A Dance with Thieves: A New Direction

Sneaking over to another window, serthal took a look inside to see the guardian taking out a small group of thugs. she was a graceful fighting machine.

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Kane and Kuro in Golden Fist

Kane then took cover behind the wall as the thug carrying a shotgun came into view. he then fired a shot and missed. of course, that missed shot echoed off the walls and invited a counterattack.


Rise of the Alters: Chapter 3

One of the thugs, a careless ape, nearly fell off the decayed crumbling ledge, but he managed to hold on. wolf glared at the simian for his stupidity. the others continued their search.

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Rise of an order: Guardian of humanity

The guardians of humanity started out as a rebel faction, and they dont socialite with criminals and thugs. the order was founded by grawn castillo when she was 17 years old. grawn castillo in the middle with a uzi smg, and this is her story.

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Adair's new start-The beginning

He also said that he left back to his real home about a month ago and just reached today (or was it yesterday) to find me being whooped by the thugs.

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Pandemic-Day 36 11:43 AM 12/31/2022-Chapter 6-Route Change

The one we were one would have taken us into scranton pennsylvania and due to the possibility that there may be masses of thugs or even lone thugs with gang style land claims, i decided to avoid the possibility altogether and ignore the city entirely.

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#2 of odds, ends, and april 1st's sacred fire lit up the night, as another gang of thugs were driven off for fear of burning to death. they would have to take him by surprise to stand a chance of capturing him.

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Infection 4

Even his best they were still just thugs. which he did, he chose his best a twenty year old that used to be in ultimate fighting. an hour later there we were with the same knife.

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“Wabbajack The Cat” A Story inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion

One day as the mud-scales was once again looking for ingredients for the mage's guild, three nord thugs ambushed him and were set to kill him for shear cruel sport.

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 7)

"so what," varg said, ignoring the comment, "you told a couple thugs what to do; what does that have to do with strategy?"

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WC/LofW C1

Near-by wall) cut scene- as tank is pulled from the wall and he and his minions run away, a crowd has drawn and once again many are a bit freaked out by how strong i am , i feel uneasy, thinking i may be kicked out again, but everyone seems more glad that the thugs

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Remie and Shadow Chapter 1

I looked around to see a bull, looking menacing, standing there with his thugs at his command. this was the school bully, billy, with his cronies vincent and james, who never leave his side.

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