Ch. 4 A Ruined World
And that means, wolf, leon, lucy, lola, slippy and danny. ok, you heard peppy. we will be leaving in just a few hours. everyone in my group, pack some rations, water, weapons, and other personal things."
Star Fox: Ascension #06 PACIFICATION
It was slippy asking nervously. "my source is reliable and is currently hiding amongst their troops. she's one of the researchers that went missing.
DragonZ Chapter 7 --End of Act 1--
I looked back up to see fox mccloud, falco lombardi, slippy toad, peppy hare, sasha mchardy, gun bunny, kelsey sillian, wolfgang rasputin, and kiddo garrus looking at me, with smiles of appreciation. "adrian.
Star Fox: The Unexpected Mission, Chapter 8: Tales of the Reptile ones.
slippy would love to meet you." fox smirked, before he hopped into his own arwing. "testing communicators." "test complete. i hear you loud and clear fox. ready to begin, operation pirate raid." kei replied through his communicator.
Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby 3 - The Blacksmith and the Metal
Fox and falco stood at the large door with krystal, slippy, rouge and renamon in the background, all armed with weapons. "breach charges it" a large blast was enough to cave the door in and take it off it's hinges.
Blood Moon
Fox lifts his communicator and speaks," slippy, ready the landing deck. i'm coming back to the ship." he put his communicator away and runs back into the woods.
DragonZ Chapter 18
That night, selina moved the soul calibur over the city and turned on the 5; 30x40 size speakers and subs that slippy installed and turned on search lights for ambiance.
Space Mercinaries ch. 2 Alone
Falco, slippy, peppy, and r.o.b. krystal pushed the thruster lever forward as far as it would go and she shot out of the hanger.
Chapter 3: First Day Part 1
This is falco lombardi, slippy toad, bill grey, fay spaniel, fara phoenix, miyu lynx, and katt monroe." "should really be thinking about making a pamphlet, fox." falco said sarcastically. fox just glared at him but ignored it.
slippy exclaimed in surprise before clasping his hands over his mouth. wolf almost lashed out but calmed himself down. his brother was nearby and he didn't want to get in trouble. "yes, surprisingly enough, i have a family." he barked sarcastically.
Krystal and Chase: Opinions
She missed fox's warm affection for her, slippy's odd habits, and even falco's attitude. but she knew she wouldn't be able to go back to them.
Krystal and Chase: Iron Sight P3
"a simple spoofing trick slippy taught me." krystal muttered, focused on the task at hand, "basically, i want to trick it's systems into thinking we have the clearance to disable it.