire month, I packed: clothes, toiletries, emergency medicine, and all of my summer homework.

With things set, all that was left was to call Tora. Luckily, Mom still had the phone number of the Ooshima Inn. As I dialled the number and waited for the other line to pick up, my palms started to sweat out of nervousness. Even if the phone was ringing on the other side, we had no way to be sure if the number still did belong to the inn. Imagine my surprise though when the other line picked up.

"Ooshima Inn. How may I help you?" the other person said.

"Uh, yes. May I speak to Torahiko? This is Nishimura here."

"Eh? Hold on... Hiroyuki?"

"Wait, this voice... is that you, Tora?"

"You bet your ass it is! It's been a while, huh?"

"Hehe. Sure is..."

"Did you receive the letter I sent?"

"Yeah. And you should work on your handwriting, you little crybaby."

"Hey! I ain't no little crybaby anymore! Come and see it for yourself!"

"Exactly why I called. I'll be coming to Minasato tomorrow. Expect me to be at the bus station around noon."

"Really? That's great! Guess that means I should start planning tonight."

"Planning? For what?"

"Your homecoming party."

"E-Eh? But there's no need to-"

"No buts! We've been waiting for you for five years, and you're getting one hell of a homecoming."

I paused. "You all... really waited for me?"

"Well, yeah. You weren't one to break a promise, right?"

"But it's been five years..."

"And we'll wait five more if we have to. Hiroyuki, with a strong bond like ours, what's a century?"

"Even if the reason I remembered you guys was because of an old top?"

"Hey, you still remembered right? To be honest, that letter I sent was supposed to be a reminder for you."

I broke out into laughter. "This is so like you, Tora. So much for that 'what's a century' thing."

"... Shut up."

"Anyway, it's nice to hear from you again after a long time, Tora."

"You too, Hiroyuki. See you tomorrow then."

"Yeah. See you."

And with that, we both hung up.

Even though Tora said all that, I still couldn't shake off that feeling of remorse I had. Would they really miss me that much? Or would my sudden appearance just become a nuisance to them? I had no more time to think about it as the bus had already stopped, the conductor announcing that we have arrived at Minasato. Gathering my things and getting off, I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what summer had in store for me.

August 2: Tatsu-nii and Torahiko

After heading home to change, I made my way to the Midoriyas to pay Tatsu-nii a visit. Arriving there, it seemed like the place didn't change much. It had the look of a traditional Japanese home, complete with a small koi pond and garden. But there was...


August 2: River Splashes

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Canines' Autumn Ch. 8: Music in the Forest

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