
_think of it this way--if you pass on, and leave your shell and still exist, is there any need for this divide--_ "think of it this way. you only need a face to wear on top of your soul."


Part one- The woman

With the shell casing in hand darkside started to walk down the street. "wait," it was that damn woman agian. "yes."


Interlude - Leadership

The anguished wail filled shells' awareness all of a sudden.

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Kaja's Backstory, Chapter 4

A nasty bitter soot coated the inside of the shell, and its strange acrid smell filled her nose. kaja spit on the floor to get rid of the taste and went back to working the metal flat.



Then a shell whistled overhead and exploded near the support trenches, showering the fighting anthros in mud and shrapnel.

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Opal's Story - Chapter 6

These legs are made for swimming, not running, and this shell is heavier than it looks.

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Treading down a Dangeruous Path

He pressed his nose against it, feeling the cool shell against his sensitive skin. it was smooth, not bumpy, but when he nuzzled the spotted side, it appears that the spots were raised.

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A red shell fell lightly to the floor. i had no idea how many shells were left in the gun, but assumed it was kept fully loaded. i hadn't seen any other shell's around, so i figured, based on the module, there were at least 4 shots left...

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 8

"drink," commanded the vaporeon nurse, putting a shell filled with some liquid in front of dark growlithe. "what's this?" "it will help your wound heal and replace your lost blood.

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Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 1

She stroked his shell and smiled. "hey, bud. at least you're loyal. i don't care if it was fluttershy who gave you to me. you never wavered from me, so i won't abandon or betray you."

I Am God

Their friendships crumbled as their society did, and now they're nothing more than feral beasts, shells of people, _empty fucking shells_. as empty as my shotgun shells after i kill one. sons of bitches. that's what i call them. just sons of bitches.

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The Emu Armada's Invasion

Yet it was too late, a great explosion signalling that they weren't the first to fire at all, adn that was enough to make the crew panic, sending off a few shells at the targetted offender, the feed being cut as the fleet mobilized in a shell position, covering
